Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1407: Linzhou Earthquake

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Duanmu Chengya has not been out for half a month.

Earlier, due to the incident at Fengting Square, Duanmu Chengya was detained in the security bureau for interrogation for a long time.

Although no substantial evidence was found in the end, Ke Duanmu Chengya still felt aggrieved.

As long as Ye Hong does not get rid of it for a day, this suffocation will often accompany him, making him unable to sleep peacefully.

The tormented Duanmu Chengya recently received another bad news like the thunder.

[Ji Chuanshuo, the current owner of Ji Family in Egret City, died of civil strife].

Although the people of Duanmu's family didn't know what the news had to do with their own family, they clearly saw Duanmu Cheng's spitting blood and almost passed out.

The back-end Mu Chengya didn't know where he received the news, shouting in his room: "Yehong, I will kill you!"

Tonight, all the children of the Duanmu family were called back by Duanmu Chengya.

In addition to the siblings of these tribes, there is also a brawny and tall man, densely spread on both sides of the house.

These big men have strange appearances, not the faces of the Yan people.

From them, there was faint air of death.

All of them looked up at Duanmu Chengya on the high platform.

Duanmu Chengya's eyes were red, and he shouted to the people below: "This time, everyone in the family is called to gather the power of the entire family and slap a big devil!"

His name is Yehong! "

Before the restlessness subsided, Duanmu Chengya overbearingly pointed at the strong men on both sides of the house: "These people are the top killers I have hired with all the funds in the family.

As long as I give an order, they will enter Egret City, killing Yehong and people related to Yehong!

Hahahahaha! "

Looking at the maddening Duanmu Chengya on the high platform, the Duanmu family members were immediately dissatisfied and said: "But doing so will do great harm to the family!"

"Humph! As long as you can kill Ye Hong, there must be a way for the family to rise again!"

Duanmu Chengya said coldly proudly.

"No, you don't have this opportunity anymore."

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door.

As the gate was kicked open, a handsome young man holding a toothpick swaggered into the house.

Looking at the sign on his clothes, many people exclaimed: "Two places in the Yan group!"

The faces of the hired killers on both sides of the house changed greatly, and they hurriedly reached for their weapons.

"No movement!

Put down your weapon and raise your hand! "

On the roofs on both sides, a Yan group soldier with an assault rifle suddenly appeared.

Every hired killer was pointed by at least three or four muzzles.

The mercenaries were all sweating in the face, and they were so frightened that they lost their weapons and quickly raised their hands.

And the Duanmu family was squatting on the ground with their heads scared.


The young man spit out the toothpick in the middle, walked to the high platform, and came to Duanmu Chengya, who was pale.

He took out a work permit and shook it in front of Duanmu Chengya, said indifferently: "Wei Qianling, director of the second division of the Yan Group.

We suspect that the Duanmu family illegally hired foreign killers to plot the massacre of the Yan Guo people, and asked the Duanmu family to follow us to Kyoto. "

Duanmu Chengya only felt that all his strength had disappeared, like a pool of mud, and he collapsed to the ground.

He was blind, and muttered to himself in despair: "The Duanmu family... is dead."

In a few days, the four giants of Linzhou City, following the last Tiangang Industry, the Qin Group and the Duanmu family also fell down.

Ali Ma Ma Group, the only remaining group, hastily convened an emergency meeting and announced the expulsion of Feng Jie, Director of Market Operations!

But even so, it cannot escape the results of the investigation.

The forces of all parties were confused by the sudden changes in the situation in Linzhou, and they were terrified.

But almost no one knew that the Linzhou earthquake was planned by a teenager thousands of miles away.

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