"If there are more wild bees, waves and butterflies, or any danger, he must be worried!"

"That's why I'm annoying." Ya Yi pouted cutely, "Actually, we can't bear Mo, and we know his temper, but we really want to get exercise."

"You said, what are you going to do?"

Mei's problem has stumped several girls around, and they can't find a solution to these two apparently contradictory points!

And at this time, Dream was really nibbling on snacks and paying attention to the situation on Bai Mo's side, and was still talking in a low voice.

"Monarch Snake, this girl is usually so aloof and cold, I didn't expect this to be so open!"

"Sure enough, what is in the heart of every woman who looks innocent on the outside... Dang?"

"Hmph, these big breasts can pretend!"

"But it's really cool to see her screaming so loudly?"

"Well, I'll try to find Bai Mo in the future, but I can't do it now. Mo's strength is not good. If I hang up at that time, I'll be a widow, and I'll have to wait!"

"But Monarch Snake's comprehension ability is good. Shanaido, Touzi and Bai Mo have adapted for a long time, but they must be far worse than me!"

From the dreamy words, it is not difficult to hear that she has peeped at Bai Mo's shameful things, but it has not been a day or two, once or twice.

Around, Mei and the others heard the dreamy self-talk, although they didn't know what she was talking about because she was whispering, but they all noticed the eldest sister's head tacitly.

So, Tou Zi looked at Dream and asked, "Miss Dream, do you have a solution to what we said?"

When she asked this question, Tou Zi's eyes were filled with anticipation. She felt that the dream was so powerful, there should be a way!

Hearing Tou Zi's words, I dreamed that the battle on the other side had reached its climax. I was afraid that if I continued to watch it, I wanted to go to the sea to calm down, so I withdrew my super powers, and then said lightly, "Those you are considering, Bai Mo has long thought of a solution."


The dreamy words surprised the girls, even though there was a hint of surprise in Shanaido's eyes.

Bai Mo, have you thought of a way?

How is it?

Chapter 0254 The magical use of small world and world leaves!

Seeing that the girls were looking at me so curiously, I dreamed that this was no secret, so I slowly floated onto the bed and sat down, and said lightly:

"That's it, as you all know, Mo, by chance, merged a leaf that I gave with the origin of the World Tree!"

"Because of the existence of the source, it is also equivalent to a seed!"

"This seed merged with Bai Mo. In fact, it is him!"

"Every time Bai Mo grows, it is the growth of this seed!"

"Now Bai Mo has become a top-level superhuman, and the degree of condensation of his spiritual power has allowed him to initially open up this seed and create a small space!"

"Principle, think about it, the world tree supports this world, this elf world!"

"His little sapling is a small world. Bai Mo has been trying to open it up recently. As long as the development is successful, an extra small world with a radius of about [-] meters is still possible. Yes, there are mountains, water, and light. , there are the most basic things that this world has, of course, life still won't exist for the time being!"

Hearing Dream's words, the girl was left with only a deep shock in her heart. Bai Mo was going to become more and more inhuman.

It is the power of God to have a world of its own, even if it is only a small world.

After a long while, Tou Zi was the first to calm down, and then looked at the dream with a bright eye and said, "Eldest sister, the solution you said can solve our problem comes from this world?"

"That's right!" Yawning, Dream lied down directly on the bed, and then said lightly, "This world is born out of the World Tree, so it is also a small world attached to this world, such a small world, I There is also one, of course, the way to get it is different from Bai Mo."

"Bai Mo's small world will also have its own world tree, which can have similar functions to the world tree of this elf world!"

"My words, in fact, as long as you think about it, you can travel to almost any corner of the world, as long as there is a leaf of the World Tree in that corner. With this leaf, as long as it is the most common kind!"

"Because of World Tree, you can communicate this power in yourself!"

Hearing the dream's words, Shanaido's eyes flashed a ray of light, and she asked, "What the eldest sister means is that there will be a world tree in the world when Mo arrived, and the world tree will also have leaves!"

"As long as Mei and Touko carry the leaves, Mo will be able to come to them at will, right?"

Hearing Shanaido's words, the eyes of the girls in Yayi suddenly lit up.

However, after hearing Shanaido's words, Dream shook his head and said, "The beauty of thinking, the leaves of the world tree in that small world belong to that small world, not this world, why does Bai Mo want to go in this world? Where are you going then?"

"Uh!" Shanaido was suddenly asked and was speechless.

Dream suddenly turned over at this time and stretched his hands and legs.

Seeing this, the women recalled that, except for Minas, Ram, Mei, Touzi, and Shanaido, all of them began to massage their arms or legs continuously.

A comfortable moan.

Dream then continued, "If Bai Mo's little world is born at that time, it will be a new world, and there won't be many leaves!"

"Of course, if Yayi and Touzi are leaving, the two leaves can still be taken out, and you can merge them into your own souls! It is not safe to carry them with you. If Bai Mo, the owner of the new world, allows you, you can merge the leaves into your own. body and soul!"

"In the future, if there is a danger that cannot be solved, or if you have something to do, or you want to be a lover, you can communicate the leaf in your mind to Bai Mo's small world, and he can sense when you come to his small world. , you can meet naturally."

Hearing Dream's explanation, Shanaido immediately asked, "Then why can't Mo go through the world and leaves to go to Mei and the others?"

"It's not that I can't go, it's that I can't go temporarily!" Dream explained patiently, "The small world is dependent on the big world to exist!"

"You have merged the leaves, which means you have the key to the small world. However, the barrier between the small world and the big world is very thick. Except for special portals, you cannot pass through."

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