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In the snack bar, the little beggar buried his head in a large bowl of noodle soup and gorged on it.

There are already three empty basins on the table, all of which the little guy wiped out.

The lady behind the counter saw that the little beggar was dirty and frowned deeper than the Mariana trench.

But when Ye Hong placed five big red 100-dollar bills silently at the corner of the table, the boss's face turned cloudy and clear, and she specifically asked her to put some more meat in the noodle soup.

"Eat slowly, don't choke."

Looking at the little beggar's gobbling, Ono looked distressed.

Kuang Yu shook his head silently and sighed: "I don't know how long I have been hungry..."

Half-eaten, the little beggar suddenly got up and jumped off the chair.

He walked to the counter and asked the lady boss a few bags.

Seeing the little beggar put the unfinished food on the table into the bag, Ono couldn't help anxiously saying: "In this weather, the hot noodle soup will be bad. If you want to save some food, I will buy you some other food."

"You misunderstood." The little beggar smiled and said: "I intend to bring these things back to eat for my brother and sister."

"You mean someone besides you is a beggar?"

The little beggar nodded and expressed sadness: "Yes, they are like me, and they have been hungry for a long time.

I can't eat delicious food here alone and forget about them. "

Kuang Yu frowned and asked the little beggar to stop and asked him, "What's your name?"

The little beggar honestly replied: "I am crying."


Ye Hong twitched his mouth, and it was a strange name similar to Kuang Yu.

and many more!

Similar to Mad Feather?

A sudden flash of light flashed in Ye Hong's mind, remembering what Ono had told him.

She said that when the main family of the fifth family was hunted down, there were many loyal clan guards who came forward to intercept the side branch in order to cover them.

These ethnic guards later disappeared, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

And Ono's parents are also looking for traces of these ethnic guards.

Combining the strange behavior of Ono and Kuang Yu, Ye Hong couldn't help but guess: This little boy called Weeping Clan will not be the descendant of those clan guards?

Then Ono and Kuangyu's actions made Ye Hong more determined this guess.

"Weeping," Ono said softly to the weeping: "You will follow us in the future, and ensure that you have a full meal."

"Really?" When weeping, his eyes lit up first, but then he shook his head and refused. "No, I have to go back and take care of my siblings. Without me, they will definitely be bullied by that group of guys!"

Kuang Yu angered angrily: "What is the origin of that group of guys?"

Fright flashed across the weeping face, recalling with a frightened look: "We were originally living in a deep mountain to the west.

But I don't know why, all of our elders got a strange disease and died one after another.

In desperation, I took the brothers and sisters out of the forest.

But we can't do anything, we can only beg on the street.

We begged all the way to this egret city, and was taken in by an organization called Tianqiying on this pedestrian street.

That day, the beggar controlled almost half of the beggars in Egret City, and organized the beggars to beg every day.

But they also stipulated the amount of begging for each beggar, and if they did not reach their goal, they would confiscate his begging income.

Not only that, but also a bite to eat.

And recently they let us steal in the name of begging.

Dad, they taught us before they died, they can beg, but they can’t steal!

So because of this rejection, my brothers and sisters have been hungry by them for several days...

The two of Fang Cai were sent by Tianqiying to monitor me. "

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