Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 886 No need to come to me, come to you first

Opening the bag, the priceless jewelry inside blinded Luo Xiaoman!

As if he suddenly realized something, Luo Xiaoman turned to look at the window and shouted nervously: "Who?!"

Chen Xin'an looked over, and there was nothing outside the window.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Xiao Zhang and shouted in surprise: "Old Xiao, are you awake?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the bed next to him, and then slapped him on the head.

He cursed angrily: "Take it out for me!"

Luo Xiaoman still wanted to pretend to be stupid, but when he saw Chen Xin'an's knife-like eyes, he shrank his neck and took out a few rubies from his pocket angrily.

"More!" Chen Xin'an stared at him with a straight face.

Luo Xiaoman had no choice but to open his sleeves, and three more gems rolled out of his sleeves.

Seeing Chen Xin'an still glaring at him, Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth with a sad face and spat out two diamonds.

Chen Xin'an put all the gems back into the bag, and then said to him with a dark face:

“Do you know how these things get through customs?

Generally speaking, there are pearls hidden in the body.

Do you know what it means?

Just wrap it up in some thin plastic cloth, then insert it into the body and take it out.

After leaving the country, pull him out again..."

"Ugh!" Luo Xiaoman jumped out of bed, ran into the bathroom, and lay on the toilet retching.

Wu Yan came back, but Grasshopper was at the door but did not come in.

Seeing Luo Xiaoman in the bathroom, Wu Yan asked Chen Xin'an strangely: "What's wrong with him, Mr. Chen? Wasn't he fine just now?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "It's okay, that's it when you're pregnant!"

Wu Yan was stunned, and she knew from Chen Xin'an's face that he was joking, so she didn't dare to answer.

As soon as he saw the bag containing jewelry on the bed, his expression changed.

He forced himself to look away and said to Chen Xin'an: "The pharmacy will send the potion over in half an hour!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Luo Xiaoman wiped his mouth with a tissue, walked out of the bathroom, and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"You're so fucking pregnant! Why are you showing me this thing if you don't give it to me?"

Chen Xin'an took the bag and threw it in front of him.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he looked at him with confusion.

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "I can give it to you, but you can't steal it!

You have a lot of connections in Kyoto, find some people and sell all these things! "

Luo Xiaoman didn't react, he stood by the bed and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Sell it?

are you crazy?

These are all the things of the Mo family. If you sell them to it, the Mo family won’t fight you for it? "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly: "Aren't they already here?"

Luo Xiaoman was right!

The major alliance's leadership order has been issued, and the Mo family is actually fighting to the death with Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "These things are worth more than a billion!

If they are all sold, I will give you 20%.

The remaining 80% will be shared equally between Grasshopper and I! "

Luo Xiaoman quit and scolded Chen Xin'an with big eyes: "Why am I not even as good as a little kid?"

Chen Xin'an snatched the bag, took out her mobile phone, and said: "It's difficult to find someone to sell this thing?

If you don't want the 20%, I guess Mr. Junhao and Mr. Li won't refuse, right?

If he sells it, he should get more than your Luo family! "

"Peace of mind..." Luo Xiaoman hugged Chen Xin'an's arm, rolled his eyes at him, and said in a sweet and greasy voice:

"Damn it! I'm just talking about it! It's not like I won't do it!

Okay, don't be so petty!

At most, people will listen to whatever you say!

Getting angry at every turn, a sign of death! "

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the bed, stood up with a look of disgust, and said to Wu Yan:

"Sister-in-law, do you have any objections to my assignment?"

Wu Yan, who was shocked and speechless by the sudden wealth, shook her head vigorously.

She is not stupid, she knows that the money will definitely be hot to get.

Although the jewelry was discovered by Grasshopper, he also took it back from the tree hole.

But this is actually taking food from the mouth of this big tiger of the Mo family!

Therefore, it is certainly not their family that can resist the Mo family's counterattack.

But Chen Xin'an!

Now that he had secured strong support from the Luo family and given such an allocation, she certainly had no objections.

Chen Xin'an said to her: "I will give you a million spare when the time comes.

The remaining money will be used to buy a regular card for Grasshopper, and you will save it for him.

After he turned eighteen, this money became the start-up capital for his business.

Neither you nor Lao Xiao can use it in advance.

OK? "

Wu Yan took a step back, bowed respectfully to Chen Xin'an, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Chen is thinking of Grasshopper. On behalf of the whole family, I thank you!"

She knew that all Chen Xin'an did was predicated on her being able to reunite with Xiao Zhang.

Anyway, she also had this idea, so she stopped hiding it and simply agreed openly.

The potion for the medicated bath has been delivered. Chen Xin'an took off Xiao Zhang's clothes and carried him into the bathtub.

Looking at his eyes that were already moist before entering the water, I knew that he had heard what he just said.

Gently patting Xiao Zhang's shoulder, Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Take good care of yourself and don't think so much!

This time is a hardship and a test for you.

If you can get through it, your keel will open and close completely, and you will become a Kung Fu master in the future.

I have seen examples of people who started practicing Tai Chi at the age of 40 and became Tai Chi masters five years later.

The mystery of the keel, you experience it with your heart, and you will benefit endlessly in this life! "

Adjust the water temperature, put Xiao Zhang into the bathtub, and let his whole body be immersed in the medicine, leaving only his mouth and nose.

After helping Xiao Zhang with the medicine bath, Chen Xinan went to the wards of Meng Ye and Yue Zhihua for a walk.

Gongsun Feiyang and Xiangfang, the two guys, were lying on the accompanying bed next to them and slept soundly, and they didn't even eat lunch.

Knowing that they were really tired after tossing all night last night, Chen Xinan didn't disturb them.

Ordered a meal for them, and called to send it immediately when they woke up.

Chen Xinan gave acupuncture to Meng Ye and Lao Shu at the same time.

The two recovered well, everything was fine. All of this was within Chen Xinan's expectations.

This was also the most helpless thing for him, there was no surprise.

It also meant that even if these two were discharged from the hospital after recovering from their injuries, they would have to retire from the world.

He didn't care, but he was afraid that these two could not bear it themselves.

After doing acupuncture for the two, Chen Xinan returned to the obstetrics and gynecology ward, and Luo Qianxue had already come over.

Mu Yezhen was also there, having removed the gauze on Luo Qianxue's face and applying medicine to her.

Seeing Chen Xinan coming in, Mu Yezhen pointed his chin towards the bedside table and said to him:

"There are a few medicines on it, which are not available at the base!

No matter what you think of, help me get them together within a week.

Those medicines are very important, and how Miss Luo can recover depends on them!"

Luo Qianxue hurriedly said: "No need for Mr. Chen to look for them, I will find a way myself..."

Chen Xinan ignored her, just took a look at the pharmacy, nodded and said:

"Xiao Zhang still has a few medicines missing, I can find them together!

I will go back to Daxishan in a while! ”

Since these rare medicinal materials are not available on the market, we have no choice but to go to Daxishan to find them.

It’s a good opportunity to see how the master, the old man who wants to change his name to grandpa, and the old lady Huanshen are doing!

After Mu Yezhen finished applying the medicine, the food that Chen Xinan had ordered in advance was also delivered.

Everyone had dinner together.

Ning Xiruo quietly grabbed Chen Xinan’s hand and whispered: "Husband, are you going out again tonight?"

Chen Xinan did not hide it, nodded and said to her: "Aren’t they united to deal with me?

I wish so!

Give me a good reason to let me deal with them one by one, I can’t waste them!"

Chen Xinan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Kyoto family, here I come!

First stop, Zizhu Garden!

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