Speaking of which, Bai Mo understood, and so did Xiao Xie Mi.

If the two small worlds are the same, then whether Xiao Xie Mi still lives here with the curtain call or travels with Bai Mo, he can see another person at any time through the small world.

This is the best solution.

; Xie Mi didn't say it at first, it should be because of concerns about what happened this time.

However, Bai Mo is different after all, so he had better come up with this idea!

Well, then, Xie Mi, would you like to leave here with me to travel?Bai Mo looked at Xiao Xie Mi for its opinion, meaning that he agreed with Xie Mi's proposal.

Just kidding, what's the hesitation to connect with the world of Garden Ambassador and Master Cleaner Shemi?


Xiao Xie Mi also understood the current situation. Since Bai Mo or Da Xie Mi can meet at any time, Da nodded after hearing Bai Mo's invitation!

In Xiao Xiemi's opinion, it's better to go out to play than to be in the flower field all the time. Anyway, she can go home anytime when she misses her mother!

and so……

Finally, Bai Mo left Yuanzhi Town.

Take away the happy little Xie Mi! .

Chapter 1037 Looking for the round land shark

Bai Mo left Yuanzhi Town with Xiao Xie Mi.

On this day, he finally came to Shenao's famous Valley Power Plant, which is very close to Water Lily Town.

There is an elf center nearby, Bai Mo stroked his stomach that was already protesting, gave up the idea of ​​returning to the small world for lunch, and planned to go to the elf center to order some food soon.

too strong!

Yes, that round land shark is really strong, I really want to subdue it!

I don't think I should think about it anymore...

Ah~ let's just say, it's useless, we've tried so many times, and none of us have succeeded...

Unfortunately, this is a quasi-god. Once the news spreads, there will be no chance for us!

Miss Shirona's strongest elf is also the final evolution of the round land shark, and the fierce bite land shark!

I really want to have a strong bite of Lu Shark~~

Bai Mo, who was eating, suddenly heard the conversation of several newcomer trainers not far away.

Round land shark! ?

Bai Mo suddenly thought of the reason why Xiaozhi might not have come to Yuanzhizhen. After thinking about it, he put down his chopsticks and walked over to the people who were discussing. He asked with a slight smile, "Excuse me. Talking about the round land shark?



These people who were eating all looked at Bai Mo, not knowing whether to say it or not, after all, this was an opportunity to conquer Quasi-God!

At this moment, a little girl's voice sounded beside him: Big brother, do you want to subdue that mischievous round land shark?

It lives in the back mountain, you just need to go there, he doesn't have to look for its badge in the past, it's very easy to meet!

Bai Mo looked in the direction where the voice came from, and found that the speaker was a little girl.

Seeing Bai Mo looking at him, the little girl stopped for a while on his handsome face and blushed, but big brother, you have to be careful, that round land shark is very strong!

Well, thank you, little sister!Bai Mo smiled and squatted down and touched the little girl's head. At the same time, he took out a top-grade evolution stone and put it in her hand: This is a thank you gift from my brother!

Thank you big brother!The little girl smiled sweetly.

Seeing this, Bai Mo turned around and left, planning to go to the back mountain that the little girl said to find the round land shark, this is luck!

As long as the news of the quasi-god elf haunts spreads out, it will be just like what the newcomer trainers said, and there will be powerful people who will soon be subdued.

That is, the little girl is too young to understand the value of the round land shark!

Wow, so handsome~~ The little girl watched Bai Mo leave, little stars twinkling in her eyes.

If Bai Mo saw the little girl's performance here, I wonder if he would still think he was small.

Around, the faces of those rookie trainers suddenly became a little unpleasant, and the look at the little girl also became a little unpleasant.

But soon they restrained their emotions, because Joey's eyes stopped on them for a while.

Che~~ That person is not very good at first glance, and he will definitely not be able to subdue the round land shark!someone speaks.

That is~~ Several people responded, but one of them did not speak, frowning as if thinking. At a certain moment, he finally thought of something, and Biao Qian changed one by one: I remembered, that person is Bai Mo PhD!

A group of rookie trainers:

As the man roared his voice, everyone remembered that it was Bai Mo.

This time, everyone is not calm, Bai Mo goes out, not to mention the round Lu Shark, you have to kneel when you bite Lu Shark fiercely!

Damn... These people felt regret again, because they missed an opportunity to connect with Bai Mo.

Soon, a few people looked at the thing in the little girl's hand again. They didn't think much about it before, but now that they know that it was something sent by Bai Mo, it must not be too simple.

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