Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1498: You are not worthy of medical treatment!

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Needless to say, the president who suddenly appeared on stage was Xiao Rijing who took Guo Tang and Wan Xuan with Ye Hong and went up the mountain last night.

But his actual identity is the president of ancient medicine!

It is no wonder that Xiao Rijing's eyes and ears are all over the entire Xiannong Town, and he can find Yehong as soon as possible, because this is the old nest of others!

No wonder Guo Tang and Wan Xuan always respect him, because they are their superiors!

No wonder he can give Sanhong Violet as a reward to Ye Hong without any heartache, because he has so many herbs like this!

On the stage, Guo Tang and Wan Xuan seemed to have expected, smiling and Xiao Jing said hello.

Chang Yao and Xiang Chaihu are the opposite. When Xiao Jing appeared, the expression of mourning was revealed.

Xiao Jing sneered at Ye Qiubai, mockingly said: "Is it sick? That's just my temptation to you!"

I wanted to test your abilities to see if I could take on a big task.

But I didn't expect it to make me appreciate a [good show]! "

Xiao Jing's tone rose suddenly, pointing at the pale-faced Ye Qiubai and Guan Cangzhu, angrily: "You! And you!

You two, as healers, poisoned innocent people because of your own desires!

As a colleague, you are suppressing other associations everywhere, even at the cost of cheating and rogue!

You are not worthy of medical treatment! "

Xiao Jing's words shocked Ye Qiubai and Guan Cangzhu.

It turned out that Xiao Jing already knew everything!

"Ye Qiubai, your virtue is not worthy of the position of the next president."

Xiao Jing's words spread throughout the square through the microphone, which is tantamount to sentenced Ye Qiubai to death in the ears of thousands of people.

Today's events will quickly spread throughout the ancient medical world through these people, and even spread to the outside world.

Since then, Ye Qiubai's reputation in the ancient medical field has been completely stinking.

Whether the president of her Dongting Court can keep it, let alone the position of the next president.

It can be said that Ye Qiubai has worked painstakingly for many years and once turned into a bubble.

Ye Qiubai's eyes were black, and finally he couldn't stand the shock, and the whole person collapsed on the stage.

Although Guan Cangzhu is not so exaggerated, but the whole person is paralyzed on the ground.

He seemed to have lost his soul, his eyes were indifferent, and he kept saying, "It's over, it's over..."

Chang Yao and Xiang Chaihu were already so scared that their hands and feet were numb. Before Xiao Jing spoke, they scrambled: "President, we don't know about these things!"

"We, we just received some benefits and added points to the Dongting Association in the last round!"

Xiao Jing glanced coldly at the dumbfounded duo, and sneered coldly: "Go back and settle accounts with you!"

He handed the microphone back to the dull host, and said lightly: "What should I say without asking me to teach you?"

The host instantly recovered, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice: "Of course, of course!"

She held up the microphone and shouted with all her strength: "I announced that the champion of the National Ancient Medicine Exchange Competition is-

Jiangnan Ancient Medical Association! ! ! "

There was thunderous applause and cheers broke out.

At the invitation of the host, a group of Jiangnan Association went to the podium together.

When the camera is aimed at them, the members of the group feel so unreal.

Won the victory?

They all looked at the back in front of the team, their eyes full of excitement and respect.

If it weren't for Yehong, they couldn't achieve such brilliant results!

With applause, Xiao Jing smiled and gave awards to them.

He handed down the generous prize to everyone, while lowering his voice and whispering in Yehong's ear: "Don't go after a while, wait for me in the tent."

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