Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 887 I miss you guys, I came back to see you guys

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Zhi, who was sitting behind the desk, rubbed his brows.

Now I really understand Mr. Ning’s daily work pressure.

Even though I was familiar with these tasks when I was a secretary before.

But when you sit in this position, and when you don't reach this position, you have different views and ways of dealing with the same problem.

After looking at the time, Zhou Zhi left the office, took out his mobile phone and made a call:

"Third brother, let's go to the restaurant to have a meal together later and discuss something!"

The other side agreed and Zhou Zhi hung up the phone.

After thinking for a while, he dialed another number:

"Aunt Ru, please prepare a 1000ml special bottle and fill it with No. 015 original solution.

After Ning Xi comes back, send her to her grandma's house in Apartment No. 1.

Yes, the boss specifically told her to go and not be rude.

Okay, let Ning Xi not ask any more questions, just deliver the things. "

It was already time to get off work. Zhou Zhi packed up his things and walked out of the office.

I took the elevator down to the Zuixianlou restaurant on the fifth floor and found a seat by the window.

As soon as she sat down, Ning Ze came over, sat next to her invisibly, and said pretending to be angry:

"Xiao Zhou, you haven't come down to eat for a long time!

What's the matter, our Zuixian Tower is not to your taste or what?

Why don't Brother Ze personally take charge tonight and cook you some specialty side dishes? "

"You can pull her down!" Ning Ke took Liu Xiaoyun's hand and came over, pulled out the chair for his girlfriend, and said to his elder brother Ning Ze:

"With your cooking skills, I'm afraid Mr. Zhou will never come back after eating it once!"

Ning Ze kicked him unceremoniously and cursed: "Fuck you! Don't forget that I am a first-class chef!

Xiao Zhou has tasted my craft before.

Why do you think you don't like me now that you've changed from Xiao Zhou to President Zhou? "

This was a pun, which made Zhou Zhi a little embarrassed.


A big slap hit him on the head!

Ning Ze covered his head with an ouch and turned around, cursing:

"Who dares to hit me...Dad?

I wonder who has such strong hands!

As expected, you are getting stronger with age..."

Ning Changfeng scolded him with a dark face: "Who are you giving this to me here?

What do you mean, you still want to call me brother? "

Ning Ze shrank his neck and said with a smile: "How dare you! I..."

Ning Changfeng scolded angrily: "Go back and help the kitchen! Don't you know there's a wedding banquet tonight?"

Ning Ze said nothing and walked away dejectedly.

Ning Changfeng turned to Zhou Zhi and said, "I heard that Wu Yatou opened another branch in Kyoto?

Will she come back here?

Don't you care? "

"Dad!" Ning Ke smiled bitterly and said to him: "Isn't it a good thing that our Liangmao Group has expanded its business to Kyoto?

Besides, this is home!

You still don’t know about Fifth Sister’s temperament?

No matter how nice it is outside, she will come back!

I asked Mr. Zhou to come over and discuss who would be suitable to go there.

Fifth sister is unsure about paying attention now! "

Ning Changfeng snorted and said: "You can't pass anyone who passes by!

The decoration of the house is almost finished. You and Xiaoyun will get married as soon as possible in October.

Your mother is waiting to have her grandson!

Your eldest brother is hopeless, and now your mother is waiting for you two! "

Liu Xiaoyun blushed and said to Ning Changfeng: "Uncle, Ning Ke and I have already received the certificate, we are considered married!

Hosting a banquet is just a formality, don’t worry! "

"Can't you be in a hurry!" Ning Changfeng said angrily: "If it's really the same, you still call me uncle?"

Liu Xiaoyun blushed and dared not speak.

Indeed, without a formal ceremony, this thing really can’t be changed!

Knowing that they wanted to talk about something, Ning Changfeng did not stand in the way and said to the three of them:

"You guys sit down and I'll help you prepare some of your favorite dishes!"

"I want to eat uncle's sauced duck head!" Zhou Zhi looked like he was drooling.

Ning Changfeng pressed her forehead with his hand and lectured her with a straight face:

“I pack duck heads with sauce every day, why don’t you get tired of eating them!

Alas, if that bastard of mine wasn't good enough for you, I would have asked him to take you home and cook for you every day! "

This was not easy to say, so Zhou Zhi just laughed and said nothing.

She also knew that Ning Ze was interested in her, but she had no interest in that guy.

In fact, she feels that she is very harsh in choosing men now.

Naturally, Chen Xin'an will be regarded as the standard.

Ordinary men really look down upon her.

Ning Changfeng sighed, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Now he is satisfied with life.

If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live.

Since taking over Zuixianlou, his business has been getting better and better.

But the most distressing thing now is the marriage of the eldest son.

This libertine doesn’t even have a regular girlfriend!

"Uncle!" Someone suddenly shouted from beside him.

Ning Changfeng's body trembled, he turned his head, looked at the person in front of him, and asked with a pale face: "Why are you here?"

Ning Yuan smiled slightly, looked at Ning Changfeng and said, "Why, aren't you welcome, uncle?"

Ning Changfeng took a deep breath, said with a straight face: "Ning Yuan, what are you doing here?"

"Why, now that uncle has received the favor from Fifth Sister, he will completely side with her and disown me as his niece?"

Ning Yuan flattened his mouth, looking like he was about to cry.

Ning Changfeng sighed and said to her: "No matter what, you are my niece!

As long as you stop thinking about harming Fifth Girl, we will still be a family.

Xiaoke is over there, go meet and talk to him! "

Ning Yuan looked at the seat by the window and said to Ning Changfeng:

"Actually, I came here specifically to see my uncle...

Okay, I'll say hello to Third Brother first, and then I'll find you in the kitchen! "

Seeing a woman coming from a distance, Zhou Zhi, who was talking, frowned and closed his mouth.

Ning Ning turned his head and glanced, frowned, and asked her:

"Ning Yuan, didn't you leave Dongshan? When did you come back?"

Ning Yuan came running over, stood beside him and said, "It's not weird for a lost dog like me to stay anywhere!

I miss you, come back to see you! "

Liu Xiaoyun whispered to Ning Ke: "Don't believe her!"

When she first joined the company, she was tortured by Ning Yuan a lot, so Liu Xiaoyun didn't like this woman!

"Do you have the right to speak?" Ning Yuan scolded Liu Xiaoyun with a sullen face: "When we two brothers and sisters are chatting, who are you?"

Ning Ning said angrily: "What are you talking about! Xiaoyun and I have already received the certificate, and she is already my legal wife!"

"Oh, then I have to congratulate you!" Ning Yuan said with a sneer:

"We finally entered the Ning family.

You, a little clerk at the beginning, have turned into a phoenix and flown up the branches! "

Zhou Zhi couldn't listen anymore and said to Ning Yuan: "What on earth are you here for?

Don't delay our meal! "

Ning Yuan looked at Zhou Zhi with disdain and said, "This little clerk turned into my sister-in-law because of my third brother.

Even if I don't like it, I have to hold my nose and admit it.

Who do you think you are?

Why, I asked you to help look after the company for a while. Do you really think that the surname of Liangmao Company is Zhou?

I'm just a little secretary, but you still dare to yell at me. Do you have the qualifications?

If I rejoin the company, you will be the first to be fired! "

Zhou Zhi sneered at her without showing any signs of weakness: "Join the company again?

Are you still here dreaming about your feelings?

I advise you to give up on this idea!

Mr. Ning gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it.

So you still want to join the company?

Don’t ever have this dream again in your life!

I never thought about turning Liangmao Company into a company with the surname Zhou.

Because I never had that kind of ambition, unlike you! "

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