Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1554: Your brain was eaten by the trash can

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Facing the indifferent Yehong, the so-called Tang Shao is more and more sure about Yehong's identity.

He could not help but to humane around: "Let's take a look at this wonderful flower.

He even put Huaqing and Beijing University down, and chose a breaking river university. I heard that he still chose the archaeology with the lowest score of Jiang University!

You said he was eaten by a donkey hahaha? "

Tang Shao's friends then laughed with Echo.

Tang Shao pointed at himself and proudly said, "Although my score is not as high as yours, Tang Aiming was admitted to Kyoto University, which is many times better than you.

Do you know what this means?

It means that my future achievements are definitely much higher than yours!

For a broken shop like you, Tang Aiming moved his finger and bought as much as he wanted.

Open the door as soon as you get to know you and prepare dinner for us! "

Ye Hong took a few steps forward with no expression on his face, but actually opened the door.

Upon seeing this, Tang Aiming looked more proud: "Isn't it okay to do this earlier?"

Speaking, he was ready to greet everyone to enter the night food.

When Nachi Yehong opened the door, he continued to walk towards Tang Aiming expressionlessly.


Tang Aiming found that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, and a faint breath came from Ye Hong.

Then he shouted angrily: "What are you going to do?"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Aiming found out that things in the eyes were turning in circles.

In the eyes of others, Ye Hong lifted Tang Aiming very quickly.

It's as easy as lifting a chicken.

"Let me go!"

Tang Aiming also reacted to his own situation, but after a struggling meal, he couldn't escape Yehong's devil's claws.

When Tang Aiming's friends planned to step forward, he saw Ye Hong carrying Tang Aiming and walked to the edge of the big trash can across the street.

Gently lift the lid of the trash can on your feet and throw it away, throwing Tang Aiming like a trash.

"I don't know if my brain was eaten by a donkey, but your brain will be eaten by the trash bin. It will spread to Anming County tomorrow."

Ye Hong finished this sentence with no expression on his face, and then turned directly to go back to the night food.

Everyone looked at this scene foolishly, and all were scared by Ye Hong's brutal behavior, and no one dared to step forward.


Tang Aiming jumped back from the trash bin, his face, body, clothes and pants...stained with dirt.

A foul smell that could not be washed away for three days came out of him, letting the people around him cover his nose for a while.

"Yehong! I can't spare you!"

Tang Aiming shouted at Ye Hong's back with resentment.

He picked up his phone and said to his friends and relatives with strange faces around him: "I know a big brother who is very confusing in Anming County. I will call him to avenge me!

Let me tell you frankly, Ye Hong is absolutely arrogant in front of him but a round! "

Everyone heard Tang Aiming said so determinedly, and looked forward to the big brother.

Not long after the phone call, a middle-aged strong man with a burly figure and a fleshy face appeared in front of everyone.

This person has a long scar on his cheek, almost occupying most of his face.

With a fierce look, those friends of Tang Aiming were frightened to take a few steps back, lamenting this man's fierce prestige.

It is worthy of being a big brother in Anming County!

And Tang Aiming put his face together diligently, crying and said: "Brother Qiang, you have to give me this bad breath!"

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