Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 157 The Russian Champion, Arrived In The Imperial Capital!

World Tree of Earl Dervish, core area—


Mew happily flew around the place like Mew's tree house, making a 'giggle' little loli's cute laugh, and would come to Luo Yuan from time to time and call 'Meowth'

Latias followed Mew and flew back and forth in the tree house, where the two Pokémon were playing happily.

Luo Yuan was half bent in agony, in front of a pool of water, with a shovel and a plastic bucket in his hand, fertilizing, watering, and planting trees.

You are all playing, only I am suffering, right?

Two days before the start of the double school competition, Luo Yuan came to the tree of Earl Dervish in the world again, and Help Mew completed the unfinished business before.

The entrance of the World Earl Dervish Tree is located in Gusu. Luo Yuan first rode Latias and flew to Gusu from the imperial capital with Little Nebula.

After making Little Nebula recognize the entrance to the secret realm, Luo Yuan can directly use Teleport to travel between the entrance to the secret realm of the Earl Dervish tree in the world and the home of the imperial capital.

It can only be said that as long as you know the way, you can teleport Solaceon, only the two Legendary Pokémon, Mew and Nebula, can do it for the time being.

And under Luo Yuan's half-year Breeder, Xiao Xingyun's use of Teleport has been perfected, and he can go wherever he wants like Mundo.

Even Xiao Xingyun has been accumulating strength to live and die without evolving. In order to continue to move around and eat delicious food, it is not easy to hold back himself.

After all, when Little Nebula evolves, it will lose its ability to move, just like those Pokémon in Metapod, unable to take the initiative to eat, and can only wait for the final evolution.

But the final evolution form of the small nebula is either the sun god or the moon god, who knows how long it will take, maybe you need to investigate the 10 Ultra Wormhole to find something special.

Instead of maintaining that uncertainty, it is best to maintain Xiao Xingyun's body.


Little Nebula is floating in the air, holding a biscuit in his hand and happily chasing Mew.

But it doesn't fly fast, and it can't catch up with Mew at all, but Little Nebula doesn't care, it just likes the kind of fun.

Although Little Nebula and Mew are both Legendary Pokémon, they are like children who haven't grown up, playing very noisy.

Instead, Latias is like a big sister, taking care of the two Pokémon.

Luo Yuan also smiled when he saw this scene.

Mew, just play well with Xiao Xingyun now, when Xiao Xingyun evolves in the future, his personality will definitely change, and he will no longer accompany you like a child.

Outside the core area of ​​the Earl Dervish tree in this world, Lillie is hugging Bai Gungun, looking at the ecology of the world Earl Dervish tree with moved and surprised eyes, and sighing from time to time:

"...It's so beautiful, Bai Gun Gun!"


When Bai Gungun was held in Lillie's arms, he also let out a sound of joy.

The world The Tree of Earl Dervish occupies a vast area. Although it is a tree, it is more like continuous mountains.

On this tree, there are lakes like oceans, grasslands, forests, swamps, and mountains, all of which are beautiful.

There are countless Pokémon living on the tree, even many extremely rare Pokémon can be seen here, and even those extinct Pokémon and mythical beasts can be found here.

Due to the power of the Earl Dervish tree in the world, the Pokémon here will not be affected by the secret realm, and most of them have a gentle personality.

Even dragon Pokémon, as long as you don't provoke them, they will not aggressively attack like the secret Pokémon.

In addition, there are three sacred pillars guarding the sacred tree, and the Pokémon Mew coexists with the world tree. It is not an exaggeration to say that this place is a fairyland on earth.

When Lillie came here for the first time, she was completely lost in the magnificent sight.

"Bai Gun Gun, look, it's Vulpix and Ninetales!"

Lillie hugged Bai Gungun vigorously, and shouted excitedly to a group of Pokémon running past.

It was a group of ordinary Vulpix and Ninetales in non-Alola form. Under the leadership of several Ninetales, the group should be looking for food.

However, the Earl Dervish tree in the world is rich in resources, and the Pokémon here are always in danger of food shortages. As long as they take the initiative, they will always find enough food.

After hearing Lillie's yell, one of the Pokémon, Ninetales, looked this way.

It bounced gracefully twice, and came to Lillie, lowered its head gently, and licked the white billowing head.

Lillie took a deep breath, she took a bold step forward, and gently stroked Ninetales' hair with her hand.

Seeing that Ninetales didn't respond, she became more courageous, took out her phone and started taking excited selfies.

Ninetales yelled when his group was far away, and left Lillie and Bai Gungun to catch up with his group.

"Ninetales, goodbye!"


Lillie waved vigorously at Ninetales, and Bai Gungun also shouted happily.

Lillie looked at Braviary and Toucannon flying across the canopy, and at a few Rowlets standing on the branches.

A group of Tympoles followed behind Seismitoad in the water, and rows of Oddish came out from the grass, and she felt sincerely happy.

It's great to be able to connect with Pokémon!

Lillie has liked Pokémon since she was a child, but due to some special reasons, she dare not touch Pokémon.

When she was in Hawaii in the past, she could only hide behind a huge glass mirror, watching with envy the Pokémon raised by the foundation in the courtyard playing.

Once upon a time, she also wanted to play with Pokémon, but that strange disease made her feel stiff whenever she got close to Pokémon.

But now it’s different, I can dare to touch a wild Ninetales!

Lillie thought happily.

At this time, a Dragonair landed beside Lillie, and Lillie climbed onto the Dragonair's slender body with Bai Gungun in his arms.

Dragonair's white horn expanded like a cloud, as if it had turned into wings, and manipulated the wind to fly itself up, taking Lillie to the core of the world's Earl Dervish tree.

When the Dragonair landed on the wide platform, "Lillie just jumped off the Dragonair with ten craps.

"Thank you, Dragonair!"

Lillie waved to Dragonair, and Dragonair also rubbed Lillie's cheek affectionately, then flew up Soaring in the sky with a soft chirp.

This Dragonair is a new friend that Lillie met in the world Earl Dervish tree in just one day. Under the leadership of her new friend, she visited many places in the world Earl Dervish tree.

It's just that this place is too big, and it's impossible for Lillie to watch the whole world Earl Dervish tree in a short time.

If the relationship between one person and one Pokémon continues, one day that emotion will become a bond, a bond between a person and a Pokémon.

Just like a certain champion said: The encounter between life and life will surely give birth to new things.

When Lillie ran back to the huge tree house like a palace, Luo Yuan also finished fertilizing and watering for today.

Seeing Luo Yuan, Lillie's emerald eyes seemed to have light, and the girl's love was also revealed in Xiao He.

Because that is her light!

It was because of meeting Brother Luo Yuan that I was able to overcome that strange illness and my inner fear.

I came into contact with Pokémon, got Bai Gungun, had the opportunity to play with other Pokémon, and had the possibility to become a Trainer or a researcher.

For Lillie, Luo Yuan is the warm sun that dispels the dark clouds in her dark life, making people want to touch and never want to leave.

"Brother Luo Yuan, are you done?"

Lillie ran over with two slender white legs, and asked with concern.

"Well, I'm done."

Luo Yuan stroked his waist and said.

Hey, it's not okay to have a bad waist at a young age.

However, Uncle Zhou, who is in the gym, said that the waist is actually second to this man, and the most important thing is the legs. The leg muscles are the place to show the charm of a man.

Luo Yuan patted his thigh, well, I have to admire Aveiro's leg, it's all developed by me and Lucario!

Speaking of Lucario, Lu Yuan looked beside him.

At this time, Lucario was sitting cross-legged on the ground, using his own waveguide to connect with the tree of Earl Dervish in the world, conducting its special training.

And Lucario's level has reached level 50 at this time, becoming a real gym-level Pokémon!

This is the benefit that the world Earl Dervish tree brought to Lucario, it was only more than 40 levels a few days ago.

But within a few days, it broke through the bottleneck and reached the exaggerated number of 50.

One must know that Luo Yuan has only been a trainer for half a year.

Just judging from the Pokémon levels of those outstanding graduates from Imperial Capital and Tsinghua University, Lucari’s 740 Euro is now going to play cup games, which is really easy to beat the whole team directly.

Zoroark has also reached level 45 at this time, but compared with Lucario, this is a bit far behind.

Every tenth level of Pokémon is a watershed, and it is not so easy to break through.

Moreover, Zoroark doesn't like exercise very much, it prefers to temper its "illusion" ability, so Zoroark's upgrade speed is actually very slow compared to Luo Yuan's other Pokémon.

As for Kirlia, she has also improved a lot. At this time, she has level 40. It can only be said that Pokémon below level 40 can upgrade very quickly under Luo Yuan's cooking skills.

Only after reaching level 40 or above, the speed will start to drop.

But even so, Breeder produced one level 50 Pokémon and two level 40 Pokémon in half a year, which is already an unimaginable speed.

Latias' level is now as high as 73, mainly because Latias has eaten Luo Yuan's food for ten years, and now it is more like slowly releasing the power he has accumulated

So even if her level is high, this upgrade speed is a bit exaggerated.

As for Millerton, level 85 has not changed, it seems that the upgrade of Legendary Pokémon is a bit different.

Just like Mew, it has also eaten its own cat food for several years, and it has not been seen that it is higher than other first-level gods, and even among the first-level gods, it is still relatively weak.

Anyway, for Legendary Pokémon, not to mention Luo Yuan, the human history of thousands of years is not very clear.

"Looking at it from this point of view, the two-school competition is much simpler than the Lugia Cup."

Luo Yuan sighed with emotion.

After all, during the Lugia Cup, Luo Yuan's Lucario hadn't reached the gymnasium level, so he beat up the proud girl Xu Yiran.

Luo Yuan has also watched the Ho-Oh Cup match, the level of Tsingta University is not bad, but it is only about equal to Dida University, for Luo Yuan, it is playing in the Baby Cup!

It appears that the upcoming Russian champions will make Drew his next contender.

A plane from the Russian Alliance landed at the Imperial Capital International Airport, and the visiting team of the Russian Alliance finally arrived at the Xia Kingdom Alliance.

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