Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1148: Yue Shiyin

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It has been three days since I left the Yao family.

During these three days, Ye Hong studied the ten-hole bones up and down.

During this period, the wonderful melody was played.

But somehow, there were no wonderful scenes.

This made Ye Hong lost again.

Could it be that he was stunned by everything he felt in the Yao Family Stone Room that day?

Ye Hong, who did not believe in evil, immediately ran to the city library.

The Bailu City Library, known as a collection of tens of millions of books, is the place with the largest collection of books in Jiangnan Province.

Ye Hong plans to go to the library to see if there are any books describing prehistoric civilization.

"Books about prehistoric civilization?"

The beautiful lady administrator in front of the counter in the lobby on the first floor of the City Library said to Yehong with embarrassment: "This is an unpopular book among the unpopular, please wait a moment, I'm checking for you."

At this time, another administrator at the counter heard Yehong's words, but looked up at Yehong with interest.

I saw this was a young beauty in her early twenties.

On the quiet and graceful face, he wore a pair of white frame glasses.

For example, the long hair of the waterfall is draped on the shoulders, adding a touch of elegant elegance to it.

She asked softly, "This gentleman, are you interested in prehistoric civilization?"

Ye Hong was idle and idle, but nodded and smiled at her.

The Wenjing woman pushed her glasses, and there was a meaningful flash in her eyes. She reached out and stopped the colleague beside her: "You don't need to check, I know where those books are.

I will take this gentleman personally to find it now. "

After he finished speaking, he got up and asked Ye Hong a gesture.

Ye Hong froze for a moment, but did not refuse her, and went upstairs behind her.

"This gentleman, you need not be surprised.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yue Shiyin, a part-time college student who also likes to study prehistoric civilization. "

The administrator turned his head and smiled slightly at Ye Hong: "You are the first person I met who was interested in prehistoric civilization for so long in the library.

So I can't help but want to communicate with you.

Hope this will not make you feel abrupt. "

Yue Shiyin's smile was clear and clean, so that Ye Hong could not feel the slightest hypocrisy.

Ye Hong felt suddenly in her heart, no wonder she would have such an abnormal performance.

He gently shook his head, indicating that he did not care about these details.

In fact, a person familiar with this aspect is so enthusiastic that it is a good thing for Yehong.

Yue Shiyin led Yehong directly to the top floor of the city library, and stopped under a bookshelf with almost no silhouette.

Yue Shiyin waved her hands and pointed at the dazzling array of books in front of her eyes, her face excitedly: "These are books introducing prehistoric civilization.

Covering ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries, history of barnyard officials, miscellaneous stories about novels, etc. "

Yehong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, not to mention a thousand, there are also two thousand related books, right? !

Lang Lang Shu Hai, how long will he find the information he wants? !

Yue Shiyin glanced at Yehong, covering her mouth and snickering, "Your Qi-Kungfu really doesn't fit your age.

When I first saw so many books, I was almost shocked. "

Ye Hong silently sighed, instantly overthrowing the original short-term plan, intending to discuss long.

He came to the bookshelf and took a book at random.

This is a book published by the Sakura Kingdom, and of course it is all in Sakura.

"Ding! Trigger proficient level language learning ability, trigger proficient level translation ability... Automatically translate into language..."

Seeing Ye Hongjin watching with interest, Yue Shiyin on the side couldn't help but be surprised: "Do you understand Sakura?"

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