An emotion called regret appeared in their hearts.


Bai Mo didn't know what happened in the center of the elf, and now he is heading straight for the back mountain.

But even if he knew, Bai Mo wouldn't care. No one was obliged to tell him the existence of such a good thing, just be normal.

But have self-knowledge, otherwise even the opportunities that can be grasped will flow away from his hands!

This mountain is huge!

After walking for a while, Bai Mo came to the back mountain that the little girl said. This is a grassland. Looking around, he didn't find any trace of the round land shark!

Although the little girl said that Yuan Lu Sha likes to play pranks and will come out when she sees the traveler, Bai Mo didn't want to be so troublesome.

After thinking about it, he threw a few Poké Balls directly. As the Poké Balls opened, Pokkis and other flight-type Pokémon appeared in the air!

Everyone, I need you to do me a favor this time!

I need to find a round land shark!

Bai Mo told the elves, as for the round land shark, everyone is familiar with it. After all, Bai Mo has never had a round land shark. He has a fierce biting land shark in his hand, which was cultivated from the round land shark given by Xirona.

When several elves heard Bai Mo's words, they shouted to indicate that they understood and flew out.

Bai Mo felt much more relaxed. He found a grass to lie down, then hugged a little Xie Mi next to him and looked at the blue sky and white clouds above, while quietly waiting for the return of a few elves.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Mo felt that he was about to fall asleep when he was relaxed, and the cry of the blood-winged dragon came from a distance in one direction.

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo hurriedly turned over with a reel and sat up, holding Xiao Xie Mi and looking at the blood-winged flying dragon flying towards him, and asked, "How is it, did you find it?"

The blood-winged flying dragon nodded when he heard the words, and pointed in the direction with his wings, Bai Mo was instantly overjoyed.

Afterwards, Bai Mo asked the blood-wing flying dragon to call back the other elves, and then carried Xiao Xie Mi to its back, go, go to the place where you found the round land shark!


The blood-wing flying dragon flapped its wings one by one and flew away. Soon, Bai Mo was told a place by it, and finally understood why the round land shark had not been found before!

It turned out that the round land shark was not in this grassland at all, but in a place full of caves.

Seeming to know Bai Mo, the round land shark used a strange force to lift a rock and threw it in the direction of Bai Mo.

Provocative means full! .

I don't know how long it took, Bai Mo felt that he was about to fall asleep when he was relaxed, and the cry of the blood-winged dragon came from a distance in one direction.

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo hurriedly turned over with a reel and sat up, holding Xiao Xie Mi and looking at the blood-winged flying dragon flying towards him, and asked, "How is it, did you find it?"

The blood-winged flying dragon nodded when he heard the words, and pointed in the direction with his wings, Bai Mo was instantly overjoyed.

Afterwards, Bai Mo asked the blood-wing flying dragon to call back the other elves, and then carried Xiao Xie Mi to its back, go, go to the place where you found the round land shark!


The blood-wing flying dragon flapped its wings one by one and flew away. Soon, Bai Mo was told a place by it, and finally understood why the round land shark had not been found before!

It turned out that the round land shark was not in this grassland at all, but in a place full of caves.

Seeming to know Bai Mo, the round land shark used a strange force to lift a rock and threw it in the direction of Bai Mo.

Provocative means full! .

Feilong, Bai Mohui unceremoniously put it into his pocket.

At that time, the temple group will stop other people including the alliance, and he will be able to settle this matter!


On the other side, Shirona on the other end of the phone didn't know what Bai Mo was thinking. When she heard Bai Mo's words, her heart was filled with emotion. She thought that Bai Mo had made sacrifices, and it was all for her.

This moved her very much.

The last bit of grudge that started the case because of a misunderstanding disappeared in an hour!

Afterwards, Bai Mo and Shirona chatted some more, and they talked on the phone properly.


Chapter 1039 The hunter who is about to be destroyed j!

After making a phone call with Shirona, Bai Mo released the blood-winged dragon and set off for Xinqi Lake.

Soon, Bai Mo arrived at Xinqi Lake!

After arriving at Xinqi Lake, Bai Mo's subordinates, Xia Bo and Lei Si also traveled to the location.

In the following days, Bai Mo did not receive news that the three major lakes were attacked, but Bai Mobing did not relax, but became more and more vigilant.

In the early morning of this day, Bai Mo took his little elves to practice by the Xinqi Lake. Suddenly, he saw Xinqi Lake spinning in the middle, and a mysterious pink light suddenly appeared in it!

Immediately after, a pink ball of light rose into the air from between the empty lakes, and the ball of light flourished with the light, revealing the appearance of Emrido.

Immediately after that, Emrido's figure disappeared out of thin air, obviously using a teleportation!

At this moment, Lei Si's voice sounded in Bai Mo's Bluetooth headset, BOSS! , the Galaxy team blocked the lakeside of Zhizhi!

According to your at least, our people didn't break in, so as not to alarm the snakes.

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