Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1437: Kneel

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As for those big men, they stood upright, fearing that they might be unhappy.

In a word, those who can directly hold the entertainers and bodyguards, combined with related legends, everyone can only think of one person.

The general manager of Xianyu Media, Bai Ziyan, exists as a godmother in the entertainment industry.

It was she who built Xianyu Media into such a lofty status today.

The entertainers in Xianyu Media occupy almost half of the country's entertainment circle.

According to legend, this person's methods are fierce, and there is no artist in Xianyu who is not afraid of her.

Zhu Zihao's face changed, and came to the person and bowed his head to greet: "Sister Bai, why are you here?"

Bai Ziyan didn't look at Zhu Zihao, but the money left him.

Zhu Zihao was left aside, but he could only bow his head obediently, not daring to complain at all.

Bai Ziyan came to Ye Zhinuo and others, and his eyes must have watched Ye Zhinuo for a while.

Ye Zhinuo also tilted her head, wondering: "Where did I seem to have seen you?"

Bai Ziyan smiled gently covering her mouth: "Of course we have seen it.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zi Yan was lucky enough to taste Mr. Overnight's craftsmanship at night. "

"It turns out to be you!"

Ye Zhinuo suddenly clapped his hands.

No wonder she thinks Bai Ziyan is familiar.

Only because of Mid-Autumn Festival last year, Bai Ziyan went to recruit Yehong and wanted to sign Yehong as an artist.

But it happened to meet Yang Yi, who angered Yehong, and because Yehong had no intention of doing this, this matter would be gone.

Bai Ziyan looked at the big men again, and the gentle smile in the face of Ye Zhinuo instantly disappeared, and said lightly: "Palm."

The big men were stunned for a while, and suddenly gnashed their teeth, raising their hands and slap them **** their faces.


The crisp and neat applause appalled everyone present.

"You are my bodyguards of Bai Ziyan, and you don't even listen to my daughter's orders.

Could it be that I haven't got angry for too long, you all forgot my method? "

Bai Ziyan's indifferent words made the group of great men tremble like sieve.

"Mr. Bai, we are wrong!"

"Miss, please forgive us!"

The big men knelt in front of Bai Ziyan and Bai Xiaoluo, begging for mercy.

This scene made people in Class 1 look dumbfounded.

They only knew that Bai Xiaoluo's family was unusual, but they didn't expect her to be the famous daughter of Bai Ziyan!

No wonder her birthday dinner can be held on such a luxurious cruise ship, no wonder there are so many entertainers come to accompany.

Bai Xiaoluo seems to have been familiar with this kind of scene for a long time, but he made a mouthful to Zhu Zihao: "What about him?"

Bai Ziyan glanced at the sullen Zhu Zihao, silently took out a delicate lighter from his arms, and lit a cigarette.

Amidst the smoke, Bai Ziyan said to Zhu Zihao lightly: "Kneel down."

Zhu Zihao raised his head in disbelief, staring at Bai Ziyan.

Bai Ziyan spit out a smoke ring, impatiently said: "I don't want to say a second time."

Fear flashed in Zhu Zihao's eyes. He came to Bai Ziyan like a walking dead, and knelt down with a thump.

Those who watched this scene covered their mouths in surprise, widened their eyes, and dared not make a noise.

"I, I'm wrong... Please beg your pardon..."

Zhu Zihao knew that any sophistry at this moment was pale and weak, and it would be better to admit his mistakes.

He knows that Bai Ziyan's temperament will not end badly as long as he admits his mistakes.

Who knew Bai Ziyan was actually picked by Liu Mei, and his angry voice thundered in Zhu Zihao's ear like thunder: "Who told you to kneel me? I let you kneel to Zhinuo girl!"

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