Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1660: Infinite Blade

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Fang Cai's thorn escaped underground, and suddenly felt that the soil around him was uncontrolled!

You must know that her secret method of soil escape can only be achieved by controlling the movement of the soil.

And the only way to control the soil is the meaning of the earth!

It is clear that some people used the same way of soil to interfere with the operation rules of the soil, and destroyed the secret method of earth escape from the thorn.

And this person, except Ye Hong, could not think of a second person.

Ye Hong's mouth twitched: "Do you believe that you are studying now?"

"Damn boy, dare to tease me!"

The thorn certainly didn't believe Yehong's ghost words, and he killed him with the three-sided thorn.

Even though Ye Hong had no weapons, he didn't need to meet the short soldiers.

He made full use of his many ancient martial arts and martial arts, and began to wander among the jungle.

Occasionally a gossip Tao Zang, with the help of heavy rain in the sky, summoned rain to help attack.

Occasionally use dragons and tigers, light vines, block thorns from walking.

The most proud way of earth's way of thorns could not be exerted, and immediately he was stretched, and soon wounds appeared on his body.

She couldn't keep calm in her eyes anymore, all the moves were desperate, and she just wanted to kill Yehong!

Ye Hong sighed in his heart that when a killer lost his mind, he was basically unworthy of being called a killer.

No matter how strong she is.

After avoiding the three-sided thorn again, Ye Hong walked around behind the thorn.

Just when he was about to slap to end the war, he saw something bulge under the tights of Thorn.

At the same time, the thorny but cold voice came from the front.

"A killer cannot have only one weapon."


The protrusion broke open from the tights of the thorn, and stabbed fiercely towards Yehong behind the thorn.

He Ran is a sharp blade.

The green light above it was obviously covered with highly toxic substances.

The sound of thorns is smooth and powerful, not a loss of reason.

Obviously, it was all performances of Fang, in order to attract Ye Hong to get close.

Only when Yehong showed his flaws did he use this trick to hide in his clothes!

"[The Way of Assassination·No Advance]!"

A killer cannot have only one weapon.

It is impossible for a long-known assassin in the killer world to master only one kind of morality.

Hao thorn, with surname as surname, with thorn as its name!

The way of assassination is her true housekeeping skill!

At this moment, the way of assassination combined with the hidden tip of the knife became the fastest knife in the world!

No sword ahead!


The knife is fast, but Ye Hong's thoughts are not as fast.

"Unfortunately, thorns, Ye Hong is not the only killer."

Yehong's eyes slightly condensed, and his body began to emit a circle of invisible realms.

The field is spreading rapidly, covering the two groups of people who are fighting around.

The four ancient warriors stopped suddenly, and their hearts were horrified.

At this moment, they seemed to feel the breath of the whole body stopped.

Although it didn't take long, they felt that they had become an ordinary person in that moment!

How can this not make them feel scared and afraid?

"Ding! Trigger the effect of guru-level martial arts ability [guru field].

Because the master-level martial arts ability proficiency is 1201000, the martial arts ability of a radius of 120 meters will be suppressed. "

Every master-level ability has a master field.

Within the realm, the world is huge, Yehong is the biggest!

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