The electronic referee announced the result immediately!

"Oh, the combination of the tailwind and the undissipated heat of the hot wind caused huge damage to the cunning tengu. At the same time, the fire-breathing dragon Y also used the tailwind to shorten the distance with the cunning tengu, followed by a wing attack, very powerful!!"

Yukang didn't lose his experience, he understood everything at once.

But this had little effect on the outcome of the battle.

After checking the injury of the cunning tengu, Yukang took it back and threw the second one.

"Come out, cross bat!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Fire-breathing Dragon Y, come back and rest!"

Bai Mo didn't let the fire-breathing dragon Y; he planned to fight continuously, he also took out the second Poké Ball and threw it out:

"The junction box, it's up to you, Three-D Dragon Z!"

Chapter 0943 Surprise victory

"Oh, is this the Three-D Dragon? What about the elf I haven't seen before!"

Yukang had already heard the news of the Three D Dragon Z from Xiaoji and Yaxida. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he can't help but be a little surprised, and his snow-white eyebrows are also raised.

After all, this was a little elf he had never seen before.

It is said that this is a unique elf found by Bai Mo!

Hearing this, Bai Mo knew and smiled calmly.

"I'm going to make a move, Three D Dragon Z, keep your mind strong!"

"Forked bat, shadow clone!"

Yukang gives orders!

"..." Bai Mo complained in his heart, this old man is a professional shadow clone! ?

in the field.

Following the order of the two, the eyes of the Three D Dragon Z immediately emitted a blue light, and spiritual power poured out.

At this moment, the ray of light flashed on the cross-shaped bat, and a large number of clones were distributed around the three-D Dragon Z.

Seeing this, Yukang issued the command again:

"Air Slash!"


Dozens of doppelgänger bats flapped two pairs of wings together, sending out a large number of half-moon-shaped vacuum slashes towards the Three-D Dragon Z.

Although I know that only one of them is true, the visual effect is really strong:

However, this is obviously useless to Bai Mo!

"Triangle Cage!"

Three D Dragon Z instantly launched four triangular attacks, firmly protecting itself in the middle!


The cage easily blocked the real and fake air wind blades coming from all directions, making a 'bang bang~' sound!

"Oh~ what a wonderful use!"

Yukang couldn't help but admire, using his attack skills to form a protection similar to holding, which is not something ordinary people can think of and apply.

"Chaos light!"

"Three D Dragon Z, attack!"

Bai Mo also ordered immediately.


Power appeared in the body of the Three-D Dragon Z, and the triangle attack that originally protected it changed direction and launched it at the cross-shaped bats in all directions.


In an instant, a large number of shadow clones of the cross bat were broken, and only the last deity was left before it was about to be hit and avoided the attack!

But Bai Mo was waiting for this time.

"Spiritual strength!"


A blue light appeared on the cross-shaped bat, and the spirit of the three-D Dragon Z was strong at this time.


The controlled cross-shaped bat slammed to the ground fiercely.

"Cross-shaped bat, chaotic light!"

Yukang ordered unhurriedly.

The cross-shaped bat flapped its wings and slapped it from the ground, and at the same time launched several psychedelic light balls towards the Three-D Dragon Z.

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