Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1666: Blocked

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When the people on the black ship saw the banner of the Shangmeng League, they all looked strange.

It was a hostile and somewhat awesome look.

All the black ships came all at once.

"Shangmeng's silver-class yacht, dare to ask which silver merchant's envoy?"

On a black ship, a rugged man with a blue turban shouted to the ship.

He speaks English with a Philippine accent.

Cai Jiannan walked to the bow of the ship and said loudly to the man: "I am the silver merchant of the Yanmeng of the Business League, and I made an appointment with your subordinate [Silver Shark] in advance.

Why, she never told you? "

Cai Jiannan and Ye Hong gave a brief introduction to the organizational structure in the sea market.

Among them, the largest leader of the city is codenamed "Poseidon".

Poseidon used to be an unknown pirate.

But in an maritime expedition, Poseidon obtained a large amount of treasure.

With this treasure, he will no longer be a pirate.

Instead, a small sea transit station was established to allow ships to temporarily rest and engage in small trades.

Later, this transit station became larger and larger, and gradually developed into the current sea market.

Under the leader Poseidon, several Poseidons appointed sub-leaders to help manage the city.

Silver Shark is one of them.

Listening to Cai Jiannan said, among those secondary leaders, only the silver shark is closer to Yan Guo.

Cai Jiannan also had some dealings with Silver Shark in private.

Therefore, Cai Jiannan contacted the silver shark in advance to arrest the traitor.

Hearing the name [Silver Shark], the man's face obviously changed.

He immediately replied in the slightly jerky Yan Guo language: "We have not received instructions from the silver shark sub-collar, please come back."

Cai Jiannan frowned and seemed to perceive something was wrong.

At this time, Mochizuki Ruri also came out and said to the humane: "Hello, I am the silver merchant ambassador Mochizuki Ruri of the Sakura Nation Branch of the Business League.

We did make an appointment with Miss Silver Shark. If you don't believe you can go in and ask her. "

Seeing that there was another silver merchant who appeared, the little boss who had already started to panic, but still had a look on his face, and said with a stern mouth: "Say no, no, please hurry, don't affect other ships entering the island. ."

Several people on the yacht glanced silently.

Cai Jiannan picked up the phone, it should be contacting Silver Shark.

But judging from his frowning, the result should not be ideal.

"Shutdown." Cai Jiannan frowned.

All three were shrewd people. Contacting the attitude of the little boss in front of them, the phone of Silver Shark just turned off, and the three immediately understood that Silver Shark should have happened.

"Otherwise, let's leave first and wait for news from Miss Silver Shark?"

Mochizuki Ruri suggested.

Cai Jiannan shook his head and refused decisively: "No, I can be sure that our whereabouts will be noticed by the traitors.

Now that the snake has been frightened, it cannot be returned.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the traitor will continue to escape from the sea market. "

Just when the atmosphere was slightly stalemate, Yehong at this time suddenly opened his mouth to the little boss and said: "Our visit to Poseidon Island represents a business alliance, and there is something important about Haishi City. We must discuss with Silver Shark leaders. .

If it is because of your stubbornness, what losses have occurred in the maritime market, or even the relationship between the business alliance and the maritime market, or even destroy the relationship between the merchants and the maritime market? ! "

Ye Hong not only spoke, but quietly released his grandmaster-level coercion.

The little boss's spirit was already a little nervous, and after feeling the pressure of Ye Hong, he was more guarded and his pupils were loose!

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