Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1722: Domineering White Purple Smoke

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After listening to Ye Hong's description, Bai Ziyan smiled proudly: "Let me know how much it is."

When she came to Yuan Xiayi, she asked with a smile: "What a good seedling, how can it be rotten on the broken ground of the Emperor Nan?"

Sister, do you want to come to Xianyu? "

Yuan Xiayi felt dizzy for a moment.

It was like a pie falling from the sky, which directly smashed her.

Like every Yan Guo artist, who would never have fantasized about Yan Guo's biggest artist company Xianyu Media when he debuted?

Just like any new born calf student never imagined Huaqing Jingda.

But reality completely defeated Yuan Xiayi, making her have to enter Nanhuang Entertainment.

However, just today, the tall and beautiful Xianyu media beauty boss actually came to Yuan Xiayi in front of her and stretched out an olive branch towards her.

This kind of scene, Yuan Xiayi dare not even dream when dreaming!

Seeing Yuan Xiayi stunned, Bai Ziyan couldn't help being anxious.

Rarely able to help Ye Hong do one thing, she absolutely does not allow herself to mess up!

Bai Ziyan thought slightly and smiled and said, "Is sister Sister worried about her life after coming to Xianyu?"

Rest assured, I will sign the top artist contract with you.

If one day you are unhappy in Xianyu, you can leave Xianyu at any time and will never charge your liquidated damages like some companies. "

Hearing Bai Ziyan's reflection on the sand, the staff of Nanhuang Entertainment were all embarrassed.

But none of them are qualified to refute.

If you want to talk to Bai Ziyan, only their boss is qualified!

"Oh, right."

Bai Ziyan may feel that this is not enough, frowning at the Nanhuang's humanity: "Go back and tell your boss, Yuan Xiayi's breach of contract money, I will enter Bai Ziyan for her!

If he has an opinion, let him speak to me in front of Bai Ziyan! "

Domineering words, so that all the people of the Southern Emperor are silent, they can only nod desperately agreed.

Yuan Xiayi's nose was sore, and she moved tears out of touch.

Bai Ziyan talked about this, if she didn't agree, it would be too uncomfortable.

Therefore, Yuan Xiayi wiped her tears, and called Baizong cleverly.

In this way, Yuan Xiayi has completed an incredible job change.

And Yuan Xiayi knew in his heart who gave it all.

If it weren't for the meeting with Ye Hong tonight, how could this wonderful change happen in her life path.

She is very grateful to Ye Hong.

Yuan Xiayi sighed silently as she watched Bai Ziyan return to Yehong and invited him to watch him.

People in his class may not care about their gratitude at all.

Yuan Xiayi vowed silently in his heart that he must work hard to make progress and wait until the day when he can return this kindness to him.

Ye Hong didn't know what he was doing, and he created a singer for the future Yan Guo.

Now he just wants to go home and get a good night's sleep.

Farewell to everyone, after leaving the sports center, he drove Yao Ling and Ono back to their homes.

By the time we returned to Tianhe Garden, it was almost a little bit early in the morning.

Ye Zhinuo and Ye Xi had already slept.

But Qin Hongshuang's room was still on.

Speaking of why Qin Hongshuang lived with Ye Hong under the same roof, it was another long story.

Since Qin Hongshuang's mother Ning Fengyan was well, Qin Hongshuang took her out of the 185 hospital and lived in the house of Qin Hongshuang Bailu.

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