Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 156 Luo Huaijin: Down And Out, Family Members!

(Happy Chinese New Year everyone~!)

Under Luo Yuan's seemingly magical meals, all the family's conflicts disappeared, and they sat at the dining table in harmony, eating delicious food and chatting.

Luo Yuan: I have made a great contribution to this family!

The whole family released their own Pokémon, although the height of the house made the room a bit crowded.

But the happy atmosphere makes it feel more like home.

Even Alakazam, whose mother has been doing research and rarely comes back, is among them.

After working overtime and staying up late with his mother for so long, Alakazam finally received special treatment and enjoyed the delicious food cooked by Luo Yuan at home.

Alakazam burst into tears at this time, eating the delicious food in his mouth while crying.

Those damn capitalists know how to squeeze my labor force every day. Starting tomorrow, I will work overtime for research, and I will definitely quit!

I want to come back home for dinner every day, the atmosphere at home is warm!

Luo Yuan is still making his own outstanding contribution to the involuntary workers' rebellion against capitalists.

There were three holy beasts before, and now there is Alakazam!

Alakazam is very satisfied with his own evolution. If it is still Kadabra at this time, it only has one spoon, how slow it is to eat.

You see, now I have two spoons, and the left and right "377" hands start to work. In terms of eating speed, how many people in this family are better than me!

"Dad, after more than a year, you will step down as the owner of the museum. Do you plan to retire directly after that, or continue to work?"

Luo Yuan ate his meal slowly, while the family members at the dining table tried their best to maintain an elegant attitude while eating without saying a word.

The main reason is that as soon as they speak out, the food will be snatched away by others!

After Father Luo swallowed another big mouthful of meat, feeling the fermentation of his taste buds and the fullness of his stomach, he picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth and said:

...Your father and I were only fifty years old at the time, what did we do to retire so early. "

Luo Yuan joked: "...fishing."

Hearing what Luo Yuan said, Father Luo really hesitated, but in the end he still shook his head with firm will:

"...As the vice president of the Xiaguo Fishing Association, I cannot set a bad example for the members of the association.

"At my age, I can still use my spare energy. Let's think about retirement in another ten years."

At this time, Luo Yuan asked in a daze: "...Then what are you going to do next, Dad? Or become the owner of the pavilion, or compete for seven stars?"

"If you compete for seven stars, I think it's fine."

Father Luo asked suspiciously, "...why do you say that?"

After thinking carefully, Luo Yuan said: "...I don't think you can beat Dad. Although you are the top champion trainer, a single Pokémon has not broken through to the master level."

"Before I didn't know the strength of the head-level Pokémon, but after I saw Uncle Zhuo's Golduck in Gusu, I felt that you are not Rival, Dad."

That Golduck is a Pokémon that can convert light into water energy without a Z-Crystal and use MegaZ moves.

Especially since it can be used continuously, the normal Pokémon is really not qualified to touch porcelain just because of its destructive power to the city level.

Speaking of a Golduck, the team that directly pierced his father's six top-level champion Pokémon may be overwhelmed.

But one Golduck kills three Pokémon of the father, Luo Yuan thinks it is still no problem.

And with the mastery of the old man's rotation skills, even if Golduck kills the three Pokémon of the old man, it is estimated that he will not completely lose his fighting power.

Just give Golduck some time to recover, and soon the big devil will play again.

Uncle Zhuo, known as Yuhengxing, is an absolute master of wild fighting.

It is mainly the World Eight Masters Tournament and Xia Guo's Seven Star internal competitions, all of which are wild fights.

Those fighting methods on the competition field are for young people. At the same time, the rise of this kind of competition also allows ordinary people to have a deeper understanding of Pokémon.

But the powerful Trainers from ancient times to the present are all for you to play without rules.

On the battlefield, everything is used to the extreme, using poison Pokémon to poison the opponent's Trainer is a routine operation, and there are no rules in the real life-and-death fight.

Luo Yuan himself felt that according to the rules of fighting, his father would never be able to beat Uncle Zhuo.

But in the battle without rules, with the ability of that Uncle Zhuo and the destructive power of the head-level Pokémon, the combat effectiveness is even greater.

Hearing Luo Yuan's words, Father Luo immediately understood what he meant, he laughed and said: "... Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang. "

"The seven stars of our Xia Kingdom are arranged in this order, which also represents the respective strengths of the seven stars."

"The friend Zhuo Shu you saw is your Uncle Zhuo. He is ranked fifth. You saw that he has a master-level Golduck. Don't you think that all the seven stars have master-level Pokémon?"

"Even with the talent of your father and me, we are almost fifty years old, and there is still no Pokémon breaking through. Don't you think there are so many master-level Pokémon?"

Father Luo felt that because Luo Yuan could use Legendary Pokémon, he had an illusion of the strength of the Trainer in this world. He felt that he had to correct his son's thinking.

The trainers in this world are generally strong, but that is due to the huge population base, but they are definitely not as strong as imagined.

If the Trainers were really strong enough to crush the Legendary Pokémon by Solaceon, there would not have been so many natural disasters of the Legendary Pokémon since ancient times.

In the final analysis, the Legendary Pokémon is too perverted, and fortunately the number of Legendary Pokémon at the first level god level is rare, otherwise human civilization would have been over.

"Uncle Zhuo has a master-level Golduck, but Kaiyangxing and Yaoguangxing don't have it. They can be regarded as top-level champion trainers at most."

"Compared to the president of our fishing association, I may not be able to compare, but if it is the last two, I am still sure to win.

Father Luo didn't feel ashamed that he couldn't beat Yuhengxing and the seven stars ranked above, after all, they were the strongest seven stars in Xia Kingdom.

"That is to say, there are only five master-level Pokémon in Xia Kingdom?"

Luo Yuan asked in surprise.

"It's not that exaggerated. There were still some in the previous generation or two, but now those old people are all in their seventies and eighties, and the oldest are almost a hundred years old."

"At that age, they are all enjoying the blessings. How can they be allowed to go to the battlefield? That's why there are no people in my real country."

Father Luo shook his head and said, explaining some common sense to Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan felt the same when he heard it. Even if an old man of that age still keeps exercising, no matter how good his health is, he will burp accidentally.

They have made contributions to Alliance all their lives, so they should really enjoy their retirement life.

When old people of this age still need to come forward to preside over the overall situation, then the Alliance is really in a big crisis.

For example, the Russian Alliance is said to have no successors.

At the same time, Luo Yuan was also secretly grateful.

Fortunately, this is not a world of fantasy novels, because I have a Legendary Pokémon, all kinds of strange hidden forces have emerged, and the world is full of masters.

With Mew and Millerton, we can still occupy the top ranks!

But after thinking about it carefully, even if there are only five trainers in Xia Guo who have the combat power of the head-level Pokémon.

But in so many countries around the world, in fact, it seems that there are quite a few Trainers with master-level Pokémon.

Although Xia Guo has a population of 1.4 billion and a high base of trainers, at the same time, resources are also somewhat stretched. On average, trainer resources are much less.

Massive resources cannot produce a powerful Trainer, but without resources, it is even more impossible to have a powerful Trainer.

No matter how big and rich Xia Guo is, it can't handle the huge average population.

"How about the strength of the top-ranked Tianshu and Tianxuan?"

Luo Yuan needs to understand Alliance's top combat strength as much as possible, so that he can put himself in the right position.

And if you want to know the strength of those trainers who can hardly do anything, except for Luo Yuan asking them to challenge, you can only rely on asking.

After all, Luo Yuan and the current Seven Stars are not of the same era. He may be able to access any information of the current Alliance through Solaceon, but he cannot find the information of the seven old guys.

"The ones at the top are the real masters."

"It is said that they have three master-level Pokémon, all of which are rare. As far as I know, there are at least four, but now if there are five or six, no one knows.

"Perhaps the Eight Masters can be seen, but the Eight Masters are not open to the competition, only some people can watch the game, and the last thing the public knows is the ranking."

"A trainer of that level is too destructive, and the public will be terrified when they see it."

Father Luo also sighed with emotion when he said this, with longing and admiration in his words.

Master, that is the highest title that all Trainers dream of.

Luo Yuan thought about it, boy, if there are four or five Uncle Zhuo Golducks, or even stronger Pokémon, that would be really scary.

Such a Trainer is an absolute national strategic force area.

These master-level Pokémon can already use destructive power that exceeds the level of a second-level god and is close to the level of a first-level god, and can be used several times in a row.

If the Performance of Legendary Pokémon 2.4 is not too exaggerated, if a master-level Trainer uses his own tactics to fight with Pokémon, he might really be able to pass the level of God.

That would be lore!

But that's simply not possible.

In a short period of time, a sect master may be able to fight a 50/50 split with a first-level god, but as soon as it becomes a protracted battle, the sect master must immediately play 'gg'

But even so, in the history of mankind, there are only a few masters in this era who have the ability to try to prevent the disaster brought by Legendary Pokémon.

"Xiaoyuan, tell me what Qixing is doing?"

At this moment, Luo's father suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, with some inexplicable doubts.

"It's nothing, I just think that when the time comes, Dad, you challenge Seven Stars, and I will challenge Seven Stars too.

"We have a double seven-star school, so wouldn't that be passed down through the ages and passed down through the ages!"

Luo Yuan quickly comforted him.

He didn't dare to speak out about his thoughts on father's kindness and son's filial piety.

Father Luo looked at Luo Yuan suspiciously, why don't I believe your nonsense.

Luo Huaijin was silent at the side.

There is no room for me to speak in this house!

What they are talking about is Legendary Pokémon, master, seven stars, and worst of all, the top champion Trainer.

My Elite Four is here, and I can't get in the way!

Depressed, family members!.

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