Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1591: Please pay attention to heatstroke

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The people in the archaeological class knew that if they weren’t Yehong, they would not enjoy the rest privileges they now have.

They might have been jealous and unhappy with Ye Hong, but now they are filled with gratitude.

The handsome appearance, easy-going temperament, warrior-like physique...

Unconsciously, Ye Hong became the most dazzling existence in the crowd.

The eyes of many girls in the class also floated towards Yehong indiscriminately.

Xiao Cao, who was sitting next to Yehong, felt these glances and immediately excitedly said to Ding Zhao: "Fourth, all the girls in the class are watching me!"

Ding Zhao was originally looking through a book, and after hearing Xiao Cao's words, she could not help but reluctantly replied: "Stubbornly, they are all watching the old five."

"I do not believe!"

Xiao Cao proudly said: "I can feel that there must be a girl confessing to me today!"

At this moment, a slender Qianying suddenly came to the shade of the 503 group of people.

"Look, look, I'm right, right?!

It’s Zheng Yingying, my dish! "

Xiao Cao looked at the person, his expression excited.

Quickly sorted out the hairstyle and clothing, stood up, and greeted with a smile.

"Student Zheng Yingying, come to me?"

Xiao Cao smiled as he thought he was the most charming.

Zheng Yingying froze for a moment, tilted her head and glanced at Ye Hong behind Xiao Cao. Suddenly she gritted her teeth and put a bottle of mineral water in her hand.

"Send, send me?"

Xiao Cao said ecstatically: "Why, how is this so funny..."

Halfway through the conversation, Xiao Cao saw Zheng Yingying's face blushing and shyly lowered his head, whispering, "Student Xiao Cao, please help me to send water to Ye Yun, please pay attention to heatstroke prevention."

Then jump away like a deer.

Only Xiao Cao, who was petrified in place, was left.

Later, one after another, girls shyly sent water to Yehong.

At this time, Ye Hong knew nothing about the outside world.

He is taking a short sleep to replenish the energy he just consumed.

Don't look at Ye Hongfang's freehand, how easy is it to manipulate the pace of an entire phalanx?

The energy it consumes is even more tiring than the ancient martial arts that Ye Hong practiced for an hour.

When Ye Hong finished his nap and opened his eyes, he saw a circle of water bottles around him.

Also, four roommates' jealous eyes were burning.


Ye Hong scratched his head, not knowing what happened during the time he was asleep.


The military training life was spent day by day without any worries.

After standing in a military posture and walking in a square array, the third day of the training consisted of military boxing training.

Under the leadership of Ye Hong, an ancient martial arts strongman, the students in the archaeological class still successfully completed the training task.

This made Zhang Hao more proud of his decision to appoint Ye Hong as his deputy.

The fourth day of military training is physical training.

This training Ye Hong couldn't help the classmates too much, so he could only smile and watch a group of people lying on the runway tiredly.

Because of this, there was no party that night.

Because the next day, which is the fifth day of military training, will be a fierce shooting competition.

In order to keep everyone full of physical strength and energy, let the students rest early.

However, for the group of non-fearing animals in Team 503, it was just one more night of open time.

It didn't take long for me to return to the dormitory, and the sound of the Orphan League's start-up sounded again.

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