Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1643: All tied up

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A minute later, in a mess, a group of night-eating security guards rushed into the box like a tiger and wolf, and **** Jin Shilong and Cao Zihao with their swollen noses and the group of black men in black clothes.

The students in the archaeology class are completely stupid.

Between the hare and the hail, the arrogant Jin Shilong was so **** without resistance?

They could not have imagined that the ten charming Didi waiters actually picked up Jin Shilong's people in two or three clicks.

What a terrible place is this night food? !

People in the archaeological class wondered what to do with Jin Shilong at night food, but heard the sound from the stairs.

Two figures of a man and a woman walked up gracefully.

The men and women are beautiful, with good temperaments, like a natural couple.

The archaeologists soon recognized that the male was their leader, Yunyun.

But who is that beautiful iceberg beauty?

In their doubtful eyes, the iceberg beauty slowly came to Jin Shilong, condescending and said: "Jin Shao, even if you are not satisfied with the dishes of the shop, don't you have to be so angry?"

At this time, Jin Shilong's head was radiated, and an already round face was swollen and the pig's head was the same.

He was so bound that he couldn't move, looked up and glared at the beauty of the iceberg: "Who are you?!"

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself."

The iceberg beauty looked at Jin Shilong indifferently: "I am Murong listening to dreams, and I am the director of the night food restaurant.

Jin Shao came to our store, and I am deeply honoured that I specially arranged several waiters to ‘serve’ Jin Shao.

Is Jin Shao satisfied with our service? "

Jin Shilong thought that he had bought a **** for 30 million yuan, and was **** at the moment, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Bah!" Jin Shilong said sullenly: "I advise you to let me go quickly, or I'll come up to the bodyguard downstairs later, and none of you can run!"

"Oh?" Murong's face was so strange that he pointed in the direction of the stairs. "But are they the bodyguards that Jin Shao said?"

"Hum, ho, ho", I saw the ten ancient warriors in the back kitchen, kicked in the buttocks by the security guard of the night food, and escorted them to Jin Shilong.

Compared with Jin Shilong's swollen nose and blue face, these ten people were even more miserable, and their bodies were all blisters scalded by boiling water.

"How can you and you become like this?"

Jin Shilong saw his bodyguard so miserable, both startled and angry.


Ten strong men glanced at Yehong, all of them bowed their heads in shame and dared not speak.

"Jin Shao, do you have anything else to say?"

Murong asked faintly.

"Let me go, I can give you a lot of money!"

Jin Shilong eyeball turned around.

The hero does not eat the loss in front of him. Jin Shilong has found that he does not eat hard food at night. He can only find ways to soften it.

Murong shook his head and heard a bit of irony on his face: "Jin Shao, don't think of the little girl as an idiot.

You said, if I gave you to the enemies of your Jin family, how much would they cost me? "

Jin Shilong's pupils shrank to the extreme.

Youzhou Jinjia rampant across the northeast provinces, how can it not make enemies?

In the past few years, I don’t know how many people would have wished to pull his skin away.

At the thought of falling into their hands, Jin Shilong shivered immediately.

He re-examined Murong's dreams and frowned, "You can't just be a restaurant supervisor.

who are you?

Murong... What is your relationship with the Murong family in Kyoto? ! "

"Jin Shaodu still cares about the identity of the little girl at this time?

It's better to consider your own life. "

Murong listened to the indifferent words of the dream, making Jin Shilong another trembling.

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