"Close your eyes!"

Bai Mo's figure rang in San D Long Z's ear!

The light ball successfully hit the Three-D Dragon Z, and the gathered light completely enveloped the Three-D Dragon Z.

"Forked bat, air slash!"

Although Yukang didn't know whether the chaotic light had any effect, he keenly found that the mental strength of the three-D Dragon Z had stopped, at least it must have been hit.

The cross-shaped bat flashed its wings quickly to create wind blades, and four half-moon-shaped air slashes flew towards the direction of the three-D dragon Z.

"Triangle attack!"

There is no need to release superpowers to determine the situation, Bai Mo trusts his elf very much, and gives orders calmly.

The [-]D Dragon Z also did not disappoint Bai Mo. In the light, a triangular light plate met the vacuum slash!


The two skills collided with each other and exploded.

"Three D Dragon Z, do it again, keep your mind strong!"

Bai Mo gave the order again.

"Forked bat, go into the forest!" Yukang shouted immediately.

Hearing Yukang's order, the forked bat flapped its wings and entered the forest, avoiding the strong mental thoughts of the three-D Dragon Z.

"Don't let it escape!"

Bai Mo's eyes flashed, and the same time he was talking had already started running with Yukang again, chasing the path of the two elves into the forest.

I have to say that Yukang is very good at using the familiar environment, that is, geography!

There are too many obstacles in this forest. Although Three D Dragon Z wants to use mental strength, but because when flying at high speed, he should not only focus on the bat, but also pay attention to the branches and other obstacles.

Therefore, after entering the forest, the mental strength of Three D Dragon Z has never been effective, and it is considered to be blocked by an alternative.

"Forked bat, shadow clone!" Yukang showed a smile on his face, flying in the forest. It is not too simple for a forked bat that can use ultrasonic pathfinding.

Flying is also as fast as possible, and the Three D Dragon Z can only do its best not to be dropped by it.

At this time, of course, we must counterattack appropriately!


A large number of forked bats are scattered around the three-D Dragon Z, and there are branches that can be avoided in front of each figure. This is an alternative way of blocking the three-D Dragon Z to issue a trick to find the deity.

Yukang has a lot of experience in fighting.

"Use cross fangs!"

"Triangle attack bursts!" Bai Mo shouted, before he had no chance to let the three-D Dragon Z put a lock mark on the fork-shaped bat deity!

With so many clones for cover now, the bat.

If you want to hit the opponent, it is very difficult!

But Bai Mo still has a way. He wants to tell the other party to lure him to the nearest position, and he will be foolish to give him a blow!

Three D Dragon Z immediately launched a large number of small triangle attacks all around.

Under these attacks, the clones of the cross bat were hit and dissipated.

However, Bai Mo's luck was not good. The forked bat was not here, but in the dense foliage above. At this time, it had quietly approached.

Even now, he has used cross fangs.

"It's you who's waiting, electromagnetic gun!"

Bai Mo's eyes narrowed, his eyes locked on the cross-shaped bat!


Yukang showed a stunned expression.

I saw that in the field, the body of Three D Dragon Z suddenly separated from the middle, and the cross fangs of the cross bat directly hit the empty space.

At this time, the three D dragon Z merged, took the opportunity to hug the fork bat, and the strong electric light was emitted in a columnar shape!


With a loud bang, the forked bat slammed into a tree, flashing a lot of electric flowers all over his body, and passed out.

The electronic referee flew over and insisted on the situation, and immediately announced.

"The bat can't fight, the three D dragon Z wins!"

Chapter 0944 Grass-based showdown!

"Good job, Three D Dragon Z!"

Bai Mo used teleportation to come to the body of Three D Dragon Z, touched its head and praised.

"ZZ!" Three D Dragon Z showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work, cross bat!"

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