Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1499: Inventory harvest

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This year's ancient medicine exchange competition is concluded.

The Jiangnan Association, a neutral association unknown in ancient medical circles, stepped on all traditional strong teams in one fell swoop and won the championship.

Before the start of the competition, no one would have expected such a result.

Most people are more optimistic about the host Dongting Association, led by a super-class ancient doctor.

No matter how bad, the eyes will also be placed on the traditional giant Kyoto Association and the Southern Xinjiang Association.

Because of this, after the award ceremony, many ancient doctors from other associations came to the Jiangnan tent in order to make friends with Yehong.

Of course, Ye Hong will not refuse friendly exchanges.

In a short period of time, he and many well-known ancient doctors left each other a way of communication.

It is important to know that the ancient doctors who can come to the ancient medicine competition are all elites in the ancient medicine field.

Being able to meet so many outstanding ancient doctors at once will greatly facilitate Ye Hong's future actions in the ancient medical field.

This is another harvest from Ye Hong's current visit to Dongting Province.

And those ancient doctors were also shocked at the young age of Ye Hong, but learned five cars.

Lightly writing a few words will make everyone gain a lot.

Members such as Jiang Yu did not slack off and seized this opportunity to learn from them.

"Ding! Meet a large number of excellent ancient doctors, network +1!"

After some friendly exchanges, the ancient doctors said goodbye in turn.

But they will not leave Xiannong Town immediately.

Although the ancient medicine exchange competition is over, the entire ancient medicine exchange conference will last for three days.

In the past three days, the ancient doctors of the associations will come to each other to communicate.

Of course, there is no shortage of ancient medical skills.

Many people who want to enter the field of ancient medical technology will also find their favorite associations to submit their worship posts.

If you are lucky, you will have the opportunity to be appraised by the ancient doctor and become an apprentice of ancient medicine.

Just like Chu Jiaotong's fellow Chu Xiaojie, he was spotted by Guan Cangzhu at an ancient physician exchange meeting.

At the same time, those patients who traveled thousands of miles to find famous doctors will also come to the hospital for medical treatment.

After the ancient doctors left, Ye Hong and others began to count the rich harvest of this competition.

In front of everyone is a rare ancient medical code, three perfect prescriptions, and a few rare herbs provided by the Ancient Medical Association.

The Ancient Medical Code is the "Blue Pouch" written by a famous ancient physician Hua Tuo in the ancient Yan Kingdom. It contains many ancient medical techniques that have long been lost.

Ye Hong turned it around at will, and knew that it was a rare treasure.

The perfect prescription is more general. Although it is perfect, the corresponding diseases are all minor diseases, but they are not as valuable as those rare herbs.

In addition to these, the prizes also have a full year of free medicine identification right.

Ye Hong, the cost of appraisal of medicinal materials, has seen them before, and they are indeed expensive.

The free identification right for a whole year can save an ancient doctor a lot of expenses.

After everyone was excited, they decided to give the prizes to Ye Hong.

Because before they set off, Jiang Guchan once said with a smile that if they really got the victory, they would let them handle all the prizes.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to it, but now they really won, and they remembered Jiang Guchan's words.

And this competition relies on Ye Hong's performance, and has repeatedly turned the tide, so everyone also willingly gave him the prizes.

Ye Hong touched his chin and decided in his heart.

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