Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1500: Detoxification

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"Uncle Yan, you have also contributed a lot this time and provided a lot of information.

This prescription is given to you for one year. "

Yan Ruo was startled, and Ye Hongqiang stuffed a prescription into his hand.

"Fang Ruo, Xiao Yu, Xiao Tong, you have worked hard this time.

You have all divided these prescriptions and herbs. "

Everyone objected one after another, "How do you do this?"

"You gave so much power, why did you give us all the prizes?"

Ye Hong smiled slightly, pointing at the "Blue Sacrifice" in his hand and said, "Isn't it still there?"

Among these rewards, Yehong is not lacking.

Yahonghong of the prescription can write it by himself.

Ye Hong didn't care about the little money saved by the appraisal power.

Only really useful to him is this rare ancient medical classic.

Seeing Ye Hong insisted, everyone had to accept the prize.

These prizes may not be anything to Ye Hong, but they are a great reward.

After all, the first time you participate in this competition, you will win. These prizes are the best proof and commemoration.

Around the evening, Xiao Jing's figure appeared at the door without warning.

At the same time, Wan Xuan, president of the Ancient Medical Association of Lingnan Province, and Guo Tang, president of the Ancient Medical Association of Anchang Province.

Seeing the arrival of these three great figures, all but Ye Hong and Ono stood up with their faces restrained.

"Several little friends, Xiao Mou wants to talk to your vice president about some private affairs. Can you please go out and see the scenery first?"

Seeing Xiao Jing's kind attitude, Yan Ruo and they were all flattered.

"President, you're welcome, we happen to be visiting the town, you just talk."

Yan Ruo and others left the tent with interest.

After going out, they looked at each other, and they all saw the confusion in the other's eyes.

"Have you felt that the president is too good for our vice president?"

"More than that, I also found that Chairman Guo and Chairman Wan looked quite wrong in our vice president's eyes."

"They seem to have known each other for a long time."

"Forget it, don't guess. It's normal for something bizarre to happen to our vice president."

"Ah... Ono and the big man are still inside!"

Inside the tent.

Not long after Yan Ruo and others left, Xiao Jing's majestic complexion could no longer stretch and collapse completely.

"Grandma, your family has found it, can we detoxify now?"

Xiao Jing looked at Ono with a wry smile.

At the same time, Guo Tang and Wan Xuan also smiled as they thought they were the most charming.

A general president and two provincial capital presidents whispered at a seven-year-old little loli.

If this scene spreads, it is guaranteed to fall through the glasses of all ancient physicians in the entire ancient medical field.

"Humph! Seeing that you punished the Dongting Association, I will untie you."

It turned out that Xiao Jing had just let people take the four Chinese actors.

With these four witnesses, Ye Qiubai and Guan Cangshu cannot run this time.

The chairman and deputy chairman of the Dongting Association will soon be replaced, and the entire association will also undergo a major blood exchange.

Of course, Zhang Yong, the captain of the Weixu team who collaborated with Guan Cangshu, had nowhere to escape, and was now locked up together.

When the time is right, they will hand them over to the local police along with the criminal evidence.

Xiao Jing's actions in Xiao Jing's eyes were finally a little bit of anger.

She raised her small hand and raised it in front of Xiao Jing.

A white mist erupted from her hand, covering the faces of the three people.

A strange scene appeared.

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