Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1723: Then go together

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However, when he went to Qin Hongshuang's house for dinner, Ye Hong accidentally raised a question about the life of Ye Zhinuo and Ye Xi.

These two nizis are in high school in City One Middle School, and they are still in key classes. The pressure to study is usually quite large.

In this case, the two of them had no problem with their residence, but they were in trouble with their diet.

After all, Ye Hongping was very busy at the time and was away for a long time. It was difficult to take care of them.

During the summer vacation, they can also return to Anming County, but they have to face the reality when they start school.

An Xiaoying once mentioned coming to Egret City to cook for the two of them, but Ye Xiaoyan refused.

The family still remembers Ye Xiao's grievance: "If you go to Bailu to cook for them, who will cook for me?"

Joking back to joking, but the night food in Anming County is indeed inseparable from the management of An Xiaoying.

In desperation, Ye Zhinuo and Ye Xi can only take turns cooking.

But this is not a long-term plan.

Ye Hong wanted to find a nanny for them, but there was no suitable candidate.

Knowing Yehong's troubles, Ning Fengyan smiled and proposed that she and Qin Hongshuang live together in Yehong's house.

Anyway, Qin Hongshuang also took care of her on weekdays, not less than two high school students.

When Ye Hong came home, he mentioned to the two girls, but he was not opposed.

So, Qin Hongshuang and Ning Fengyan mother and daughter lived in Yehong's house.

Qin Hongshuang, also counted as a half nanny of this family.

In this way, when Ye Hong is away, Qin Hongshuang will take care of Ye Zhinuo and Ye Xi.

For the beautiful sister Qin Hongshuang, the two girls are also very sweet-mouthed.

Ning Fengyan also likes them very much and treats them as a daughter.

With a little thought, Ye Hong approached the kitchen softly.

After a night of tossing, his stomach protested a bit, and he wanted to cook the noodles and sacrifice to the Five Organs Temple.

Behind him came a door-opening sound. Qin Hongshuang, wearing purple pajamas, leaned against the kitchen door with a sleepy eye.

Silk lace pajamas just outline Qin Hongshuang's graceful figure.

She leaned against the doorpost and said lazily: "There is a bowl of dumplings in the refrigerator. Do you want to help you get hot?"

Somehow, Ye Hong had a faint sense of warmth when he came home and was greeted by his wife.

He shook his head and asked with a smile: "You have been waiting for me to come back?"

"Wonderful thinking!" Qin Hongshuang glanced at Yehong in a variety of ways, and yawned, "I just have something to tell you, I am afraid I will forget it when I get up tomorrow."

She pointed in the north direction: "The Snow Phoenix Group Autumn Conference is about to be held. I have to go back. Do you want to go to Kyoto with me?"

Hearing the word "Kyoto", Ye Hong was chopping up the chopsticks in the pot.


Ye Hong looked at the night sky outside the window, his eyes shining inexplicably.

Several months have passed since the last time I went to Kyoto.

The last time I entered Beijing, it was for Qin Hongshuang's business.

Ye Hong thought that after leaving Kyoto, he would not have too much intersection with there.

But contrary to his wishes, one thing after another was related to Kyoto.

The visits of Qin Hao and the Nangong family, the revenge of the Ximen family, the mystery of the Xuanyuan family, and...

Huangfu laughed at the arrival and departure.

It seems that there is a force in the underworld, silently driving Ye Hong to once again step into the flaming capital of the country.

"It's time to give Yao Ling an explanation."

Ye Hong sighed in his heart, withdrew his gaze looking out of the window, while continuing to cook the noodles, and said lightly without lifting his head: "Then go together."

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