Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1732: Rebirth is over

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Suddenly appeared in front of the yard was a middle-aged beautiful woman in her forties.

A long red sand dress fits on the graceful body, not weaker than the young woman, and even more mature.

A pair of eyebrows were deliberately modified into heroic sword eyebrows on the white and flawless melon seeds.

Dark black hair grows up high, and seven delicate hairpins staggered back and forth through the bun, adding richness and majesty to it.

This woman with strong aura is of course the current head of the Huangfu family, and also Huangfu Cangyue, the mother of Huangfu's smile.

Along with this Huangfu Cangyue, there is also a woman with a low eyebrow and an eye.

This person is Huang Fu's smiling mother-in-law, and also the head of the Huangfu family, Huangfu Ran.

"Homeowner, shall we block this news?"

Huangfu glanced worriedly at the direction of Ye Hong's departure.

Yehong just took a trip and abducted the next successor of the Huangfu family.

What she worried about was that after the incident spread, the Huangfu family would lose their fame and become a laughing stock.

"No, not only don't blockade, but let all Kyoto know about it."

Huangfu Cangyue's face was not half annoyed, but rather relaxed.

Her words puzzled Huangfu Ran and the guards.

"Now the ancient tribe and the temple are in full swing, even if there is a Xuanyuan family in town, I guess sooner or later the conflict will break out.

In this chaos, what our Huangfu family does is not to be the **** of the Simon family.

It's about preserving strength and keeping a low profile. "

Huangfu Cangyue smiled softly, his eyes gleaming with wisdom: "After tonight, the ancient clan alliance must know that our Huangfu family was crushed and bullied by Yehong.

We can also use this as an excuse to cultivate the closed race and show weakness to others. "

"It turns out so!"

Huangfu Ran and everyone showed a sudden enlightenment, and were convinced by Huangfu's long-term vision.

"But there is still one thing unclear about his subordinates." Huangfu Ran wondered: "With your strength, you can completely prevent Ye Hong from taking away the lady. Why should you let that kid succeed easily?"

What if there are three shorts and two shorts in his hands? "

"Yehong will not hurt Xiaoxiao."

Huangfu Cangyue firmly said: "There was no hatred between Xiaoxiao and Yehong. Now that Xiaoxiao is out of our Huangfu's house, Yehong will not treat her much."

Huang Fu Cangyue sighed: "The current situation is becoming more and more chaotic. If I am ashamed, I am not sure that I can protect and laugh in this vortex.

Yehong is different.

His foundation is not in Kyoto, and he does not need to be involved in the complicated situation of Kyoto.

If Xiaoxiao can follow him back to the south, I believe no one can bully and laugh at Yehong's site.

This is before our Huangfu family has offended the dead Yehong, I hope that in the event of an accident in the future, we can also leave a hint of incense for the Huangfu family. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was somewhat sentimental.

But Huangfu Ran and they all understood Huangfu Cangyue's good intentions.

"Just..." Huangfu Ran smiled bitterly: "Miss is gone, what about the next heir of the family?"

Huangfu Cangyue glanced at Huangfu Ran and said lightly: "I'm still young, willn't the rebirth be over?"

Everyone: ...

"Why? Do you think the head of the family is old?" Huangfu Cang Yue suddenly felt silent and frowned.

"No, don't dare!"

"Homeowner, you will keep your youth forever, and your face will stay forever!"

Huangfu Ran and others all replied with cold sweat.

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