Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1462: Fairy medicine

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The gentle voice of this woman did not reduce the restlessness of the young man, but made him roll his eyes: "Sister Xuan, anyway, me too...you don't bite a soup brother, always make me think Not grown up yet!"

"Giggle, aren't you just a little child in our eyes?"

The beautiful woman in blue dress smiled and covered her mouth, causing the young man to stare with dissatisfaction.

"Don't be noisy, he's here."

The old man leaning against the wall suddenly opened his eyes and looked across the door of the market.

A figure came out of the corner and walked towards them.

This figure seemed to melt into the night, and there was no sound at all during walking.

Looking at this weird scene, the young man suddenly looked stiff.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was showing interesting eyes, smiling and said: "It really is not an ordinary person."

The figure was getting closer and closer, and under the dim street light, Ye Hong's young face was exposed.

"Oh, you didn't let me down."

The old man lifted Dou Li and gave a slight salute to Ye Hong, introducing himself: "My name is Xiao Rijing, you can call me Lao Xiao directly like them."

He pointed to the young man again: "His name is Guo Tang, he is from Anchang province and he has a strange temper."

The man named Guo Tang immediately said with a fierce look: "Little brother, did you hear that Guo has a strange temper? You must not mess with me!"

Ye Zhiyehong just looked at him, and then he stopped looking at him, and he didn't even care about him.

Guo Tang couldn't help but touched his nose embarrassingly, whispering: "It's weird, I'm really not afraid of me."

Seeing Yehong looking at the beautiful woman in blue dress, Xiao Rijing continued to introduce: "Her name is Wan Xuan, from Lingnan Province."

Wan Xuan stretched out his fair-skinned Yiyi and smiled softly: "It's nice to meet you."

The so-called non-smiling person reached out. Although Ye Hong didn't know the identity of several people until now, he still shook hands with Wan Xuan politely.

"Jiangnan, Yehong."

"Huh? Jiangnan's? What's your relationship with Jiang Guchan's old and immortal?"

Hearing Ye Hong from Jiangnan, Guo Tang immediately widened his eyes.

In this regard, Ye Hong of course turned his head, leaving Guo Tang with a big head.

"Ah, you rude boy, I'm so mad!"

Guo Tang jumped in anger for a while, but Xiao Rijing glared fiercely: "Don't make trouble, listen to me for the first time."

He looked at the old-fashioned quartz watch at hand, and said to Ye Hong: "When time is urgent, Xiao Mou will tell a short story.

The legend of mountain slaves in Qingwu Mountain, you must have heard it, and Xiao Mou will not repeat it.

But in addition to the mountain slaves, the Qingwu Mountain also has a "Xian Yao"!

The so-called "Xian Yao" is not a medicine, but our name for a special Shannu.

That Shannu is completely different from other Shannus. We guess she is the leader of Shannu.

The reason why you are invited today is to let you go to Qingwu Mountain with us to find the trail of the mountain slave leader [Xian Yao]! "

Ye Hong blinked a few times, digested the information quickly, and then looked up and asked, "Why is it now?"

"Of course it is because there is information that [Xian Yao] only appears in the early hours of the morning!"

Ye Hongyue didn't take care of Guo Tang. Instead, Guo Tang wanted to talk to Ye Hong. Before Xiao Rijing spoke, he actively added.

"I have one last question, why did you choose me?"

Ye Hong looked at Xiao Rijing silently, and quietly opened his mind-reading ability.

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