"And this special portal is Bai Mo!"

"Of course, if Bai Mo's strength is stronger in the future, the barrier will be weakened, and he can travel in both directions through the leaves. It's just that when the small world goes to the big world, Bai Mo only needs to consume some mental power!"

"And after the leaves are integrated, if you are in danger, the world tree of the small world will also sense and warn Bai Mo. If it is a special situation such as emergency or loss of consciousness, Bai Mo can force you to summon you to the small world by consuming mental power. world."

"So it is!" The girl understood at once, and immediately, Ram said sadly, "Then this is equivalent to finding a life-saving charm for Yayi and Touzi!"

"If they come to Mo's small world through this method, they can only come to Mo's side, and then they will spend time returning to the original place of travel."

"Yeah!" Tou Zi and Mei Yi both bowed their heads in frustration.

At this time, Shanaido suddenly asked, "Eldest sister, didn't you say that you can use the leaves of the World Tree to go around the world, so why do you give those two leaves to Touzi and Yayi, the most common ones are fine? !"

"Yeah!" Mei and Tou Zi's eyes lit up.

However, upon hearing their words, Dream suddenly turned over and said speechlessly, "Do you think this leaf is an ordinary leaf rotten on the street? Just give it to you, just kidding!"

"Of course, given our relationship, it's okay to give two tablets, but I've already thought of such a simple question, and you don't need to remind me at all!"

"It's just that this method doesn't work, because if you want to teleport, you can't move between leaves and leaves. You can only use World Tree as a transfer station. However, World Tree now refuses humans to enter, so, no!"

"Ah, why is this!" The four girls in Yayi sighed in disappointment.

Looking at the appearance of the four girls, Dream was speechless again, and said indifferently, "Have you forgotten that your navigator's phone function has not been activated by Bai Mo's money?"

"He also bought you laptops for money."

"In the future, as long as both parties have Internet access, they can make video calls at any time, and this money doesn't need to be given to Bai Mo Province!"

"Let you merge the leaves, but Bai Mo is afraid that you will be in danger and give you the life-saving charm, so that he can rest assured that you leave!"


Hearing Dream's words, the four women realized that they and others had neglected this time.

In other words, the poor are used to their lives without realizing it!

In fact, there is one thing that Dream didn't say, that is, if she used her mental power, she could take Bai Mo across to Ya Yi and Tou Zi, but she was too tired to say it!

Of course, if Bai Mo makes him happy, once in a while it's fine!

Chapter 0255 Dreaming of Spring... Dreaming

When the time came to the next morning, Bai Mo went to the deck to breathe a sigh of relief.

The monarch snake may be because he is a snake, and he is really talented in a certain way. Bai Mo's is just a little guidance. Last night was a real battle, which was extremely exciting.

However, Bai Mo's physique and persistence, who have now broken through to the top superpowers, have also greatly improved, and finally let the monarch snake beg for mercy before sleeping comfortably.

"You woke up quite early!" A dreamy voice appeared in Bai Mo's ears.

Turning slightly to the side, looking at the loli beside him, Bai Mo said with a warm smile, "Alright, how was your sleep last night?"

"It's okay!" Seeing Bai Mo mentioning her sleep last night, Dream turned slightly sideways so that Bai Mo couldn't see it, and on top of her beauty, there was a tinge of blush. Who would have thought that she was a famous super beast, I haven't dreamed for hundreds of years, but I had a dream yesterday, and it was still a spring dream!

The protagonist of this spring dream is the man next to him.

However, the sense of this picture is still very strong, because she almost peeked at all the scenes of Bai Mo, Shanai Duo, Tou Zi, and Monarch Snake.

Therefore, how Bai Mo carried his gun, provoked, and managed, she really knew very well, the whole dream, that is, she took the place of the three of Shanaido.

And in the place of the war, there are blue sky and white clouds and grass, there are boats, and there are beds. Anyway, it's a mess, fuck!

Of course, these things, even if you kill Dream, she would not say it. After thinking about it, she changed the subject and said, "Yesterday I told Touzi and Yayi about the leaves in the world, and these two girls are afraid of not seeing you and afraid of you. I don’t agree, I want to become stronger, and I’m tangled to death.”

"Is that so!" Bai Mo didn't care when he heard Dream's words, and smiled, "I wanted to give them a surprise after breaking through, but it's better to let them know now, don't have to worry about it all the time!"

"I owe it to me."

"Thank you, Dream!"

Bai Mo's thank you contained a lot!

"What!" Being thanked so much by Bai Mo, the dream was embarrassed, and the blush that had just faded away flew up again, and said proudly, "If you want to thank me, shouldn't you show some practical expression?"

"Of course!" Bai Mo couldn't help but smile and said seriously, "I'll pack your snacks for the rest of my life, you can eat as many as you want. Anyway, you won't get fat, right?"

"That's right, this lady is a natural beauty!" Dream suddenly puffed out her chest arrogantly.

Bai Mo glanced at it involuntarily, and smiled, "You're still a little bit more, maybe it's not too small if you squeeze."

"Go to hell!" Dream was teased by Bai Mo, and instantly burst into flames. With a wave of his hand, he was thrown from the boat into the sea, and then immediately moved instantly and disappeared!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" On the sea, Bai Mo flew up helplessly, looking at his drenched appearance, he sighed that his dreamy face was still too thin.

The next few days were spent on the boat. After Bai Mo arranged some time every day to go to the deck to fight with others, he was tired of spending time with Yayi and the others. At night, under the guidance of dreams, he kept trying. Open up that little world.

During such a trip, the "Wave Breaker" came to Shuijing City. According to the procedure, it will stop at this place for a day.

Bai Mo's last badge was one, and the target was Liuli City, so he didn't challenge the gym, but Touzi only got five badges, and Yayi only had four, so the two girls hurry up and hit the gym.

The result was no accident. Both women successfully obtained the badges, and the group moved towards Green Ridge City, where the next gym is located.

During the time he was on the boat, Bai Mo could say that he enjoyed the blessings of the people of Qi. Even the day before the boat arrived in Luling City, he finally completed the three flights with Shanaido, Touzi, and Monarch Snake.

Really comfortable.

At the same time, on an unknown road in an unknown forest, a blond woman exudes a somewhat dark aura.

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