Seeing this, Qingquan clenched his fists and shouted, "Rush directly over!"

Chapter 0251 Shadow under the quilt

Hearing Qingquan's order, a ray of light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes.

In the arena, the gathering of the crow head was completed. At this moment, his eyes became incomparably sharp, and the power with a powerful cutting force was condensed on his body, and he slammed into the sharp stone below him vertically, with a big blow. Breaking the sharp stone to turn the stance of Boscodora.

Noticing that the sharp stone attack in front of Boscodora had condensed and flew towards the crow's head, Bai Mo shouted again at this time, "Rock block!"

"What!?" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Qingquan's heart tightened, and he had a bad premonition, but at this time the crow's head has become imposing, and the speed has accelerated to a certain level, and it is impossible to stop. .

I just hope that the bad premonition doesn't come true.

But obviously, Bai Mo's calculations could not be dispelled by Qingquan's prayers.

In the void where the crow headed down, four huge rocks formed rapidly with strange power fluctuations and the profound meaning of the rocks, and then fell quickly after chasing the crow head.

Seeing that the four rocks condensed successfully, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he shouted again, "One more, sharp stone attack!"


Boscodora gave up the control of the rock block again, and then attacked with sharp stones.

The scene that followed immediately made everyone know what dazzling was.

In the field, Boscodora first threw a pile of rocks at Crow Head, Crow Head used the trance bird slam at this time, and while gathering momentum, he kept dodging the rocks and began to fall from a high altitude to approach Bosco Dora.

For the first time, Boscodora attacked the sharp stones condensed according to Bai Mo's order.

The crow head started sprinting at full speed at this point, and slammed straight into the rock wall where the sharp stones gathered.

But at this time, Boscodora gave up the control of the sharp stone again according to Bai Mo's order, and let it just follow the inertia, slow down under the action of gravity and hit the crow's head.

At this time, the crow head has approached the rock wall formed by the sharp stone, and the rock wall is also about to stop having a free fall trend at this time.

It was at this time that the blockade of rocks condensed again by Bosco Dora according to Bai Mo's order had been formed, and it was shrouded straight down!

At this point, Bai Mo actually made Bosco Dora change his moves again, and another sharp stone attack began to condense!

When the second sharp stone attack began to condense, the crow finally hit the first sharp stone wall.

At this time, the crow's head was at its most imposing, and it easily destroyed the first sharp stone attack that had lost the control of Boscodora.

However, although it was easy, the rock arm still affected the speed of the crow head to a certain extent, and also made him reduce his own momentum.

In the same way, Boscordola successfully condensed the second sharp stone attack, gathered it into a wall, and flew towards the head of the crow.

This time, the sharp stone attack was under the control of Bosco Dora, which not only provided a steady stream of power, but also had the strength to fly upwards.

And the crow head was affected a little by destroying a sharp stone attack just now.


The crow head collided with the second sharp stone wall. Although it still wears the sharp stone wall with the power of the flying system, this time, he was obviously blocked.

It was at this time that the rock blockage behind Crow Head came and directly hit the end of Crow Head.

This time, the sharp stone attack and the rock blockade directly completed the outflanking of the crow head, and the latter suddenly let out a scream.

The damage of the rock type to the flight type is doubled!

However, all this is not over yet.

Bai Mo's voice, like a god of death harvesting his soul at the last moment, rang out at this time and reached everyone's ears.

"Destruction of Death Light!"


Once again giving up the control of the sharp stone attack, Boscodora's blue eyes became deep, and a huge golden-yellow energy light ball condensed on its head, and finally turned into a beam of light directly towards the attacked and the sharp stone. The head of the crow wrapped in the rock block blasted over.

Watching all this happen, Qingquan had absolutely no way to stop it. After it let Crow Touto slam with a trance bird, before he did not let Crow Touto evacuate before it was blocked by rocks and surrounded by sharp stone attacks, it had already fallen in. After Bai Mo's trap, he can no longer resist!


The destruction of death light hit the khaki rock that wrapped the crow's head, and a huge explosion occurred, which immediately produced a plume of smoke.

In the center of the thick smoke, hit by continuous attacks, Crow Toutou lost his ability to fight and fainted.

After the explosion, it was affected by a huge force, and it flew out of the smoke screen and fell in front of Qingquan.

"Crow head!"

When Qingquan saw the crow head, he screamed in panic, then squatted down and hugged it. After a careful observation, he found that he had not suffered too much damage, and he was relieved.

"Dr. Bai Mo, his reputation is well-deserved, I admire him!" He took out the Poké Ball and retracted the crow's head back into the Poké Ball. Qingquan came to Bai Mo in a few steps, with deep admiration in his eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just luck!" Bai Mo smiled indifferently and took out the Poke Ball and pulled Bosco Dora back into the Poke Ball.

However, his smile made many female trainers around him tremble.

Bai Mo has a lot of halo, and now he has shown with his own eyes the power of his elf and his outstanding commanding level in front of so many people. The power of this smile is naturally great.

"I'll come back to ask for advice when the Fangyuan League competition is over!" Taking a deep breath, Qingquan Dao was also free and easy, and made a promise to Bai Mo to fight again.

Bai Mo readily accepted this.

He Bai Mo can only surpass others, there is no possibility of being surpassed!

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