But this evolution can be autonomously controlled.

Bai Mo felt that his moon stone should be a little special, because White's Pylas also evolved after touching the moon stone.

Pylas is a level evolution elf.

He felt that he should have touched a new evolutionary model!

Chapter 0753 Unexpected Interview

In any case, special training must have!

However, before starting the special training and visiting Zhenghui, Bai Mo first let all the girls in the small world return to the world of elves, and let everyone have a good tour of Manjin City.

It is rare to come to such a bustling city, and it is necessary to take a stroll.

Bai Mo is not a fighting maniac like Xiao Zhi, and he doesn't resist shopping with the girls.

But what surprised Bai Mo was that when they were wandering around, the group met Xiao Qian, who immediately volunteered to be a guide after learning that they were going to visit Manjin City.

Facing such an enthusiastic girl, Bai Mo and others couldn't shirk, so they stayed in Manjin City for another day.

The time came early the next morning.

Bai Mo and the girls returned to the dormitory of the Elf Center after having breakfast in the small world, and then walked towards the outside of the Elf Center.

When he came to the hall of the elf center, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, because he found that Xiao Qian was standing there with a fat uncle, apparently waiting for them.

"Ah, Dr. Bai Mo!"

When Bai Mo appeared, the uncle greeted him with great enthusiasm.

"Hello!" The other party was so enthusiastic that Bai Mo couldn't reach out and hit the smiling person, so he smiled and nodded.

But this uncle was holding Bai Mo's hand, shaking it constantly, and said very excitedly: "Dr. Bai Mo, congratulations, congratulations to you!"

"Congratulations!?" Bai Mo raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Yeah!" The uncle pulled back and held Bai Mo's hand and said sternly: "I heard that you just defeated Xiao Qian, Doctor, and obtained the official badge, right!"

"That's right." Bai Mo nodded suspiciously, not knowing what the uncle meant.

The fat uncle grasped the rhythm well. When Bai Mo was puzzled, he finally introduced himself: "Hello, Dr. Bai Mo, let me introduce myself. My name is Alan, and I am the producer of the Manjin City radio program!"

"Radio programs?" Bai Mo said that he was either playing with a computer or using a navigator, and he really didn't listen to any radio and television.

"Yes!" Uncle Bai Mo did not know how lucky he was, so he explained proudly, "The show 'Pokémon Street' I produced is very popular in the entire Chengdu area!"


Xiao Lan had obviously heard of the program Uncle mentioned, and said excitedly, "Are you the producer of 'Pokémon Street' with Hu Tao as the DJ!"

"I listen to it often, it's fun!"

"That's great." The middle-aged uncle immediately made a decision, then looked at Bai Mo and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, can I invite you to be a guest this time!?"

"Uh, this!" Bai Mo had a plan in his heart, and he hesitated for a while.

But Xiao Lan was obviously a true fan of the show, and quickly shouted: "Go, go, go!"

Seeing Xiaolan behave like this, Bai Mo smiled and shook his head. He didn't want to affect the girl's mood for such a trivial matter, so he nodded towards the middle-aged uncle:

"Uncle, lead the way, I'll take a look!"

Manjin City, broadcasting tower...


Bai Mo sat opposite a popular announcer.

And this announcer is exactly the walnut in Xiaolan's mouth, but this charming professional lady seems to be a fan of Bai Mo. At this time, a pair of eyes shining on him, and then excitedly said:

"Next, I'll introduce today's special guest, who won the official badge of Manjin City yesterday, our Dr. Bai Mo!"

"Hello everyone!" Bai Mo said calmly. He had experienced a lot of TV interviews, and broadcasting was completely pediatric.

"Then as usual, let's ask Dr. Bai Mo's dream first!" Hu Tao cleared his throat, looked at Bai Mo and asked:

"Dr. Bai Mo, I don't know what your dream is?"

"Dream, I really don't have any special dreams as a Doctor Elf and the champion of the league competition!" Bai Mo was not nervous at all. After uttering a sigh of anger, his aura suddenly turned aside. Seriously replied:

"My only dream now is to become the strongest trainer!"

"The strongest in the world!"

At this moment, Bai Mo is strong and confident, and his body seems to have its own light. Seeing the eyes of the girls around him become extremely bright...

A bunch of small stars also appeared in Hu Tao's eyes, but her professionalism was good, so she controlled the Lord's own emotions and asked:

"Then, Dr. Bai Mo, what do you think of the Chengdu Alliance this time?"

"The goal is to win again?"

"How much confidence do you have?"

"Of course, since we came out to challenge, the goal is naturally the championship!" Bai Mo said to himself: "If you don't win the competition, it will be meaningless."

"I won the championship in the first two years. There is no reason to live more and go back. My goal is always to be the champion!"

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