Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1642: What is Jinlongpan Mountain

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The waitress did not leave immediately, but continued: "Because the amount is huge, please settle it first before you can serve Jin Shao."


Jin Shilong gritted his teeth and grunted: "Come here, brush them for 30 million!"

After the transfer of 30 million yuan, Jin Shilong was so impatient that he was ready to open the dinner plate: "Laozi is going to see what is worth 30 million dishes!"

Everyone was stunned when the dinner plate was lifted.

I saw a golden dish on the plate.

The ingredients seem to be some kind of fried food.

The golden dishes meander from the bottom to the top, and a small roll is bent at a high place.

Describe the appearance of the dishes in literary and artistic language, which is like a lazy goat's hairstyle.

Roughly speaking, it's like a poop.


The crowd at the door could not suppress laughter, and became a sea of ​​joy.

"Good one [Jinlongpan Mountain]!

Did the chef of this night food also hurt? "

Xiao Cao said strangely.

After dinner, cook.

"Ding! Make spoof dishes, cooking ability +1!"

"Ding! Playing with the second ancestor, playing ability +1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level."

Ye Hong received a reminder, and she couldn't help aroused a joking smile.

That so-called Golden Dragon Panshan, of course, was done by Ye Hong, and the purpose was to play with Jin Shilong.

Now it seems that it should be successful.

"Almost started..."

Ye Hong muttered to himself, his eyes looking upstairs.

At this time, the top floor box.

After seeing the true face of [Jinlongpanshan], Jin Shilong's complexion turned from white to green, from green to red, and from red to black, as if a paint tray was installed on his face.

"Damn night food!"

Jin Shilong roared angrily, almost to lift the roof.

He pointed at the beautiful waiter and screamed: "Go! Let her spit out my money!"

Several strong men beside him immediately stood up and reached for the waiter.

The people in the archaeology class could not help but exclaim when they saw that the waiter was about to suffer.

"Run, miss!"

How did the beautiful waiter have no retreat, and pulled out a fan from the back of the dress.

Everyone thought that the fan was for decoration, but they were surprised to find that the fan turned out to be an iron fan covered with sharp iron thorns!

The waitress pushed the iron fan forward, and actually flew an invisible air blade!

The strong men who had wanted to capture her changed their faces and evaded the attack.

Immediately surrounded by Jin Shilong, he said seriously: "Master, be careful, she is an ancient warrior!"

"Be careful!"

Jin Shilong was so angry that he wanted to explode the heads of several bodyguards and shouted: "You are also ancient warriors, she is alone, hurry and beat me!"

The brave men suddenly realized that a few people were separated to protect Jin Shilong, and a few others surrounded the beautiful waiters.

The waiter smiled: "I'm not alone."

While the brawny men still understood this sentence, nine beautiful waiters who also wore maid costumes broke into the box one after another.

They have one thing in common, that is, they all hold sharp iron fans.

"Can it be that they are..."

Jin Shilong's eyes were horrified, but he found ten waiters grinning and waving the iron fan in their hands.

All of a sudden, the little box was like sand and rocks, roaring!

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