Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1149: You are very exaggerated

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Hearing Yue Shiyin's question, Ye Hong just nodded at random and counted as a response.

At the moment, he is immersed in the content depicted in this book.

This is a fantasy novel by the author of the Sakura Kingdom Kei Higashino.

The background depicted in the novel is precisely the prehistoric civilization of Yan Guo.

Keigo Higashino wrote at the beginning of the book that the inspiration for this novel is part of the historical materials of the Sakura Kingdom.

It is mentioned in those historical materials that the Yan Kingdom, the former sovereign state of the Sakura Kingdom, has been so powerful for thousands of years because it has a certain kind of heritage that no outsiders know.

This kind of heritage is the prehistoric civilization of the Yan Kingdom.

Based on this part of records, Higashino Keuri depicts a fantasy story of prehistoric civilization.

Ye Hong could not help but frown slightly when he read this.

He knew that for some historical reasons, some of the Yan Kingdom's inheritance fell to the Sakura Kingdom overseas.

Therefore, Ye Hong is not surprised that there are relevant records in the Sakura Kingdom.

But this book by Kei Higashino is a novel after all, mixed with many of his personal ideas.

Therefore, the reference is not as strong as the pure historical records.

"Forget it, take it back as a recreational reading..."

While thinking about this, Ye Hong threw the book at the side of Yue Shiyin: "Help me hold it first, I will borrow it later."

Yue Shiyin is also immersed in the shock of the Sakura language of the Yehong Club. After all, she is also learning the Sakura language, but she is not yet skilled enough to read the Sakura language books like Yehong.

Seeing Ye Hong's sudden move, Yue Shiyin screamed and caught the book in a hurry.

She looked at Ye Hong as she should have, Yun Yun was light and windy, and suddenly felt that Ye Hong was like a big family master, and she was like a maid he could easily call.

But even so, Yue Shiyin did not feel the slightest sense of violation.


Yue Shiyin was very distressed about her humble thinking, and was about to struggle, but before she could speak, she saw Ye Hong picking up another book in Kuma language.

"You, you can even read the words of Mao Xiongguo?!"

Ye Hong ignored her, and after a few glances, she threw the book into Yue Shiyin's arms.

This is a Travels of Yan Guo written by scholars of ancient Mao Xiong. Like the previous book, it is still only a little reference.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Shiyin saw Ye Hong drawing books one by one from the bookshelf, and the height of her books in her arms grew higher and higher.

And Yue Shiyin noticed that most of these books are foreign language books, or the languages ​​of different countries.

At Yehong's appearance age, one or two foreign language moon poems are still believed.

But he can speak so many foreign languages ​​at the same time, and Yue Shiyin inevitably has doubts.

She suspected that Yehong was only a prankster, not for studying prehistoric civilization at all.

Feeling tainted and polluted by his research, Yue Shiyin immediately glared at Ye Hong and said, "Stop, I don't allow you to take it again!"

Ye Hong froze for a moment, turned around and happened to face the sullen Yue Shiyin.

"Why? Is there a limit to the books I can borrow?" Ye Hong wondered.

Yue Shiyin shook his head: "I just think you are very exaggerated and not down to earth.

What's the use of borrowing so many incomprehensible books to go back, it is better to leave it to those who need it! "

Ye Hong was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood Yue Shiyin's thoughts, shaking his head and laughing.

"What are you laughing at? What am I saying wrong?"

Yue Shiyin was even more angry when she saw Yehong without any reflection.

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