Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1555: Binary trash can

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Hadron squeezed his nose and glanced at Tang Ai Ming with disgust, pointing to the night food in the vicinity, frowning and saying, "You called me to do this shop?"

Tang Aiming nodded again and again: "Exactly, I hope the strong brother will support me!"

Hadron nodded and suddenly lifted Tang Aiming.

"Hadron, what are you doing?"

Tang Aiming was confused by the shock and asked in a panic.

Hadron did not speak, throwing Tang Aiming's body into the trash bin of Fang Cai.

"Bang!" Tang Aiming came in close contact with this trash can again today.

"Fool! You don't want to live, I want to live!"

With a yell, Qiangzi spit into the trash bin, unbiased, and fell on Tang Aiming's face that had just stood up.

"Last name Tang, give you a piece of advice.

If you want to live well in Anming County, don't provoke the owner of this shop! "

The strong man ignored Tang Ai Ming's grief and suffocation and shook his head to leave.

The hadron carrying Tang Aiming left shook his head again and again and glanced at the night food door with a dreadful look.

Seeing that no one came out, he took a long breath.

Hadron's fear comes from a group called Yebla.

Once in Anming County, it was not very peaceful, and occasionally some people who were full and had nothing to do would cause trouble everywhere.

Hadron is one of them.

In those years, he was very mixed up in Anming County. Everyone sees him as a strong brother.

Until the arrival of [Night Blade].

No one knows who the leader of Yeblad is, only that the people in this group have unique skills.

Yeblad gathered all the idlers like Hadron together and combined them with hard and soft to warn them not to cause trouble in Anming County.

At first some people didn't sell Yeblad's face, and some even asked Yeblad.

But when the guys who jumped up and down were cleaned up by Ye Ren three or two times, no one dared to jump out.

Even the security environment with the entire Anming County has been upgraded several grades.

But Night Blade did not rush to kill, and would occasionally send some tasks to these idlers.

Gradually, after the idlers found that these tasks were quite rewarding, they genuinely acted as a night blade officer.

Hadron is one of the peripheral members of these so-called night blades.

He didn't know much about other things, but the people of Yeren repeatedly told Hadron twice that there was a forbidden area in Anming County where they absolutely could not get involved.

That's the night food at Dongjiekou!

The strong man who bears this ban in mind will be annoyed by Tang Aiming.

His only thought now is to leave the place quickly, and since then have a close relationship with Tang Ai Ming, a nonsense idiot, and pray not to be recognized for his relationship with Tang Ai Ming.

Tang Aiming is completely silly.

Being thrown in the trash can twice a day, he wondered if he could apply and the Nice World Record.

There were warnings of Hadron echoing in Tang Aiming's mind.

"If you want to live well in Anming County, don't provoke the owner of this shop!"

"I'm not cheating!" Tang Aiming gritted his teeth, ready to knock on the door of night food again.

In full view, he could not be humiliated by this two consecutive times!

Otherwise, Tang Aiming will become a laughing stock among her friends in the future, and today's things will also become a talk for everyone!

But just as Tang Aiming was about to step forward, his eyes could not be opened by the high beam of a car coming from the side of the street.

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