So Bai Mo, Tou Zi and others stayed in the city temporarily.

On this day, Bai Mo was not in a hurry to train, but started dating mode with a few of his women, or went to the museum, or played volleyball on the beach, basked in the sun or something.

Time, soon to the next morning.

When it was time to set off, Bai Mo and Tou Zi and the girls packed up and boarded the luxury cruise ship bound for Shuijing City.

The luxury cruise ship that Bai Mo and others took is called 'Wave Breaker'. Museum of Marine Science.

As a luxury cruise ship for long-distance travel, "Wave Breaker" will naturally not treat passengers who have spent a lot of money. The cruise ship has a series of facilities such as dance halls, bars, outdoor swimming pools, playgrounds, battle training grounds, etc. As perfect as it is, it can make tourists feel very relaxed during this long journey.

After Bai Mo and Ya Yi walked around these facilities, they finally came to the battle field on the deck!

The appearance of Bai Mo and his party immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, Bai Mo, a handsome man with a bunch of beautiful women, was really eye-catching.

Moreover, Bai Mo is still a celebrity. At first, he was seen as a beautiful and handsome guy, and then he was completely at an idol.

On the battlefield, a man was bored watching the games around him, but when he saw Bai Mo, his momentum immediately changed and he walked straight towards Bai Mo.

Seeing the trainer level badge on the man's shoulder, the people around him instinctively moved out of the way.

"Hello, Dr. Bai Mo, my name is Qingquan, it's a pleasure to meet you here!" The man came to Bai Mo and bowed in a gentlemanly manner, and introduced himself with a slight smile!

"Hello!" When others are so polite, Bai Mo naturally doesn't have a straight face, showing a kind smile!

Qingquan's aura changed at this moment. Looking at Bai Mo, he said seriously, "Dr. Bai Mo, I don't know, are you interested in a elf battle, one-on-one!"

"Oh?" Glancing at the trainer level badge on Qingquan's arm, Bai Mo asked with a smile, "Tian Wang Zhan, or Quasi-Tian Wang Zhan?"

Qingquan is wearing a silver badge, that is to say, he has a Heavenly King-level elf, and he has won the top four in a certain alliance conference!

The point is, Qingquan is not very old, about twenty.

If you look at it this way, he should be a talented trainer!

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Qingquan's eyes flashed, and after glancing at the purple badge on Bai Mo's shoulder, he smiled, "One-on-one, Heavenly King Battle!"

"I traveled for four years and finished second in the Shenao Regional League Competition last year!"

"During this time, I was traveling in Fangyuan, and two elves broke through to the heavenly king level!"

"But this time, we only have one competition, and the rest of the competition will be put into the league competition, and then ask for advice!"

"Yes!" The other party said it thoroughly, and Bai Mo's promise was also neat and tidy!

Around, hearing Bai Mo and Qingquan's words, all the people fighting obediently stepped aside, because they were all looking forward to seeing a heavenly king-level battle!

Soon, Bai Mo and Qingquan fought against each other, and they took out a Pokeball in their hands!

One-on-one battles are like this. Both sides should choose the elves in advance to prevent one party from targeting the other.

Seeing that Bai Mo had chosen the Poké Ball, Qingquan took the lead in throwing out his Poké Ball and said loudly, "Go, Crow Head!"

As Qingquan's voice fell, a ferocious-looking little elf with a big hat on his head and a clear red complexion on his wings and tail appeared in the air!

"The crow head is mainly distributed in Shenao and Hezhong, the junior king of heaven, the best aptitude, it is a formidable enemy!"

Using his superpower to observe the situation of the crow head, Bai Mo also threw the Poké Ball in his hand and shouted:

"Boscodora, come out and fight!"

"Metallic sound!"

When Bai Mo sent the elf, he launched an attack directly.

Along with the sound of "Boom!", Boscotola landed heavily on the deck, and the huge weight shocked the entire deck!

After landing, the horns of Boscodora's forehead began to turn continuously, and a sound wave of earth-gold metal visible to the naked eye spread toward the crow head in the air.

"Do you want to cover the crow head with harsh sound waves first, so that the crow head is passive first? It's beautiful."

Seeing Bai Mo's intentions for a moment, Qingquan raised his head and shouted, "Crow head, avoid, hot wind attack!"


The crow chirped, flapped its wings, and slid its entire body toward the heights, easily avoiding the first wave of sonic attacks.

Afterwards, a fiery red flashed on the crow head's wings, and a fiery red hot wind was suddenly fanned out by it, and quickly shrouded Boscodora, interrupting Boscodola's continued use of the metallic sound. intention of.

"Boscodora, the wave of water!"

Boss Cordola is a steel type and a rock type. Although the damage caused by the fire type attack is not as obvious as a single pair of steel type, the damage caused by it will still be very large after a long time. Bai Mo responded immediately.

Boss Cordola, who was shrouded in the hot wind, heard Bai Mo's order, and a blue light flashed in her eyes immediately. Then, a circle of water vortex appeared around her body, and it began to grow continuously. collision.

Two tricks collide.

Water and fire were incompatible, and it exploded with a bang, and the shock wave generated directly blew away the water mist generated by the collision of water and fire!

Just when the water mist was blown away, Qingquan's calm voice entered Bai Mo's ears.

"Crow head, combo move!"

"Hot air!"

"Pecking drill!"

Chapter 0250 fierce confrontation

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