Urban Sims

Chapter 708 Collapse

What happened in front of everyone?


Ten thousand meters high in the night sky, those 50 orange souls seemed to have dissolved, disintegrating.

It turned into countless yellow dots.

From a wonderful whole, it turned into countless little stars like the explosion of fireworks.

Finally it gradually disappeared.

what does that mean?

It means that those 50 marked souls did not go to the so-called "heaven", but "disappeared".

Or it might be more appropriate to describe it as being "cleared".

This made the smiles on the faces of countless believers freeze, and their eyes became extremely frightened.

"Did you see everything?"

"This is the God you believe in, and the arrangements for the vast majority of souls who believe in him."

"That is your paradise, a paradise of ashes and annihilation!"

"Are you still willing to go to such a paradise?"

Zhou Ming said in time, punching everyone in the heart.


Countless people opened their mouths, not knowing how to answer.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"God will not deceive us! How could God deceive their devout believers?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"False, this must be false. Blasphemer, you must be deceiving us. You are slandering the God of Light! Go to hell, blasphemer!"

There are also some people who still express firm disbelief. For example, most of the people who participated in the sixth group of experimental samples do not believe that God would do this to devout believers like them!

They do not believe that the result of going to heaven is to become ashes and disappear.

"You won't cry until you see the coffin?"

Zhou Ming smiled coldly: "Okay, then let's do a few more sets of experiments to see if you believe it or not!"

So that night, Zhou Ming had two more sets of 'soul ascension' experiments done. A total of 100 souls were extracted, dyed orange with medicinal powder, and released in two batches for careful observation.

The result was still as Zhou Ming expected. A total of 100 souls in these two batches, without exception, all turned into countless luminous particles.

Another two batches of souls yearning for heaven, all turned into ashes and annihilated.

"Anyone else want to try?"

"Does anyone want to go to such a paradise?"

Zhou Ming asked loudly, and there were a lot of elegant birds below, and you could hear a needle drop.

"Let me tell you why you can't go to heaven? Indeed, heaven may exist, or it may be as beautiful and desirable as described in the "Divine Book"."

"But if I want to go there, I can tell you responsibly that it is not possible! At least it is impossible for 99% of souls!"

"Even if your devotion to the God of Light is unparalleled, no matter how loyal you are to the Holy See!"

"The vast majority of you will not be able to go to heaven!"

"Because the capacity of heaven is limited, not everyone can enter it casually."

"God will also weigh and consider each soul based on its use value. Only those with high use value are qualified to ascend to heaven."

"Because your god is a despicable and shameless robber! He cannot enter this world directly, he can only use his faith to corrode this world."

"Because his divine power cannot be directly projected into this world, he can only use the method of decomposing the souls of believers and generating holy power. Within ten thousand years, he has generated countless holy powers."

"In the eyes of the God of Light that you believe in, you are just pawns, nutrients, and tools that can be used."

"So, will you still believe in such a god?"


Zhou Ming's rhetorical questions felt as if heavy bombs had been dropped on everyone's hearts. Their minds were buzzing, and their faces were full of fear and disbelief. Many people shook their heads and backed away. .

Some people even have their faith collapsed and their entire being is on the verge of collapse.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

"Our God, the God we have believed in all our lives, is a despicable liar?"

"We are just pawns and tools, the main source of holy power?"

"I have been serving God all my life. I am loyal and never slack off. God... God actually treats me like this. I don't even have a chance to go to heaven?"

"If you don't believe it, I still don't believe it! Blasphemer, it must be you who did something to prevent those souls from going to heaven. It's your fault. Blasphemer, it must be your fault!" There were still people struggling. .

"That's right, don't believe what the blasphemer says. The blasphemer must be up to something. He must have eliminated those souls. There is something wrong with the medicinal powder he applied to the souls. These medicinal powders eliminated those souls!" Some people also made bold remarks. Speculations found the reason why those souls could not enter heaven.

This guess has won the approval of quite a few people. After all, the blasphemers are too cunning and evil. In this "heaven experiment", the blasphemers were 100% tampered with!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming shook his head:

"You still haven't given up, so I'll let you give up completely!"

So Zhou Ming selected another 100 people from the remaining people in the sixth group of experiments and conducted two sets of controlled experiments... 50 people in each group.

Among the two groups of people, the first group of people, after extracting their souls, still dyed them with medicinal powder, but only dyed part of the color... For example, they only dyed their hands or feet, not all of them, and then released them into the night sky to observe them. Variety.

The second group of people extracted their souls, dyed them completely with medicinal powder, and then injected these 50 souls into the soul crystal of the magic doll, allowing it to exist as a magic doll for a long time... If these magic costume dolls can exist for a long time, the problem of dyeing powder will be eliminated.

Naturally, during the experiment, the first group of partially dyed souls quickly decomposed and turned into the so-called "holy power" after rising ten thousand meters into the night sky.

The second group of fifty souls encapsulated in the magic dolls were safe and functioning as usual.

In this way, the suspicion that there was something wrong with the medicinal powder was completely eliminated.

Zhou Ming even asked the 50 magic dolls: "How are you doing? Do you need to release your souls to verify whether you can go to heaven?"

"No... don't!" These magic-dressed dolls shook their heads.

He even held his head and sobbed: "Our God... He has used us, and he has been deceiving us!"

"God of light, you are a god, but you are clearly a devil! A devil wearing an angel mask! I will never believe in you again!"

"Devil, despicable devil, I can't imagine that I have been believing in such a thing!"

"Woooooo~ It's over, everything about me is over, my whole life is over!"

"Hahahaha! Light, go to hell with the light! All I see now is darkness!"

"We are just ants, just used nutrients and tools. How ridiculous and ridiculous is it to go to heaven? I am a huge fool!"


At this moment, countless believers in the God of Light collapsed mentally, and the faith that played a pillar role in their hearts also collapsed.

A complete breakdown.

Naturally, in this trial, Zhou Ming achieved a complete victory like a desperate counterattack!

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