Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1408: Enmity, you have to repay!

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Egret City, Tianheyuan, Yehong home.

Looking at the information from Linzhou City, Ye Hong smiled softly.

The development of things is completely in his plan.

That piece of information passed to Zheng Shaokang was, of course, evidence produced by Ye Hong based on the contents of the recording pen.

The collapse of the Qin's Group was also inseparable from him.

Prior to this, Qin was fooled by Ye Hong from ten overseas subsidiaries, and Ye Hong changed hands and hung them under the name of Qin Hongshuang.

In this catastrophe of the Qin Group, it was these ten companies that first stood up under the advice of Qin Hongshuang, and reported the unlawful acts of the Qin Group, only to have a series of subsequent stories.

Now that Qin Guang is dead, Jiang Qiuhuan and his mother are imprisoned, and the whole family is punished.

Ning Fengyan and Qin Hongshuang, who got the news, cried together for a whole night, shouting that God had eyes.

Upon the death of Chairman Qin Guang, in the face of investigations by various parties in Linzhou and strong enemies, the commercial building of Qin Group suddenly collapsed.

The directors feared to have a relationship with the group and fled with their funds.

The employees even wailed while looking for the next house.

The once glorious Qin Group seems to have become a symbol.

Perhaps after many years, some people will recall this huge commercial empire in Chilin City for many years.

With the dissolution of the headquarters, countless overseas subsidiaries of the Qin Group suddenly became homeless.

At this time, Ye Hong suggested that Qin Hongshuang combine the ten subsidiaries to form a new group.

This group then merges other overseas subsidiaries of the Qin Group.

This is the origin of [Yeshuang Group].

With Qin's foundation and Qin Hongshuang's wrist, the merger progressed smoothly.

By the time other powers staring at this fat awakened, the Yeshuang Group had almost digested the meat.

This is of course because Ye Hong had already anticipated this chaos, and he could get ahead of those forces by starting early.

All in all, the Yeshuang Group is beginning to take shape.

Then it will become Ye Hongbu's first chess piece overseas.

One day, it will certainly be of great use.

As for the Duanmu family, it is even simpler.

Since the last time he left Linzhou, Yehong secretly sent some Yeren people to settle in Linzhou.

The actions of the Duanmu family are not under their supervision all the time.

Whenever there is wind and grass, they will report to Yehong.

Why did the Duanmu family rent mercenaries so badly, why did Yehong not know?

On a phone call, Wei Qianling brought someone from Kyoto and copied Duanmu Chengya's nest.

As soon as Duanmu Chengya was arrested, the Duanmu family was not spared.

The people who had been oppressed by the Duanmu family turned up old accounts and went to Zheng Shaokang to complain.

The sins accumulated by the Duanmu family can no longer be concealed.

Waiting for the Duanmu family is the same ending as Tiangang Industry and Qin Group-

Thousands of foundations are hard to survive.

Ye Hong's move made Zheng Shaokang, who had always been cherished by the tumor of the Duanmu family, very satisfied, and invisibly sold him a favor.

Under such tremendous scrubbing, only the four giants of Linzhou are left with Ali Ma Ma Group.

But now the Ali Ma Ma Group also knows that it has caused people who should not be provoked.

Without the help of the other three brothers, the Alibaba Group that is difficult to support is difficult to pose a threat to Yehong.

At this point, while Ye Hong helped Qin Hongshuang get justice, he did not let any of his forces calculate in Linzhou!

Enmity, have to repay.

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