"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

Yahida's roar passed through the high city walls and heavy wooden doors, and was quickly answered.

There was also a voice of a girl full of anger in the door!

The huge wooden door creaked open.

A girl appeared in front of Bai Mo!

Chapter 0917 A symbol of perseverance: cucumber fragrance!

Bai Mo walked into the castle.

The first thing that caught her eye was a vast practice field.

On the training ground, there was a yellow-haired woman wearing a blue tights and a black training uniform jacket.

Behind the girl, there were still rows of people wearing blue training suits. At this moment, people watched.

I feel an indescribable solemnity!

At this time, the woman took a few steps forward, and first made a posture of tightening her belt, and let out a deep drink.

Bai Mo has never been to the fighting skills training ground and is not familiar with this posture, but he knows that this is a way for the woman in front of her to cheer herself up.

"Hello, welcome to the battle arena, I am the leader of this..."

Having said that, the woman made a fighting move and introduced with great momentum, "Cucumber is fragrant!"

That's right, the woman in front of her was Cucumber Xiang, who had a relationship with Bai Mo in three days.

"Cucumber Xiang, he is the challenger this time, Bai Mo!" Yaxida introduced the process according to the procedure, then squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "I believe you know!"

"Hello, I'm Bai Mo!" Bai Mo nodded at Cucumber Fragrance.

"Dr. Bai Mo, let the horse come over!"

Looking at Bai Mo, Cucumber Xiang felt that her whole body was on fire. The events of three days ago were vivid in her mind, and Bai Mo's strength was still in front of her eyes.

Being led by such a person, Cucumber Xiang feels very good.

However, before that, if it is possible to fight against the same level of elves, Cucumber Xiang thinks this is also a good thing.

"It's very bloody, but that's what makes it interesting."

Bai Mo nodded lightly, raised his feet and walked into the practice ground.

"Are you ready, Bai Mo?"

When they came to the venue, Cucumber Xiang asked Bai Mo.

Hearing this, Bai Mo asked back, "I should ask you this question, Cucumber Xiang, are you ready?"

"Can I really become the leader of this battleground, I have to see your performance."

"It will not let you down!"

Cucumber Xiang looked at Bai Mo firmly, as a girl, she was still a commoner, and she achieved what she is now at a young age. It was definitely not just luck.

The cucumber aroma is very powerful.

Knowing that Bai Mo should be able to obtain more resources and a broader future, she has long been prepared.

"Dr. Bai Mo, what follows is my characteristics of the battlefield!"

Cucumber Fragrance, waved his hand, pointed to the left, and said loudly.


With the sound of cucumber fragrant falling.

Seeing that the ground on the left suddenly separated, a huge roulette slowly rose.

The roulette wheel is divided into six areas, cyan, red, and yellow, with one black dot on top of cyan, two on red, and three black dots on yellow.

The roulette wheel appeared, and Cucumber Xiang continued:

"On the roulette wheel, 1, it's 1 to 1!"

"2 is 2 to 2!"

"3, it's a 3-on-3 showdown!"

"Oh, and this way of giving challengers a choice!"

Bai Mo naturally knew about these things, but he still looked surprised, and he still gave the girl face.

Glancing at the roulette, a blue light appeared in Bai Mo's eyes, and the joystick was pulled down.The roulette wheel spins immediately.


The pointer finally stopped in the yellow area.

"It's decided, this time it's a 3-on-3 matchup, whoever wins 3 games first will win!"

Cucumber Xiang retracted her gaze on the roulette wheel, looked at Bai Mo and said:

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