Following Qingquan's order, everyone saw the crow's head flapping violently in mid-air, setting off a hot wind.

But this hot wind, the crow head did not continue to output, but stopped after fanning out a certain distance, and then rotated its mouth and body, wrapped in the hot wind in front of it, turned into a fiery red whirlwind and quickly rushed to the Boss Dora rushes in.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's pupils shrank, looking at the crow's head, it turned out to be a combination move!

Qingquan, he really gave him a surprise!

But even though it was a surprise, Bai Mo's expression was still calm, observing the situation on the field. The next moment, his eyes suddenly froze, and he said loudly, "Boss Cordola, it's now, Iron Tail!"


Hearing Bai Mo's order, Boscodora roared loudly, a metallic luster flashed on her tail, and she turned around and slapped the head of the attacking crow fiercely.

But the next scene made Bai Mo's pupils shrink again.

I saw that just when Boscodora's tail was about to hit the crow's head, the latter's fiery red voice, which used a peck drill to spin and was wrapped in hot wind, suddenly fell short, just avoiding Bai Mo's calculation. This must be the trick.

After avoiding Bosco Dora's iron tail with the steel-type mystery, the crow's head rolled again and suddenly changed its flight direction. This combination of moves directly hit Bosco. Dora's chin.

After the hit, with a flap of wings, the crow head retreated a certain distance, regained the bird instinct, and stared at Boscodora.

Seeing this scene, Qingquan's heart instinctively tightened, and he immediately said loudly, "Crow head, lift off into the sky, and retreat farther away!"

But at this moment, before the crow could react, a giant tail with metallic luster swept across from the bottom right to the top.


Boss Cordola directly swept the crow's head out with the steel-type secret tricks, and finally smashed it to the ground. After a few rolls, it stopped, and it also stirred up a pile of smoke!

"Crow Head~"

Seeing that the head of the crow was swept away by Bosco Dora, Qingquan shouted worriedly.

Hearing the cry of his trainer, the crow in the dust struggled to stand up, shook his head slightly, and flapped his wings and flew into the air again.

Seeing his elf reappear from the smoke, Qingquan was relieved, and his eyes towards Bai Mo became more solemn.

Although the head of the crow has reappeared, it can be clearly seen from his flying demeanor that the damage caused by the iron tail of Boscodora just now is great!

However, Bosco Dora, who was hit by the combination move, is not feeling well now, and he is breathing slightly at this moment.

The two elves are both heavenly kings, and their attack strength is not weak!

"Both losers, both sides were hit by each other's unique moves at the same time." Bai Mo looked at this scene on the field with solemn eyes, and then his mouth suddenly grinned and smiled.

This competition is different from Chi Yansong's original intention, and it is also different from the gym competition where Wanmu, Tie Xuan, and Mu La will subconsciously control the difficulty.

This time, it is the two Heavenly King-level trainers and the Heavenly King-level elves who are working hard for the final victory, so don't be careless!

The same eyes became firm, Qingquan looked up at Bai Mo and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, you are really amazing. I didn't expect that Bosco Dora's tail was trained so nimble by you."

"It's alright!" Bai Mo smiled modestly. He usually trains Boss Cordola. In addition to eating good metal to gain weight, he constantly puts heavy objects on his body to train speed and sailing power!

Tail, natural focus greets objects.

After a polite sentence, he also tacitly found a chance to breathe for the respective elves. This time, it became the first attack of Qingquan. He took the lead in shouting, "Crow head, hot wind!"


With a chirping sound, the crow's head and wings flashed a red light, and then a fiery red hot wind blew past Boscordora.

"It's hot air again, do you want to do it again? Boscodora, the fluctuation of water!" Seeing the crow's head, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed and he immediately gave a command.

Boscodora immediately released a wave of water, blocking the attack of the hot wind in mid-air.

The water was evaporated by the flame, and at the same time the flame was extinguished, a layer of water mist spread out immediately.

After the water mist gradually dissipated, the figure of the crow head was lost on the field.

Not finding the crow head on the field, Bai Mo immediately realized that it was not good, and instinctively used his super power. After capturing the former's voice, he immediately looked up.

As soon as he looked up, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed. It was night, and he was still on the deck. Under the black clothes, the crow's head was really easy to hide.

But using his superpowers, Bai Mo could still easily find that the figure of the crow head was quickly flying over Boscordora, obviously planning to take advantage of the cover of the night to launch a sneak attack. This is the bird elf's forte.

When he found the figure of the crow head, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't wait to die. He raised his brows, and he immediately shouted, "Just above, use shoot down!"


Boscotola's blue eyes flashed fiercely, and the two hands condensed out of thin yellow rocks. Above the rocks, there was a layer of rock mystery, although Boscodola's understanding of rock mystery was far less than that. Steel series, but it has long been introduced.

In the next moment, his eyes narrowed, and Boss Cordola began to recognize the rock directly above!

Looking at the rocks that were constantly thrown at the crow's head, knowing that the attributes were unfavorable and his own sneak attack had been exposed, Qingquan could only passively shout, "The bird strikes!"


The look of the crow head began to gather momentum continuously, and at the same time, it continued to cross the rocks that were attacking him and went straight towards Boscodora's omission.

Seeing the voice of the crow's head getting stronger and stronger, the corner of Bai Mo's mouth has an extra radian:

"Divine bird strikes!"

"The power is enough, but unfortunately, there is not enough time, this game is over!"

"Boscodora, sharp stone attack, gather!"

"Roar!" Upon hearing Bai Mo's order, Bosco Duola roared, and a circle of khaki sharp stones condensed out of it, and finally gathered together!

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