Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1438: Do you know who her brother is

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Zhu Zihao raised his head violently, his face unbelievable.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Bai, you can kneel, she can't kneel!"


Bai Ziyan's growl made Zhu Zihao jump.

"I let you kneel for your sake!"

Bai Ziyan looked at Zhu Zihao with the same look as an idiot, and said coldly: "Do you know who her brother is?

That's what I dare not offend!

How dare you provoke his sister?

Is it too long to live or do not want to have sound limbs? "

Bai Ziyan thought of Cai Jiannan and Fu Huaiyong, who were seen in the night eclipse on Mid-Autumn Festival, a flash of palpitation flashed in his eyes.

Her remarks surprised the people present.

Bai Ziyan's status was astonished in their hearts, but Ye Zhinuo's brother even claimed that Bai Ziyan did not dare to offend.

What kind of horrible existence is that? !

Only then did the artists who helped Zhu Zihao look back a few steps unnaturally and hid in the crowd, fearing to attract Ye Zhinuo's attention.

The students in Class 1 looked at Ye Zhinuo's eyes, which was full of shock.

They suddenly realized that behind this classmate who had lost his temper, he had a terrifying history!

If it was Bai Xiaoluo's identity that surprised them, the more terrifying Ye Zhinuo made them creepy!

Zhu Zihao swallowed hard and looked straight at Ye Zhinuo.

He never imagined that the situation would turn so sharply.

The girl in front of her is actually the one who dare not offend Bai Ziyan?

When he thought of his insults and targeting at Ye Zhinuo, he was instantly filled with fear.

Zhu Zihao was about to move, but Ye Zhinuo shook his hand impatiently: "Okay, do not kneel.

Do you think this is filming?

Hurry up and let go, don't affect Xiao Luo's birthday dinner. "

Bai Ziyan didn't let Zhu Zihao stand up, but Ju Gaohao looked down at him and said, "Girl Zhinuo is soft-hearted, but my heart is not soft.

Zhu Zihao, you have to remember that you are just a resident singer I got out of the bar.

I can make you extremely popular for a while, and also make you fall into dust instantly.

When I swell in front of my white purple smoke, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Don't forget Yang Yi's end! "

Zhu Zihao trembled all over, and put his head against the deck, shouting, "I know..."

"Humph! All your announcements during this time have been cancelled. Roll back and give me a good reflection!"

Zhu Zihao's face was bitter, as if he had lost all his strength and stumbled away from the deck.

"Sorry everyone, let everyone read a joke."

After Zhu Zihao left, Bai Ziyan recovered a bright smile and apologized to the people around him: "Thank you for coming to the girl's birthday dinner, please don't affect your mood because of this episode.

In the next time, please have fun! "

After the people dispersed, Bai Ziyan apologized to Ye Zhinuo again: "Sorry, there are so many artists in this team, sometimes it is difficult to manage.

Occasional emergence of a few people like Zhu Zihao is impossible.

Didn’t you get scared? "

Ye Zhinuo and others shook their heads.

"Then I won't disturb your young people, have fun."

Bai Ziyan instructed Bai Xiaoluo to let her entertain the guests, and then she left.

After she left, the pressure in the air instantly became much smaller.

The students in Class 1 are all concentrating on twitter and discussing what happened.

Only this time, there was a center among the crowd, and everyone was all around her, like the stars arching the moon.

This man, of course, accidentally exposed Ye Zhinuo with a long history.

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