Urban Sims

Chapter 707 Fatal loophole

What is heaven really like?

Is the paradise scenery of "food everywhere, rivers of butter, mountains of treasures, and countless beauties" described by the Holy See of Light true?

No one knows the answer to this.

Because none of the souls who went to heaven came back and did not send back any detailed and true information about heaven.

This cannot prove that heaven is as beautiful as advertised...it seems to have everything.

Zhou Ming wanted to explore this issue in depth, and wanted to find out through some methods, what does the so-called paradise look like?


With the resources and abilities he has at hand, he is still unable to explore the palace of a true god... Even if he becomes a true god, it will be difficult to detect it.

So Zhou Ming has no way of knowing what heaven looks like specifically.

But during the experiment, Zhou Ming investigated the question of whether the souls of those devout believers who believed in the God of Light could go to "heaven" and came up with a surprising result.

A fatal loophole was found!

That is to say, the souls of 99.99% of believers cannot enter the "heaven" they long for.

The souls of the vast majority of believers cannot go to "heaven" at all!


"There's a lot of overhead in the transmission process."

The system in the mind explained: "After all, Azeroa is not the home of the God of Light. This plane is separated from the God of Light's palace by two layers of impenetrable crystal walls."

"The plane crystal wall is very strong and can block all objects within the law. Even souls without mass can hardly penetrate it... unless a large amount of divine power is consumed."

"If faith power is used as the data unit, a believer can contribute 100 units of faith power throughout his life, but breaking the plane crystal wall requires at least 100,000 units of faith power!"

"Coupled with the efforts of the Creator God and the Guardian of this plane to contain it, the process of soul migration will consume even more divine power!"

"Even if it is to exchange 1,000 times the power for a useful soul, to the gods, unless the value of the soul is extremely high, they will not make such a loss-making transaction."

"And what the God of Light wants to get is the entire world of Azeroa, all the laws of this plane, and information on top of a lot of information."

"As for transferring souls, if the system is the God of Light, it is generally not necessary, because through the rope of faith, the God of Light can get most of the information he wants."

"Now that we have enough information, the God of Light will certainly not accept those souls that do not bring much benefit but require a lot of divine power."

"What's more, the space of 'heaven' is limited. If it is true as the "Divine Code" says: Anyone who believes in light can ascend to heaven and absorb the souls of all believers into heaven, how can the space in heaven be enough?"

"How can such a vast amount of souls be crammed into heaven?"

Even if he could, he still couldn't afford the expense of frequently opening the plane crystal walls.

"So where did all those souls go? Since most of them can't go to heaven, where did they end up?"

Zhou Ming asked the system, 99.99% of the souls of believers cannot go to heaven, so where should they go and what arrangements will be made?

"Of course they all disappeared, completely disappeared," the system said.

Zhou Ming's pupils shrank: "You mean, those souls were all destroyed and nothing was left?"

"Yes, those souls have played their best role. They will first be cleared of all information, and then particleized, turning into the most common power in the world - holy power."

"Those souls who failed to go to heaven are the main source of holy power!"

"The God of Light is indeed a genius who utilizes his followers to the extreme."


Zhou Ming was stunned when he heard the system's words.

Isn't this feeling better than the feeling of being sold and still helping count money?

And the nature is thousands of times worse, because the God of Light regards the souls of the vast majority of believers as nutrients to strengthen the "holy power" and as fully utilized renewable resources.

The so-called heaven is a complete lie to 99.99% of believers!

Those believers who devoutly believe in the God of Light are just chess pieces in the eyes of the God of Light...things that are meant to be sacrificed and used!

Zhou Ming shook his head:

"The so-called faith is just a deception in the end, a deception from body to soul... I wonder what those devout believers will think?"

What kind of despair and collapse will happen?


It was indeed despair and collapse... When Zhou Ming told the sixth group of believers with the attribute of "incomparable piety" this fact, they all expressed disbelief.

"No way! God wouldn't do such a thing!"

"As long as you have devout faith, everyone can go to heaven - this sentence is written in the "Divine Code", so there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Lie, blasphemer, you are lying! God is omnipotent and cannot deceive us!"

"Yes, we will all go to heaven!"


Zhou Ming sneered: "Whether it was me or your god who lied, we will know after a few tests!"

"I have a medicinal powder here that can mark the soul. If the medicinal powder solidifies but disappears in an instant, it means that the soul has gone to heaven!"

"If the medicine turns into powder and flies away, it can only mean one thing: the God of Light only regards you as a tool to use!"

He raised his voice and said, "Who is willing to come out and try to see if you can ascend to heaven?"

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

"You damn blasphemer, I will never let you slander the greatness of the God of Light!"

As soon as Zhou Ming finished speaking, at least forty or fifty people stood up, ready to accept the test. They wanted to use irrefutable results to confirm God's promise and slap Zhou Ming, the blasphemer, in the face.


Zhou Ming shouted "Hello", and then selected 50 specimens to conduct the first batch of "Soul Ascension" experiments.

The specific experimental process is more complicated. First, the souls of 50 experimental subjects are separated from the body by killing living bodies. Then the necromancer is allowed to extract the souls and capture them, put them into a powder barrel for marking, and put the transparent souls into , dyed into an orange color visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the souls are released, and 50 souls are allowed to rise into the sky under the pull of the rope of faith. Through a series of advanced detection equipment, the direction of the ascension of these souls is observed.

If the orange souls disappear and the detector cannot detect their traces, it proves that those souls have indeed ascended to heaven.

If the orange soul suddenly disperses, turns into countless yellow light spots, floats in all directions, and finally disappears without a trace... what this means is self-evident.

So, after the experiment started.

in one night.

When 50 orange souls, like algae yearning for light, rise into the night sky, they are beautiful and fly farther and farther into the void.

In front of the live video, countless believers were praying in envy.

"Heaven, they are going to heaven now."

"How enviable is it? I wonder when I can have such a day?"

"It's so beautiful. Seeing such a beautiful scene, suddenly, I yearn for death."

"Yes, living means suffering. Only heaven is the most beautiful destination."

"Hahaha, have all the blasphemers and traitors seen it? This is the road to heaven, the road to heaven! You who are destined to go to hell, be jealous! Be angry! Be regretful!" Someone glared at Zhou Mingdao said.

"what is that?!"

"It melted. Why did it suddenly melt?"

"This...how is this possible?"

Suddenly there were several screams from the crowd!

Everyone looked intently and suddenly saw an incredibly shocking scene.

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