Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1569: Dare to ask the beauty name

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Ye Hong frowned slightly, and it seemed that the most unstable factor in the dormitory had appeared.

But he could understand Ding Zhao's mood more or less.

After all, in the same dormitory, Yehong's registration information is Bailu.

Xiao Cao is from Kyoto, and Guo Huang is from Dongzhou, Lingnan Province.

Even Rekza from the remote west Xinjiang, the family background looks extraordinary.

In this case, Ding Zhao from a small county will inevitably have an inferiority complex.

Being so distracted by Ding Zhao, everyone did not want to continue the conversation and sorted out their internal affairs.

Just seeing that Xiao Cao is still calmly tilting Erlang's legs, Rekza on the bed opposite him can't help but wonder: "Master Xiao, you don't organize your luggage, how do you sleep at night?"

Xiao Cao raised his eyebrows and said, "I still use my own hands to handle this little thing?"

My mother hired me workers before I came. "

As Xiao Cao said, it didn't take long for a middle-aged strong man to arrive in the dormitory.

He packed up Xiao Cao's luggage one by one, and he didn't need to move Xiao Cao's finger throughout the journey.

This process saw Guo Huang and others call it an envy.

"Master Xiao, I really convinced you."

Xiao Cao smiled proudly: "Do you want to call one for you too?"

"Don't, we can't live this kind of rich and young life."

Guo Huang and others quickly waved their hands and refused.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Xiao Cao saw the laptop that Ye Hong had just moved out and couldn't help but make a loud noise.

"Pingguo's latest version of Mike Booker?"

Hearing Xiao Cao's words, the crowd gathered around Yehong's position, and looked surprised.

"I've seen this stuff online, can't I get it for 30,000?"

Xiao Cao patted Ye Hong's shoulders and laughed: "OK, Ye Yun, this computer doesn't even dare to say buy it, it seems that your family's conditions are not bad."

"Ma Ma Hu Hu." Ye Hong smiled modestly.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise at the end of the corridor.

A whistle sounded constantly.

There was a roar from the dormitory next door: "There is a super beauty coming to Ming Ye Tower. Come out and see!"

Xiao Cao disdainfully said: "The guys in the sports institute are really well-developed and have simple minds.

Isn't it just a woman, is there such a fuss? "

The noise seemed to be getting closer.

A beautiful shadow appeared at the door of 503.

Unlike the female students at Jiangda, this girl is dressed up as an urban beauty.

The fitted professional skirts and skinned stockings are all eye-catching.

Not to mention, that beautiful and moving goose egg face.

As if she were there for a simple stop, the whole dormitory was much brighter.

Everyone in 503 looked at her silly.

"Please, who are you looking for?"

Guo Huang asked with some confusion.

Rekza even stood blushing in the corner, not daring to look directly at the beautiful woman.

Xiao Cao's eyes lit up, and immediately greeted him.

"Dare to ask the beauty name?

In the next Kyoto Xiao Cao. "

But the beauty did not look at Xiao Cao, a pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at a corner of the dormitory.

There, Ye Hong was laying the bed tonight.

The atmosphere in 503 was suddenly quiet.

Everyone looked at Yehong in amazement and secretly said: Was this beautiful woman coming to find Yeyun? !

Seemingly feeling the weird atmosphere of the dormitory, Ye Hong could not help raising his head.

Then he smiled bitterly: "Come?"

The beauty nodded and stood gracefully, coming to the bed of Yehong, silently looking at Yehong: "I am your assistant and I have an obligation to see how your accommodation is."

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