Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1570: My friend, Murong listening to dreams

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While talking, he reached out to help Ye Hong to organize his luggage, and his face was not impatient.

The crowd in the dormitory seemed to sound the sound of heartbreak at the same time.

Xiao Cao gritted his teeth with anger.

He thought that he had already hired a worker to help him organize his luggage.

Can be compared with Ye Hong's treatment, completely killed in seconds!

"Yeyun, won't we introduce this beautiful young lady?"

Xiao Cao's tone was slightly sour.

He had to admit that none of the girlfriends he once had could match the woman in front of him.

But this woman is already famous, let Xiao Cao called a hate.

Ye Hong snapped his head and smiled: "My friend, Murong listens to dreams."

Ye Hong thought for a while, but still did not say Murong's assistant status.

In fact, Ye Hong was quite helpless, because he obviously did not allow anyone around him to appear in Jiangda with himself.

But Murong listened to the dream but did not listen to perseverance. He had to come to confirm the accommodation environment of Yehong.

In desperation, Ye Hong could only promise to let her take a look.

"Friend? I think it's a girlfriend?"

Guo Huang grabbed his clothes bite enviously and said sadly: "Your kid is not only favored by Yue Shiyin, but also has such beautiful friends.

I condemn you on behalf of the 503 single dogs! "

Guo Huang's first sentence made Murong listen to her face with a red face, but the second half of the sentence made her frown, and smiled at Ye Hong: "Who is Yueshiyin Xuejie?"

not good! This laugh is murderous!

Ye Hong coughed and quickly changed the subject: "Isn't I asking you to bring some cakes? Give them to them."

Murong made a white eye when listening to dreams, but obediently placed a small lunch box on hand on the table.

As soon as the lunch box was opened, everyone suddenly sucked deeply: "What's the smell? Good fragrance!"

I saw five slices of Supreme Xianghe Glutinous Rice Chicken lying quietly in the lunch box.

Ye Hong knew that Murong insisted on coming, and asked her to bring some Supreme Xianghe glutinous rice chicken, ready to give to five roommates to taste.

"Egret specialty, you try it."

Yehong's voice just fell, and three hands could not wait to reach into the lunch box.

"This, is this the specialty of Egret City?"

Rekeza took a bite of glutinous rice chicken, and even shook his voice excitedly: "Yeyun, where is this specialty sold?

When I go back to Xijiang, I have to transport a car back! "

A car?

Ye Hong smiled secretly in his heart, then you are afraid of going bankrupt.

But even so, Ye Hong still reported the address of Ye Shi to Rekza.

"Glutinous rice chicken is a dish that originated in our Lingnan province, but I have eaten the glutinous rice chicken in Lingnan province, and it is not as good as the one-tenth of the glutinous rice chicken you brought!"

Guo Huang was also surprised.


Xiao Cao looked at the glutinous rice remaining on his fingers expressionlessly, preparing to continue to stretch his claws toward the lunch box.

"There is only one slice per person."

Ye Hong also opened Xiao Cao's hand without expression.

"Oh, stingy, I don't know how Miss Meng dreams about you!"

Xiao Cao walked aside and picked up his phone to silently open the map navigation.

On the side, Rekza saw Xiao Cao type the word night eclipse in the search box. His eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly hurried over to check the location of the night eclipse.

Ding Zhao on the bed tilted the quilt and quietly looked at the glutinous rice chicken on the table.

Ye Hong suddenly looked up, terrified Ding Zhao covered the quilt again.

Immediately, Ye Hong still saw the desire in Ding Zhao's eyes.

Ye Hong smiled slightly, picked up a piece of glutinous rice chicken and handed it up, knocked on the railing of Ding Zhao's bed.

"This thing isn't delicious when it's cold."

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