Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1461: Three people

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The stall owner's voice was quite strong, with a faint pressure.

This coercion may make ordinary people feel upset, but for Yehong it is like a spring breeze.

He was not affected at all, and asked with a light smile: "When did the old man observe me?"

The stall owner pointed in the direction of the town entrance: "As soon as you enter the town, it starts."

The smile on Ye Hong's face suddenly closed away.

He glanced around, focusing on a few people, and said indifferently: "A few of them are your spies, right?

Who are you? Why should you follow me? "

When Ye Hong was ordered, the stall owner was not surprised at all. He just looked at Ye Hong momentarily and praised in his mouth: "You really have eyes that are different from ordinary people.

I believe that as long as you want, you can instantly sell all the people in the ancient town who sell straw. "

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed slightly, he could not feel the malice from the old man, but he didn't like the weird old man.

"I'm not malicious, I just want to discuss a cooperation with you."

Seemingly seeing the indifference in Ye Hong's eyes, the old man no longer went round the corner and directly opened the door.

"Sorry, no interest."

Ye Hong immediately turned around and left.

"Aren't you interested in Qingwu Mountain?"

The old man's light words made Ye Hong's footsteps instantly stop.

He touched the few remaining beards under his chin, and said slightly proudly: "From the act of leaving saxifrage, I guessed that you must also want to see the Qingwu Mountain.

If so, you can come here at 11:30 in the evening. "

Ye Hongtou still did not return, but the old man showed a determined smile.

Ye Hong didn't tell other people about his conversation with the old man, but just walked around the town casually.

After a day, with the help of Yehong, Yan Ruo also found some valuable herbs at a low price, and they just laughed a lot of people.

The day passed quickly, and night fell over the ancient town.

Yehong's accommodation has already been arranged by the organizer of the conference, and it is in an ancient inn in Zhenbei.

Although it is the shape of an inn, all the interiors are decorated in a modern style, but it reminds Yehong of the nights in Wuxingguan.

At that time, when the needle came to 11:30, a shadow quietly fell through the back wall of the quiet night inn.

The ancient town in the middle of the night changed to lively during the day, and few people went out.

Most of the people are recuperating for tomorrow's competition, seizing the time to sleep.

Only some people with egg pain will gather in a dark corner at this time.

The market entrance of Zhendong has already stood silently for three times.

The old man leaning against the wall and silently keeping his eyes closed is the quirky stall owner Ye Hong saw during the day, and the one he asked him to meet here tonight.

On his left, a handsome and gentle young man said impatiently: "Lao Xiao, does the person you said come or not?

Let’s not leave again, but miss the appearance of [Xian Yao]! "

Opposite the man was a middle-aged beautiful woman in a water-blue dress.

The long, dark hair was simply pinned with a handful of ancient jade hairpin.

She opened her mouth slightly and gave a soft, water-like sound of consolation: "Don't worry, Tang Xiao, since he said that the man is not easy, his old eyes never missed. Let's wait and wait."

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