Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1659: Understanding, the meaning of the earth!

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Jin Wuyi and Hao also suddenly felt bad.

Not to mention that the ratio of the number of ancient warriors on both sides suddenly flattened.

Na Sima Zhengming was also a great master of the ancient martial arts, and his strength was unfathomable.

If the two sides really start to fight, it is still unknown who wins or loses.

However, after all, they are on Jinsha Island in the northeast of Egret City, which is not too far away from Egret City.

If the entanglement is too long at that time, let Mo Tianlin know the abnormalities on the island, and will definitely send people to come, and then they can't go if they want to go.

Therefore, Jin Wuyi and Hao Ting immediately had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Go to the north side of the island, where there is my boat!"

Jin Wuyi shouted coldly and rushed out of the jungle without hesitation.

Ye Hong was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect an ancient warrior to be so counseling.

But the next second he immediately reacted and shouted to Wu Chi: "Stop him!"

"Where does the old thief run!"

Wu Chi caught up with excitement and soon fought with Jin Wuyi.

The silver pen painter silently sighed and threw the fifth Qinglan to the north, and said loudly: "If I can't go back, remember to go to her grave every year to incense!"

The fifth Qinglan Eyes with tears cleared his teeth and ran quickly to the north of the island.

"The account of the last five elements is not calculated yet, where are you going?"

Sima Zhengming glanced at the Fifth Qinglan and raised his foot to chase it.

A silver brush fell from midair, and the silver pen painter said lightly to Sima Zhengming: "I've long wanted to teach some gossip and hide it. I also asked Sima Dao to enlighten me."

Sima Zhengming raised his eyebrows, squeezed out the sword tactics in his hand, and murderous flashes flashed in his eyes: "I'm afraid you have a life knowledge, lifeless experience!"

Rainstorm poured, silver light and water shadow.

Sima Zhengming and the silver pen painter soon joined together.

In front of Yehong, Fang still sneaked into the ground, ready to slip away.

"This time, I will never let you run away again!"

Ye Hong's eyes condensed and watched every inch of the earth change.

"Ding! Feel the meaning of the earth, ancient Daowu sentiment ability +1, ancient Daowu sentiment ability upgrade, current progress: 11100, current level: mastery level."

Ye Hong closed his eyes, letting this feeling flow quietly in his heart.

Faintly, he felt that he was surrounded by thick soil.

The closed environment made Ye Hong breathless.

He began to touch the soil and feel the structure.

Ye Hong suddenly discovered that his definition of soil has always been biased.

In a general concept, soil represents thickness and solidity.

But the soil itself is actually a soft deposit!

Earth is a carrier of all-encompassing.

The meaning of earth means load!

"Ding! Analyze the meaning of the earth, the ancient Tao Wu analysis ability +1!"

"Ding! Comprehend the meaning of the earth, the ancient Tao Wu learning ability +1!"

When Ye Hong's eyes opened again, looking at the earth in front of him again was already very different!

He stepped on the ground, and there seemed to be an invisible wave coming from the bottom of his foot, and moved quickly down somewhere in the ground.

The earth shook.

At the same time, there was a groan suddenly under the ground.

With a bang, the thorn burst out of the ground again.

Only this time she was extremely embarrassed.

All covered with mud, blood stains appeared behind the mask, obviously injured.

Fang took off the mask, revealing an old woman's face.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes full of incredible: "How can you know the way of the earth?"

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