Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1589: Textbook pose

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The first day of military training.

After a short break at noon, the afternoon began non-stop training more difficult.

In the afternoon, the temperature rose again by one grade.

Several students with heat stroke have been sitting in the lounge.

In the archaeology class, a girl was fainted on the ground while standing in military posture because of lack of physical strength. She was also sent to the lounge.

The rest are still struggling.

What is outrageous is that Zhang Hao's requirements have not been reduced, but more stringent.

Some people shouted with complaint: "Report to the instructor! I would like to ask you when you first joined the army, so demanding?"

"Us? Our standard is ten times yours!

You don’t have to doubt anything. I have set the standard for you, taking into account your physical fitness.

As long as you are willing to work hard and have perseverance, there is no problem at all. "

Seemingly seeing the doubt in the eyes of the student, Zhang Hao said indifferently to Ye Hong on the side: "Ye Yun, make a standard upright posture for them to learn."

Yehong nodded, his feet close together, and the toes were about 60 degrees apart.

Straight legs, slightly lower belly, naturally chest.

The upper body is upright, leaning forward slightly.

Both arms sag naturally, fingers flex slightly naturally, the tip of the thumb sticks to the second section of the index finger, and the **** sticks to the seam of the trousers.

The head is straight, the neck is straight, the mouth is closed, the lower jaw is slightly closed, and both eyes look straight ahead.

It's like a set of upright postures that are more standard than in textbooks.

Appreciation flashed again in Zhang Hao's eyes.

He believed that even if he had just joined the army, he could not achieve the standard like Ye Hong.

Zhang Hao looked at the dumbfounded students and said lightly: "Your classmates Ye Yun can do it. Why can't you do it?"

The students of the Department of Archaeology were very depressed, but they had nothing to say. They could only secretly say in their hearts why they would be in the same class as the perverted night cloud.

At this point, no one complained.


After the sunset, Zhang Hao finally announced the suspension of training.

Most of the students slacken their nerves and lie on the ground in all directions, regardless of their image.

"At seven o'clock in the evening, gather here!"

Zhang Hao's voice scared the classmates to climb up directly.

"Training at night?!"

Zhang Hao shook his head, a gentle smile on his face was rare: "It's not training, you will know the specific content when you come."

With a disturbed mood, the students returned to the playground one after another after dinner.

Everyone was surprised to find that students in every class were required to form a circle.

Numerous circles bloom like flowers on the playground.

The center of each circle is the instructor of each class.

Zhang Hao, surrounded by people from the archaeological class, seemed to have changed a person, changing the harshness of the day, like a big brother next door.

He first taught everyone to sing military songs, and then told some interesting things in the army, making him laugh.

It also took everyone to do several collective games, making the scene atmosphere better and better.

After the party, the class members had long forgotten the Zhang Hao during the day and called him an old chapter from the heart.

Skinny people such as Xiao Cao and others directly called him a mouse.

Zhang Hao's relationship with his classmates has rapidly increased.

However, this tenderness seems to be returned to its original form the next day.

"Today we will come to the Phalanx!"

Zhang Hao's roar directly frightened the tired people.

Everyone touched the painful hands and feet after waking up, and secretly groaned in their hearts. I don't know what kind of inhuman "torture" they will encounter today.

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