Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1644: Unequal agreement

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"what do you want?!"

Jin Shilong gritted his teeth.

"It's simple."

Murong listened to the dream but did not know where to draw an agreement, threw him in front of Jin Shilong, said indifferently: "Sign it and let you go."

Jin Shilong glanced at the content of the agreement and subconsciously read it out: "First, [Party B] Jin Shilong pays [Party A] a billion yuan of national currency for the night food business.

Second, Jin Shilong vowed in the name of the King of the You Family of the Jin Family that he would never retaliate.

Third, Jin Shilong knocked on the three students who were frightened by the archaeological class..."

There are many small unequal clauses behind, but Jin Shilong can't read it anymore!

"To bully too much!"

Jin Shilong was so angry that he gritted his teeth and shouted, "I won't sign this agreement even if Jin Shilong died here today!"


A sharp iron fan touched Jin Shilong's face.

"Sorry, Shao Jin, my ears are not very good. What did you say?"

Murong listened to the dream and took his ear.

"I sign, I sign..."

Jin Shilong looked at the iron fan in close proximity with horror and kept talking.

When Jin Shilong sorrowfully signed the agreement and postponed it, another agreement was pushed to Cao Zihao.

"I, I'm not from the Jin family, do I have to sign?"

Cao Zihao said in horror.

He followed Jin Shilong with satisfaction, thinking he could teach Yehong a little.

But I didn't expect it to be the most terrible wolf den under the sky-the night food restaurant.

Even Jin Shilong was completely tempered, and Cao Zihao was scared and hurled away from the Jin family.

"Humph! Cao Zihao, don't think I don't know if this is your ghost.

Sign quickly, or throw you in the East China Sea to feed the sharks! "

I don't know when, Ye Hong also came to him, Ju Gaolin looked down at Cao Zihao.

Cao Zihao shuddered in shock, trembling and signing on the agreement.

Afterwards, they dug their heads at the archaeology class with grief and anger.

Every time he knocked his head, Jin Shilong and Cao Zihao had the idea of ​​dying on the spot.

Although the people in the archaeological class were dark, they did not dare to show it.

"Ding! Intimidate the second ancestor to sign an unequal agreement, +1 ability to eliminate evil!"

"Ding! Get angry for your classmates and lead by +1!"

Murong Tingmeng put away the agreement and waved: "Release."

The breathless net tied around Jin Shilong and others was recovered, but at the moment everyone had no idea of ​​resistance.

Escape the night eclipse along the stairs grayly!

After they left, Ye Hong blinked at the ten maid costume waiters who had made great achievements.

After receiving the affirmation from the manager, the ten waiters smiled and left the scene with the security guards.

The ten waiters with extraordinary skills were, of course, the relics of the iron fan door that Ye Hong had brought back from Kyoto.

They usually work as waiters in the restaurant, while secretly gathering intelligence for night food.

Not only that, Ye Hong spared no effort to teach them the techniques of ancient martial arts.

Now the strength of these ten chicks is even catching up with these masters like Kuang Yu.

Packing a few Jin Shilong's bodyguards, isn't that within reach?

When there were only Yehong, Murong listening to dreams, and a group of students in the archaeological class who were in a daze, Yehong smiled and pointed to Murong listening to dreams: "Ye Shi, my friend."

Everyone in the class suddenly realized that they agreed that Ye Hongfang had just disappeared and went to find Murong Tingmeng for help.

I did not expect that Murong was a friend of Yehong, and it is no wonder that Yehong could book a place before.

In the class, only a few people in 503 looked dull.

They have seen Murong listening to dreams!

It's just that all of them hadn't thought of it before, Murong Tingmeng turned out to be the director of night food!

Now that I know the identity of Murong Tingmeng, when I think of the appearance of Murong Tingmeng in the dormitory, he began to doubt Yehong's origins.

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