Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1665: Mochizuki Ruri, Shangmenghai

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When Ye Hong was curious about who Cai Jiannan wanted to introduce, he saw a slender figure walking slowly up the stairs of the bottom cabin.

She was petite but not thin, but she was slightly plump, and her pink cherry-carved Tang suit made her figure beautiful and chic.

When the gaze moved to this woman's face, it was even brighter.

The delicate and small facial features, thin eyebrows thin as willow leaves, and a pair of crystal clear, clean eyes are gentle and bright, which is a face with a classic oriental beauty.

Depending on its age, it should be only about twenty years old.

"This is the Mochizuki Ruri, a branch of the Sakura Business Association. As you can see, it is a Sakura countryman."

Cai Jiannan introduced with a smile: "Don't look at Liu Li's young age, he is already a silver merchant of the branch of Sakura Business Association."

Mochizuki Ruri smiled slightly, facing Yehong with a slight blessing, and said in a slightly jerky Yan Mandarin: "Yehongjun, your name is like Lei Guan'er.

Mr. Cai praised you on weekdays, but now I have the honour to see you. "

Ye Hong smiled and said hello, then looked at Cai Jiannan.

He did not think that Cai Jiannan would introduce a woman from the Sakura Kingdom to him for no reason.

"Let me go."

Mochizuki Ruri seems to like the culture of Yan Guo very much and does not miss any opportunity to contact Yan Guoyu.

"The information you obtained from the gold merchant envoy Kane Stamper last time saw through the operation of the nightmare factory and saved the safety of our branch of the Sakura Business Association.

Our gold merchants thank you very much and always wanted to find an opportunity to express our gratitude in person. "

Mochizuki Ruri gasped and said with a serious face: "After our thorough investigation, we found another silver merchant in the Shangmeng Envoy.

It was precisely because of his lurking that the Nightmare Factory had a chance.

However, when we were about to arrest him, he was aware of it in advance and escaped from the Sakura Kingdom.

The gold merchant enraged me and asked me and Mr. Cai to follow the trail of internal treacherity.

After our investigation, the traitor fled to the famous [Sea Market]. "

"Sea market?" Ye Hong stunned. "Where is this place?"

"Ye Hongjun did not know that this is a huge trade organization with the same name as [Business Alliance].

If the Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest trading organization, Haishi is the world's largest underground trading organization.

Compared with the business alliance, the sea market is an outright black market.

There are many prohibited products that are not normally seen in the market, and can be found in the sea market. "

At this time, Cai Jiannan also added: "The underground headquarters of Haishi City is set up under the East China Sea, which is where I want to take you to see."

Yehong nodded, unavoidably curious about this mysterious underground black market.

The next journey, as Cai Jiannan said earlier, was quite long.

Fortunately, there are plenty of entertainment facilities on the yacht, but it gives Yehong a time to relax.

After playing a few rounds of billiards with Cai Jiannan, Mochizuki Ruri came to inform them: "We are almost at the [Poseidon Island] where the headquarters of the city is located."

Several people from Yehong walked out of the cabin and went to the deck to look forward.

The destination is a small island surrounded by reefs.

Ships are entering the island in an orderly way from the only sea channel.

Above the waterway, there are several ships painted in gray and black.

Every ship passing through the sea channel must be checked by those on the black ship.

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