Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1546: Furious mad feather

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"Why not?"

Kuang Yu squeezed his fists and shouted, "I knew that I wouldn't let go of those two mixed **** just now!"

Where is that beggar camp? You tell me soon, I'm going to give them their nest! "

Weeping worriedly: "But they have very powerful thugs. I have seen beggars want to escape, and they were all arrested and beaten up."

"You can rest assured that Mad Yu is very powerful."

Ono was also full of anger, and said in a deep voice: "Moreover, we will never abandon any clan."

Through the description of Fangcai, Xiaoye is almost certain that Cicada and his brothers and sisters are descendants of the Clan Guardian.

Now that the Clan Health has passed away due to illness, Ono is the leader of his family and it is necessary to take care of these descendants for them.

"Clan?" Weeping looked at Ono with some doubt.

Ono said nothing and turned to Yehong: "Is there any trouble?"

Ye Hong shook his head: "No need to worry about anything. A cancer like Tianqiying should not have survived in the city of Egret."

"That's good."

Ono looked stern, and said in a deep voice: "Crazy feather!"

"In!" Kuang Yu replied.

"Start, save people!"


Looking at the back of the four Ye Hong's departure, the lady boss murmured: "It's really a few strange people..."

"But..." The lady boss picked up the five bills on the table and kissed it happily: "Why don't you blame him, just be generous!"


Weeping all the way took everyone to the end of the pedestrian street.

Quickly out of the alleyway of the pedestrian street, weeping and stopped.

He pointed to the deep alley, and said anxiously: "There are really many of them, is it really okay for a few of us?"

"You are waiting here." Kuang Yu patted and wept his shoulders, and walked into the alley without hesitation.

Yehong and Ono immediately followed.

The alley is very long, and every few steps you can see beggars sitting on the wall in twos and threes.

The beggars looked up and looked at the three people with different eyes.

There is numbness, surprise, hatred, contempt...;

When walking to the middle of the alley, a dozen striking meteors came up against meteors.

As soon as the two sides met, the dozen people on the opposite side were stunned.

After the two leading people saw the face of Kuang Yu, they suddenly shouted in surprise: "It turns out that you are a big man!

Okay, we are still afraid that you will run away, but I didn’t expect you to throw yourself into the net! "

These two people are of course the two big men who just chased and wept.

"Brothers, let this big guy know how powerful our Tianqi camp is, and see if he dares to do more business in the future!"

The two big men grinned and waved their hands, and the dozen people behind them flew fiercely towards the mad feather.

This group of people did not come empty-handed, each holding a dagger or stick.

If it is an ordinary person, in the face of a rush, a dozen people still carrying weapons have already surrendered with both hands.

But today I can only say...the luck of this group of people is not so good!

Kuang Yu took a deep breath and stepped on the ground with his feet!


It seemed that a hundred tons of giant elephants had fallen to the ground, and the ground shook a few meters directly.

As the earthquake struck, more than a dozen people were suddenly shocked.

The fierce offensive broke down most of it.


Kuang Yu did not stop at this point, but pursued instead.

With a deep drink, the power of the Profounder condensed on the big fist of the casserole.

In a series of screams, a famous beggar camped out like a sandbag, smashing the walls on both sides of the alley into a personal pit mark.


The two remaining survivors were dull, and the stick in his hand fell to the ground.

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