Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1590: For a while, one person

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Compared with the static, standing military posture that tests the strength, the dynamic walking of the square matrix also tests the cooperation and coordination ability between the teams.

Are you going alone?


The movement of the entire team must be in the same tone, otherwise it will be messy.

After the teaching, Zhang Hao let the people in the class form a square matrix with four rows and nine columns, and proceed as required.

"Get started-go!"

In the crisp and rhythmic whistle, everyone walked forward.

The first few steps can still keep at least the same, but within five meters, they will start to be disconnected.

I don’t know how to control the long legs. The long arms are always thrown to other people, and the response is slow to keep up with the overall rhythm...

In short, various problems broke out one after another, and Zhang Hao frowned.

As a deputy, Ye Hong was also observing the phalanx beside Zhang Hao.

Looking at the messy team, my heart suddenly moved: "Instructor, let me try."


Zhang Hao frowned: "Ye Yun, what good method do you have?"

Without talking, Ye Hong came to the square and stood in the first position in the front row.

In his position, he can be seen in all directions.

"Students, you will all look at me later and follow my actions."

Ye Hong shouted loudly to his classmates and nodded to Zhang Hao: "Instructor, come again."

Zhang Hao blew his whistle suspiciously.

At the moment when the phalanx set off, Yehong's eyes were condensed.

"Ding! Trigger mastery-level leadership, trigger mastery-level team collaboration capabilities, and automatically adjust team members' rhythm balance."

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in the hearts of the people in the entire phalanx.

In the midst of it, they felt as if someone was manipulating their hands and feet.

The length of the legs can control the distance, the length of the arms can't be thrown away, and the slow rhythm also speeds up the rhythm...

The entire phalanx seems to become a person's body, striding neatly with striking integrity.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Thirty pairs of feet made the same stepping sound, and the neat sound alarmed several classes around.

Unconsciously, they stopped training and looked at the archaeological squad with shocks.

Zhang Hao was also a little dumbfounded, even when the whistle in his mouth fell out, he suddenly had a taste.

Is this the same square phalanx just now? !

At the same time, several school leaders and Yanwu leaders passed by the edge of the playground. They just saw this scene, and they stopped at the same time.

Among them, there is Wei Hongshu, President of Jiang University

"Huh? Principal Wei, which class is that?"

Wei Hongshu looked at it, and when he saw Ye Hong in the team, his mouth could not help but slightly tickled.

"It's an archaeological class."

"Archaeology class? Yes, the phalanx went so neatly."

Zhang Hao also heard a compliment coming from the side, a trace of excitement flashed across his face.


The whistle sounded, attracting the attention of everyone in the archaeological class.

Everyone thought that Zhang Hao was going to reprimand them, but after seeing Zhang Hao coughing, he said lightly: "Perform well, exceptions allow you to rest for 30 minutes."

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then a huge cheer broke out.

Then he ran to the shade of the trees and drank water happily, looking at other squares still training on the playground.

Of course, more attention in the class was focused on the handsome young man leaning silently on the trunk with his eyes closed.

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