"Too, too handsome!" Seeing Bai Mo's eloquent gaze, all the girls around were fawns.

If someone else said something like this, they might have been sprayed a long time ago, but Bai Mo said something like this, it would only make people feel handsome.

This is where past experience and grades determine the position.

Even, many trainers who are listening to the broadcast now are not convinced, and they are constantly cheering themselves up in their hearts. They must do their best in the league competition.

But apart from Xiaoyin and very few existences, no one really has the confidence to defeat Bai Mo.

While Hu Tao worshipped in her heart, she also had a bright smile on her face. Now that Bai Mo's domineering speech has come out, their show is destined to become popular again.

Thinking of this, Hu Tao asked again: "Dr. Bai Mo, you participated in two alliance challenges, this time in the Chengdu Alliance, which trainer do you think will threaten you!"

"Or, in this Chengdu League, are there any opponents you are more concerned about participating in?"

The walnut problem came up.

A base somewhere in Team Rocket, Xiao Yin narrowed his eyes.

In a branch of the Yulong family, a young man opened his eyes, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

In addition to this, many have their ears pricked up.

"The threat doesn't exist!" Bai Mo was still confident, but then he changed his words and laughed:

"As for the contestants who care, there are actually none!"

"Everyone, work hard and perform hard, maybe if you perform well, you can make me care!"

Chapter 0754 Abduction of the ignorant Kirachi


I have to say that Bai Mo's words are really arrogant, as if he doesn't look down on anyone, which makes many trainers suddenly take a sigh of relief.

No matter what, they all decided that they must get Bai Mo's approval!

Well, even at this time, there are still few people who want to win against Bai Mo, after all, the latter's record is too terrifying.

In the broadcasting room, Hu Tao nodded earnestly, as if agreeing with what Bai Mo said, and then asked again: "Dr. Bai Mo, in this alliance competition, are you using a newly conquered elves or an old-fashioned elves!"

"Let's see the situation!" Bai Mo pondered the question for a while, and smiled: "It depends on the situation of the contestants this year, but I won't use more than three veteran elves per game at most."

"For the rest, I'll use my newly captured elf."

"Then I don't know what kind of elf you have newly conquered, Dr. Bai Mo?" Hu Tao asked in a timely manner.

"It's not something that can't be said!" Bai Mo didn't mean to avoid it.

And as soon as he said this, many people pricked up their ears, a qualified trainer, the necessary tactical investigation is necessary.

Studying the news Bai Mo said now, it will definitely increase the favorable situation.

"In the alliance competition, I will use the hot beast, the owl nighthawk, and the electric dragon!"

"These three are only what I can say for the time being. As for the others, it will depend on the specific situation!"

Hearing Bai Mo's answer, Hu Tao smiled and said:

"Oh? These three elves are mainly distributed in the Chengdu area. They seem to be brand new elves trained by you, Dr. Bai Mo."

"Is this a chance for other trainers to beat you!?"

"Of course!" Bai Mo smiled and said with a smile:

"Give others a chance too, don't you?"

"Although this chance is very slim, and even if I use all new elves, I don't think I will lose!"

The broadcast interview lasted for half an hour and it came to an end. Bai Mo's domineering and direct speech made some trainers who heard it have high fighting spirit.

Although Bai Mo might be the highest to win the championship, the truly qualified trainers are all aiming to win, so now they are all in high spirits.

Bai Mo naturally didn't care about this at all!

At this point, the walnut asked the last question:

"Then, Dr. Bai Mo, where is your next destination?"

"Of course it's the Yuanzhu Gym in Yuanzhu City!" Bai Mo said naturally and directly, "I want to win the next badge."


After Bai Mo finished answering this question, Hu Tao stood up and stretched out his hand, smiling: "This broadcast will end here, thank you Dr. Bai Mo for coming."

"It doesn't matter!" Bai Mo, who also stood up, stretched out his hand and shook Hu Tao, then smiled, "After all, the WT I run also has a branch in Manjin City, and it's right across from the radio station."

"Everyone is a neighbor, as it should be!"

In the end, Bai Mo gave a wave of publicity to his WT!

After the broadcast ended, Bai Mo and his girlfriends took a special car to the coastal area of ​​Manjin City after saying goodbye to Xiaoqian.

Then Bai Mo used the funds to buy a private beach villa and planned to live here for a while.

After staying in the villa for one night, Bai Mo took the girls to the beach.

At this time, the girls had already changed into swimsuits, because they were on a private beach, so Bai Mo didn't care about the girls at all.

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