Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 8 One Of The Only Masters In The World

The huge spoon drew an extreme arc, forming a perfect arc, and shot a cold arrow at Luo Yuan.

With the appearance of that terrifying spoon, the air was compressed, and there were bursts of whistling sounds, which showed how powerful the Pokémon holding the spoon was.

But not so much strength, it is better to say that all the effects are displayed by the powerful Psychic.

Luo Yuan glanced slightly out of the corner of his eye, and could see that the spoon was over a kilometer long, just like Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which could be long or short, large or small.

Even standing on a high place, within the periphery of human vision, there is no trace of Pokémon using a spoon.

However, the visitor would never have thought that Luo Yuan has the power of waveguide, and the moment the opponent appeared, Luo Yuan's waveguide power would lock the opponent on.

Everything has a waveguide, and the power of the waveguide does not seem to have the weirdness of directly acting on the material reality like Psychic, but its auxiliary Ability is powerful beyond imagination.

"Mr. L, be careful!"

"Another enemy?"

Both Chi Hong and Qing Lu shouted, although they were surprised by the enemy attack again, they were very calm.

After all, this is Saffron City, which has been reduced to the territory of the Rockets.

To be honest, Alliance doesn't know the internal composition of the Rockets, so who knows how many experts the Rockets have?

Besides, even if there are four people in the so-called three executives, it is normal.

Therefore, Crimson and Green were already prepared for a sneak attack by the Rockets, and have been vigilant against it.

It's just that feeling the powerful Psychic vibrating in the air, even the red and green are shocked.

Such a terrifying Psychic, even ordinary people can perceive it.

Especially the soup spoon, this thing turned out to be a substance made by materializing Psychic. How terrible is this Psychic-type Pokémon that can materialize Psychic?

I'm afraid only Legendary Pokémon can do it!

The three Executives, who were banned by Electro Web and were unable to act, showed joy at this time, and Ma Zhishi even laughed and said: "...boys, you have to be careful, this is our boss. !"

Luo Yuan looked at the soup spoon that was slapped towards him with great strength and speed. If someone was hit by this soup spoon, they would definitely be smashed into meat in an instant.

But Luo Yuan didn't even use Pokémon, so he raised his right tail unhurriedly.

If Luo Yuan did this before, Chi Hong and the others would still be horrified, but seeing Luo Yuan doing this at this moment, they were very calm.

The previous Luo Yuan was unscathed when he received the blow from the three god birds. Even though the spoon looked more terrifying, they felt that it was nothing.

The huge spoon approached Luo Yuan, and the strong wind hit his face, causing Luo Yuan's hair to blow up, but he calmly opened his right hand, blocking the path of the spoon with his palm.

There was no earth-shattering explosion sound, no brilliant brilliance, just when the spoon touched Luo Yuan's palm, it seemed to be deadlocked with something.

The owner of the soup spoon found himself in the throes when it slammed into Psychic's input.

However, this behavior not only did not allow Tangshao to break through Luo Yuan's protection, but instead seemed to arouse the viciousness of the psychic stalemate with Tangshao.

With a 'click', and with a soft sound, the soup spoon split inch by inch in an instant, turning into pure Psychic energy and scattered in the air.

On a tall building thousands of meters away, a man who was not very tall, with broad shoulders and a strong body, gave people a sense of extreme stability and solidity, and his expression was stunned.

The man has a crew cut and a face with Chinese characters. He is wearing a decent suit, just like Luo Yuan when he was pretending to be aggressive, with one hand in his pocket.

The man's always calm eyes revealed disbelief at this moment.

He couldn't help asking: "..... Mewtwo, you didn't keep your hand, did you?"

In front of the man in the suit, a two-meter-tall Pokémon that looked like a fusion of a human and a feline turned his head and glanced at him.

Mewtwo didn't make a sound, but with this look, Giovanni knew everything.

"That's right, with the strong psychic fluctuation just now, it's impossible for you to say that you kept your hands.

Giovanni shrugged and said flatly.

Although he was surprised just now, he is indeed the experienced and well-informed leader of the Rockets, and now he has calmed down.

"How did that person do it? Before, he was hit by the three god birds without relying on the power of Pokémon.

"Now even your attack can be blocked so easily, as if his power is infinite."

"Is he really not a human, but a Pokémon? But even a Pokémon, it's impossible to take your attack indifferently and easily."

Giovanni seems to be asking, but also seems to be muttering to himself.

Mewtwo didn't answer Giovanni, not only because it didn't have the obligation, but also because it couldn't understand what was going on.

Giovanni also didn't expect Mewtwo to be able to answer his own questions. He always likes people who are good at self-thinking.

"Who is this person? With the Rockets' intelligence network, it is impossible for such a mysterious person to fail to find any information.

"Even if it was the person who abducted 'Silver' back then, I have tracked down the information. It is even more impossible for such a young and powerful Trainer to escape from the Rockets' intelligence network."

"Unless he is not from this world, or from this era."

Giovanni almost guessed the correct answer after thinking about it.

In addition to his trust in Team Rocket's intelligence, it's also because the Pokémon world has too many Pokémon-like abilities.

For example, the twin gods of time and space, such as Celebi and the like.

Giovanni has always been in Saffron City. As the most important operation of the Rockets, how could he, the boss, not be in charge in person.

Although Chi Hong, Qing Lu and the others had made a scene before, Giovanni didn't make a move and just watched with cold eyes.

Because the three executives are capable enough to deal with them.

But this mysterious person who appeared suddenly and called himself "" made Giovanni completely unable to sit still.

Not only has some Legendary Pokémon that I have never heard of, but also has such a strong bond with Legendary Pokémon.

And he himself doesn't look like a human being, no matter whether it is the three gods or Mewtwo, they can't do anything to him.

In this situation, it is already impossible not to take action, otherwise the Rockets' great cause will come to naught.

"Although I guessed that the development of the Rockets will not be so smooth, but encountering such a thing is somewhat beyond my expectations."

Giovanni sighed lightly. If this plan fails, although the Rockets will not completely collapse, their strength and sphere of influence will be greatly reduced.

At least in a short period of time, even in this life, it is impossible for me to have the opportunity to fulfill that ambition again.

Although his ambition is actually just to find his lost child.

Well, when I win the Alliance, I will definitely change the law, and all human traffickers will be sentenced to death!

Giovanni thought about it, and said to Mewtwo: "... Mewtwo, use Teleport to take me there.

Mewtwo glanced at Giovanni, and said to Giovanni telepathically, "...do you really want to go there?"

"The Pokémon that is stopping your men inside Saffron City, and that dragon are both so strong that even I have no way of defeating them.

"Besides, you don't know how many Pokémon the other party has available."

Giovanni touched his heart with his hand, this man who always gave people the impression of being calm and stable, at this moment, he said arrogantly:

.....I'm not the only Pokémon like you, Mewtwo!"

"I didn't expect that at such an age, I would once again have the urge to challenge when I saw a powerful Trainer when I was young."

"For many years, I couldn't find any Rival, and because my body was deteriorating, it was difficult to exert my full strength, and there was the 'Silver' incident, which made me completely desperate.

"That's why I gave up my identity as a trainer and devoted myself to the development of the Rockets.

"But your appearance gave me a chance. You helped me cure this terminal illness and let me find the feeling of being strong again."

"I'm only forty years old, and I'm in the prime of life!"

"Although I am not the only one in this world, I am also one of the only masters in this world. As a master, how can I slack off in the face of such a challenge!"

Giovanni was full of pride at this moment.

Due to problems such as population and resources in the Pokémon world, there are very few real masters, and Giovanni is one of them.

It's just that because of a terminal heart disease, he can't do strenuous exercise, and Pokémon battles are almost impossible.

Even in a duel, his strength has dropped drastically, and his terminal illness has completely limited all his strength.

But now, he seems to have regained the pride of being a trainer again. Even if he lost all the honor of a trainer, he is still a leader standing on top of the world.

The former Giovanni was just an ordinary young insect catcher in Tokiwa City.

Mewtwo gave Giovanni a deep look.

It can see through people's hearts, of course it knows that Giovanni is only using itself, and it knows the ambition and darkness in Giovanni's heart.

But at the same time, Mewtwo also saw the enthusiasm and anticipation buried deep in Giovanni's heart, the love for Pokémon.

Trainers who can train their Pokémon to this level have absolute love for their Pokémon.

Giovanni may not be as human as Lucas, or since he lost his child, he has lost his humanity, but he is still a Trainer.

As Mewtwo of Pokémon, it has been asking the philosophical questions of its own life since its birth, who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

It has no expectations of life, so it is temporarily attracted after seeing Lucas, who is the trainer in the depths of Giovanni's heart.

The bond of fighting with Trainer is the instinct that a Pokémon pursues.

"Now that you're ready, go for it."

Mewtwo activated the Teleport on a whim, and appeared directly next to the three Executives who were besieged by the Electro Web.

Luo Yuan seemed to have expected the appearance of Giovanni and Mewtwo. With one hand in his pocket, and the breeze blowing past, he said in a deep voice, "...you are here, Giovanni."

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