"Dr. Bai Mo, I will show my strength next, I hope you won't let me down!"

"Nice momentum, let's get started!" Bai Mo nodded calmly. In fact, he used his superpower to control the machine. Three against three was his choice.

Play a few more games, so that he can observe the cucumber fragrance!


The venue for the battle is set in the house inside the training ground.

Those who belonged to the disciples of Cucumber Fragrance were all kneeling and sitting beside the venue at this time, each with a heavy expression.

These disciples also know what this battle means today.

Bai Mo is the first challenger to come here, and it is very likely that he will be the last.

Everything depends on Bai Mo's will.

And they all admired the cucumber Xiangdu very much hope that the former can pass the test.

One of these disciples took a hammer and banged on a gong engraved with the image of Ho-no. This form is full of classical meaning!


After the bronze sound rang, the disciple came to the place where the court judge was staying and announced:

"The duel between Cucumber Xiang and Dr. Bai Mo in the battle arena begins now!"


Cucumber Xiang cheered herself up and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, I want to use these three elves."

After he finished speaking, he threw three Poké Balls, and after the white light disappeared, Charem, Super King, and Heracross appeared on the field.

"Let's release your little elf first!"


Bai Mo looked at the three elves and found that they were all heavenly kings. After thinking about it, he also threw three pokeballs.

"Lucario, the Lizard King, the Giant Stinger, come out!"

"Bai Mo, you are really confident. The three elves released were restrained by the three cucumbers." Yachida murmured, "Could he deliberately use unfavorable attributes to fight?"

"Use this method to test the aroma of cucumbers?" Yachida thought to herself.

"My side, Heracross, will fight first!"

Cucumber Xiang is not happy because of the attribute advantage, because the opponent is Bai Mo.

He sent Heracross first, who had already flown out and stood on the field, constantly provoking with his horns.

"Big Needle Bee, you go first!"

With a wave of Bai Mo's arm, the Big Needle Bee also flapped its wings and came to the arena, burning fierce fighting intent.

Seeing that the two were ready, the referee immediately announced.

"Ready, go!"

"Big Needle Bee, split tiles!" Bai Mo gave the order first.

"Heracross, head to head, split tiles!"

Cucumber Fragrance followed with an order, and made a right-handed slash.

As the two of them gave the order, a white light shone from the needles of the giant needle bee, and when the wings flapped behind it, it turned into a golden flash.

And Heracross is not to be outdone, his hands are also wrapped in white light, flying in the air, constantly colliding with the giant needle bee! .

As the tiles continue to touch.

A series of "Bang! Bang! Bang!"


When Heracross and the Giant Stinger were about to collide again in the air, Cucumber Xiang looked sideways and suddenly changed her order.

Chapter 0918 Good performance of cucumber fragrance!

"Right now, Heracross, make a close fist!"

Cucumber Fragrance's order came suddenly, but Heracross was fast, without the slightest pause in the transition.


Hercules threw a close fist at the hornet.

Its hands, feet, wings, and big horns are omnipotent, and they have exerted great power.

In the face of this situation, the big needle bee's response was also not bad. Although there was no order from Bai Mo, he still quickly used the tile-splitting to resist, blocking the attacks from all directions!

However, the attack points that the Big Needle Bee can block are limited. Although the speed and speed are fast, Hercules is not too far behind.

Under the accumulation of time, the giant stinger was finally unprepared, and was slapped to the ground by Heracross with a big horn.

Seeing this, Cucumber Xiang excitedly clenched her fists and chased after the victory:

"Heracross, chase it up, and strike with a million power!"

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